For You I'd Bleed Myself Dry

Tell Me It's You Or Nothing At All

I’ve never felt so small and stupid. The tears began pouring out of my eyes, my bottom lips quivered, and the hiccups started. I felt so sick. Just as I was about to throw up I felt large hands land on my shoulder and shake me lightly.

“Quinn, we’re here love. Wake up it’s just a dream.”

My eyes shot open and my breaths got heavier. I saw Paul standing next to me with the door open. I looked around; I was still in the car. It was just a dream. I sighed in relief. I pulled down the visor and wiped my tears, making sure my mascara didn’t run. I looked over at a confused Paul and gave him an apologetic smile.

“I’m really sorry about that. I just had a horrifing dream.” I shivered as New York air surrounded my body.

“Ah, I see. It’s quite alright though.” He extended an arm to support my weak body. “We’re gonna sneak you in backstage. The guys should be done with sound check and just fooling around like always, either that or interviewing. I’ll walk in first and check it out then I’ll signal you in. Sound good?” he asked.

“Sounds amazing. I can’t wait really, my hands are shaking.” I said nervously.

“I can tell,” he chuckled.

As Paul escorted me to the back I felt dozens of eyes on me. There was a VIP line waiting inside, and every girl stared me down while whispering to each other. I was really getting nervous now, what if I did find Harry with a girl? Maybe it was a sign. What if he wasn’t happy to see me? My mind was everywhere until one single door separated me and Harry. Paul reached for the doorknob and I held my breath. He stood there straight and tall to be sure he hid me.

“Hey lads, where’s Harry?” he asked slyly.

I still held my breath.

“He and Liam are finishing up and interview in the backroom, showing them our wardrobe. Why? Whatcha hiding back there Pauly?” Louis yelled.

I still held my breath.

Paul stepped in and to the side revealing me. Louis, Zayn and Niall all yelled in unison and ran up gathering me in a group hug.

“Shhh” Paul yelled. “It’s a surprise!”

The interviewer sung the door open. “What’s all the ruckus about mates?” Harry said looking down at his phone. Liam stopped dead in his tracks with a grin plastered on his face. The interviewer looked at everyone searching for answers when my eyes met Harry’s.

Harry looked better then I remembered. His jaw and phone dropped at the same time. My eyes started to fill with tears and he rushed towards me. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his tiny frame, locking my ankles around his bum. I cried hard into his neck before he pulled my face up. His green eyes were coated with tears and lust. His hand caressed my check as he pulled me in for a much needed kiss. Harry continued to kiss me when I pulled away, remembering the interviewer in the room. I unhooked my legs and planted my feet on the ground. I whispered in Harry’s ear, “The interviewer.”

He completely ignored my comment and bridal carried me into wardrobe room. He slammed the door behind us and locked it, giving me a mischievous smile. He placed me on the couch and kissed me again.

“I don’t know if I should kiss you or ask you how on earth you’re here.” He looked at me stunned.

“I’ll explain later,” I spoke quickly and attacked his lips again. I rediscovered every inch of his mouth. I had never missed something so much as his presence.

Harry didn’t question my actions. His hands roamed every inch of my bodies as our lips danced. We were both eager for more but it was neither the time nor place to further that. I pulled away and held his face in both of my hands.

“How are we going to explain this one?” I said with a guilty smile.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head; I’ll take care of everything. I just need to know how you’re here right now. Am I dreaming?”

I let out a chuckle at the irony. “This would be considerably better than the nightmare I just had, but that’s a different story. Come on I’ll tell explain everything.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the couch. Harry wrapped a protective arm around my body as we joined the guys once again.

The boys yelled and teased as we walked out of the room. I hung my flustered face and Harry walked around like he just won a Brit. I apologized to Liam for ignoring him early and gave him a friendly squeeze. Then Harry guided us to the couch next to Niall and pulled me onto his lap.

“So tell us love.” Harry said rubbing my shoulder blades.

“Well…” I stalled. “They found an anonymous donor and I had the transplant. I really wanted to tell you but I didn’t want to get your hopes up if it didn’t work.” My words got faster. “And well I have to wait like another week or so to find out if it was successful but I just couldn’t wait that long. I convinced my doctors to let me fly out. I figured that if the transplant worked then I would have been angry I waited and if I didn’t well I didn’t want to take the chances of not being able to see you guys.” I grabbed Harry’s hand and studied his face. I really hope he isn’t mad at me.

“I know I should have told you but I just wanted to surprise you and Paul helped me work everything out with the planning and I just really hope you aren’t mad at me. And you too guys, I don’t mean to intrude”

Niall placed his hand on my knee and quickly said, “Of course we’re not mad. We’re all really happy you’re here.”

“And hopefully the transplant worked so you can stay with us longer!” Louis added.

Man was I thankful for their understanding.

I readjusted my body to face Harry, “you’re mad….” I whispered.

“The complete opposite bird,” he replied. “Just no more surprises,” he beamed.

“Deal,” I said, sealing it with a kiss.

“I hope you two know that interviewer got you two snogging on camera” Zayn joked while jumping on our laps.

“Good” I responded. I placed my head into the nook of Harry’s neck. I was finally where I belonged.
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I'M SORRY! I'm such a tease, I just had to (:
I love their relationship too much to have Harry cheat.
I'm sorry it's short. I didn't want to leave you guys hanging.

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