A Note From A Dead Man.

Chapter 1

Now before you start to read this you need to understand two things:

1) That the world you are currently living in is 50% a lie. The life you have been living has been sheltered from those that aren’t normal, those that are different and so you have gone around, living your life, in complete ignorance. I envy you. Partially.
2) I have never been, nor will I ever be, the “good guy”.

That last point is vital for you to understand because what you’re about to read I can guarantee will not be pleasant, nice or happy in anyway. Except at the very beginning. Which is where, I guess, I should start. I could go from the end but that wouldn’t be “normal” in your human opinion so I wont.

Now there’s a high chance that by the time you finish reading this it’ll be too late. That I’ll just be another name in the wind. Some poor guy you read about in the news paper but you don’t feel anything for because you never knew him. That’ll be me in the morning. Or the morning after. Or the morning after that. It depends on when they find me. But they will. My people aren’t known for their subtlety.

But you have to promise me that you will read to the end, not just for my sake, but for your own too. Because it’s important you know these things. It’s important everyone knows these things. When you finish this you have to run and tell all your friends and then your children and then your children’s children. This has to keep going because there’s something more going on that’s going to affect your world, as well as mine, really quickly.

I know you’re probably eager to know what it is that is so important that I’ve decided to write about it and, believe me, I’m eager to tell you but there’s a few more things I have to tell you about first. See that shadow in the corner of your eye? The one where you think someone’s there watching you but when you turn there is no-one there? See it? Well there is someone there and they know that you know. No. Don’t turn around and look again. It’ll make them suspicious and more likely to kill you. If you turned around just then I could suggest you stop reading now. You wont live to the end of the week if they’ve managed to read any of this.

I’ll explain about my world first. Then we’ll move onto yours. Mine is consisted of all the things you don’t want to believe are true. All the things that you like to read about but don’t want to believe. Well guess what? They are real. They’re real and they’re watching you. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. Ghosts. Shape Shifters. Fairies. All of them and more. Real. Scary isn’t it? Well try being one. I’ll probably tell you at some point what I am but at the moment that’s not relevant. It’s more important that you listen. Look. Each and every one of us is assigned to one of you. For every human there’s about three of us. One to watch. One to document. One to decide. If one of us dies then they’re replaced within a week. We’re born with the talent.

What we are destined to be is decided at conception. It’s on our wrist. Watchers have an eye tattooed onto their wrist. Documenters have a Quill -tattooed onto theirs and the Deciders have a hourglass tattooed on theirs. It’s simple. What you’re born with you are. You can’t escape it. Unless you’re royalty. Then it’s completely different. But I’m going off track. Wait. You saw it move didn’t you? That thing in the corner of your eye. Your Watcher. It moved. You know it did. They know they did. They’re testing you. Ignore it. Carry on reading. Ignore it.

Don’t ask questions now. Things will be explained further in so don’t rush me. I don’t have time to be rushed. There’s a selected few who are born with a Shield tattoo. These are called The Guardians. Original right? Anyway these Guardians are born, raised and trained to protect the crown of each clan (and trust me there are many) until the day they die. To every member of royalty there are around five Guardians. It’s stupid really, to think that no-one dares to attack the royalty. I guess it’s just to make a point really.

Back to you Humans. As I mentioned you’ve each been assigned three people. You probably think that’s stupid but, chances are, if you didn’t have them around you wouldn’t be reading this right now. You’d probably be dead. Eaten something you shouldn’t. Stepped out in front of a car. Fallen off a cliff. Something stupid. Something humanlike. Now I know what you’re thinking. People die all the time. So how can that be right? Well let me explain. As with most things in life, there are two things that could have happened at that point:

1) Their Watcher died and a new one was being trained to replace it therefore rendering that human defenceless until a new one was provided.
2) The human had done various bad deeds in life, had developed some sort of illness to which would kill them slowly and painfully so their Decider cut them off or their Watcher wasn’t paying attention.

I’ll explain the roles of each. Let’s begin with the Watchers. They do exactly what their name suggests. They watch. This job is the most exciting but also the most tiresome of the two. A Watchers job is to watch it’s assigned human, pulling them out of danger whenever they come across it until given the order to which then they end their human’s life. This job usually requires a life span of 80-90 years. No problem for my world’s inhabitants. Watchers have to be fast, fearless and clever. They each have their own unique weapon. Some choose guns, some choose knives. I know one girl who liked to use sharpened chop sticks but she’s irrelevant to this story.

Next is the Documenters. These document every single thing the Watchers save you from, every single heart break, every single family member and pet lost, every emotion and every turn. If you take a step, they write it down. Now this may seem pointless but when a Watcher comes across something that they hadn’t noticed about their human before they mention it to the Documenter who then checks all the records for any slight change in a humans routine. Although you may not notice it you each have a routine. More than one usually. A Documenter is the least desirable of the three jobs. A Documenter has to either be quick with a pen or computer. They have to be awake almost all day. They have to be clever and know how to spell every single word. They also need to be a good observer because if they miss anything it could mean the end of that specific humans life.

