

The good 'ol days. You must remember them, the sun was shining, birds were singing, and the flowers were well….flowery. But now? Well now life is just shit. My luck is shit, my hair is shit, my job is shit, and everything is well…shit. My boyfriend of four strong years left me for some eighteen year old stripper named Chastity. What a slut. I mean, I guess I've become slightly haggard for my own twenty-six year old self, but what do you expect when life hands you a pile of shit instead of lemons? What are you supposed to make out of that? Shit pie? Who would want that? Well, unless you have some weird fetish with shit. Has anyone else realized how many times I use shit to describe my life? Quite a few I know. But anyways, my name is Elizabeth Rollins and I suffer from a shitty life.

So I suppose I should really get into the enticing part of the story eh? Well, let me tell you there is none. I live in a shitty house, in a shitty town, in a shitty state. This whole story is shit. And yes my dear, if you're not insanely dense you'd be able to realize I am in fact a pessimist. I hate life. I hate everything. The sky, the annoying chirping birds, God I hate the birds. I just want to take a fucking pistol and put a bullet in their tiny, stupid heads. Anyways, I hate the grass, the sky, the animals, and most of all the people. But the biggest thing I hate? Will Potters, boy do I hate that fucker. Broke my heart many years ago, turned me into the person I am today. The horrible, rotten, resentful, cantankerous woman I am today.

He's the stupid boy that broke my heart three years ago. He caused this. He caused me to lose my lawyer job and end up being the crappy manager at the Wendy's down the street which led to me losing my house. Now I'm stuck living in the crappy one bedroom apartment on Main St. in the gut of the city. Right across the street from the club "Midnight Escapades" where that whore Chastity works. Lucky me right? Oh how I wish murder was legal, I'd put a bullet right in between her puny eyes before putting multiple in Will. What? You think I'm crazy? You've never seen crazy. I'm the most normal thing out there. Nobody knows what I've been through. No matter how detailed I get you'll never understand the torment I went through; the pain, the suffering, the loss of my dearly beloved. It was a horrible time. Are you laughing at me right now? You think I'm nuts, is that it? You think I should be locked away? You don't even know the half of it.

Nothing matters to me anymore; he tore my heart out, through it on the ground, stomped on it, and laughed. I have so much resentment for that man, no; he can’t be dignified as that. Oh fuck, it’s time to start getting ready for my shitty job. Hopefully someone won’t piss me off to spray them with soda again, last time it almost got me fired, and I cannot lose this job. Well, it wasn’t a random person I sprayed. Yes, you would be correct if you thought of Chastity. And of course, she wore a white tank top with no bra. Fucking slut. Shouldn’t America have a no-slut policy? I can see the slogan now; America, Home of the hard working, Free of the sluts. Beautiful ring to it don’t you think?

I begrudgingly began my trek towards the closest Wendy’s pondering about my future. It didn’t take long before I stopped thinking because I didn’t see much in store for myself. Sooner than I would have liked I arrived at my destination, pushing the glass door open I walked into the back to get my stupid fucking hat. When I came back out and took my designated place behind the register, just who walked in? Will and his skank. Fucking Christ. Do you remember the scenes from Mean Girls where Cady envisions the girls as animals and it’s like a jungle fight? Well, that’s that I see right now. I see myself jumping over the counter, going over to them, and clawing her eyes out.

“Oh, Liz…uh, hi,” Will stuttered.

“What do you want?” I practically hissed narrowing my eyes at the two.

“I want a garden salad with a coke. And Will will have the same.” She said.

“No problem,” I nonchalantly replied feeling the twinkle in my eye and the mention of coke.

“And don’t you think about spraying me with the soda again! I will have you fired this time!” Skankzilla hissed leaning over the counter slightly.

With a roll of my eyes I called the orders back before turning towards Will, “It’s refreshing to see she took your manhood, ordering for you? Isn’t it normally the other way around? And if I remember correctly, you hate salads.”

“Lizzy –“ before Will could continue the annoying nasally voice interceded.

“We’re trying to watch our figures. I don’t want him getting fat on me.”

“Oh, well enjoy your anorexic future Will.” I snidely replied handing them the bags of food. “Oh, and Skank, if you’re trying to watch your figure and loose some of the rolls you have, I would suggest not eating at a fast food place.”

“You bitch!” She squealed before stomping towards the door. “Will! We’re leaving now!”

“Have fun Will!” I exclaimed with an enthusiastic wave and a growing smirk.

The rest of my work day was rather uneventful. People came in, ordered, and left with little to no words spoken between us. Just the way I enjoy it. Before long, my six hour shift was over and I began my way back to shitty Main Street. Once I was safely in my apartment I dropped my purse and keys on the table before plopping on my couch. Flipping through the limited channels I get from my cable linked to the neighboring apartment I silently began pondering to myself…I wonder how much an assassin would cost.
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So, this is a random one-shot I just found saved to my computer. It won't develop into anything else.