Finally we come to the Deciders. This is the most complex of the three although they have the least to do. A Decider had to watch their target closely and whenever it comes to that Human making a decision they have to weigh the choices until they can come to an appropriate decision. This has to be fast usually and so the Deciders have to be able to make snap decisions that won’t be too fatal. You may think this is easy but when it comes to the more major choices that is when things get difficult. The most difficult job the Decider has is the last choice. Your Decider decides when you die. What age? How? Why? When? But don’t worry. They usually try to give you a long life. Some people get compassionate and caring Deciders. These are the ones that die in their sleep peacefully. But most Deciders like to toy with people, they like the suffering, and so drag the death out a bit longer.

So that’s those three out of the way. What am I? I was a Watcher. But I’ll explain why that didn’t work out later. Now on to the Clans. There are hundreds in all but there are six major ones that you need to know about. There’s the Iris Clan, who are in sync with nature and plant life, who can bend the laws of nature at their will and use them in a battle, they have a weakness to fire (not surprisingly). There’s the Enano Clan, better known as the Dwarf Clan, who are experts at tunnelling and building. They have poor vision in the day time but an expert sense of smell. Despite their small size they are very fast and dangerous when crossed. Their weakness? Light… or water. Depends on which you can hit them with. Thirdly there’s the Solas Clan. Their affinity is with the light and all things pure. There isn’t a person in that Clan who isn’t completely devoted to Aurora, Goddess of Dawn however this doesn’t taint their fighting skills or their work ethics. They aren’t a force to be reckoned with. Although their weakness is pretty easy. They don’t like impure people, people who have sinned…. Or spiders.

The next three are the most dangerous. These I will put in order, from least dangerous to most. There’s the Alme Clan, or Soul Stealers. These do exactly what their name suggests. They steal your souls, train them to become stronger and evil, then implant them into one of their own so they can steal your energy and knowledge. You may be wondering what happens to the people the soul was removed from. They become a shell. This shell isn’t conscious, it can’t think, it just breathes and if the Stealers don’t kill the shell after then you eventually starve to death. Pleasant isn’t it? Second in our list of “bad guys” there’s the Arbitianon Clan. The thieves, the assassins, the traders. They have an affinity for the darkness and can manipulate shadows to cloak them whenever they may need it, making them silent and undetectable. Keep your fingers crossed you don’t meet one. They drag their killings out.

Finally there’s the one and only Libitina Clan. The Death Bringers. The final stage. These are the most dangerous but also the most skilled. No-one actually knows what they do and to be honest I don’t think anyone wants to. My Mother was a Libitina and my Father was an Arbitianon. But that didn’t last. I digress. Overall, although you should hope that that thing in the corner of your eye, the Watcher, is one of the top three, you should also hope that your Decider isn’t because, trust me, if they are, you’re in for a long and painful death. Even with the war going on.

The war is between the Libitina’s and the Arbitianon’s. This may come as a bit of a shock to you but tensions were originally created because of me and my stupid, love struck parents. Because of them and their stupidity arguments arose between the two families but nothing happened. My parents split and I wont go into what happened to me. You don’t need to know right now. It may come up later, who knows? So everything was fine up until about two months ago when an accident caused one of the Arbitianon’s to kill a Libitina. It was a honest mistake in my opinion. One Watcher got too close, the other reacted, but I’m not the one in charge so my opinion doesn’t matter. Now the two Clan’s are at war and the other Clan’s are having to pick sides. But if they choose the wrong side and their side loses they will probably lose their lives when the war ends. It’s a fifty-fifty chance.

We’ve had wars before but this one’s different. The others have all been carefully concealed from you Humans, trying to protect ourselves from you and your weird obsessions, but also trying to protect you from being hunted down and driven to extinction. But not this one. This time the two Clan’s don’t mind who see-’-s what, where and how this war happens. In fact, if you paid enough attention, there was probably two of us fighting when you last went up town. We’re everywhere. You just don’t see us.

Either way this war is going to destroy both yours and our world if you don’t know about it. So here it is. Two Clan’s are going to war. There’s going to be a huge fight somewhere soon. You’re probably going to die. What can you do to stop it you ask? Nothing. But you can prepare yourself and set up your own defences to make sure not all of the Human race is wiped out. So good luck with that. Remember; Vampires die from being staked, Werewolves don’t like silver, Shape-shifters don’t tend to do well against decapitation (but in saying that who does) and I’m sure if you Google or something you can find out all about our other “weaknesses”.

Before I explain all about how I got here, what I’m doing and why, you need to understand this. I am not telling you about this to help you. I don’t care about you. I don’t care about your family. I don’t care about your little race of almost seven billion people. You want the honest truth as to why I’m telling you all of this? Because it will destroy my world. It will bring the whole thing down because their biggest secret will be revealed to the biggest loud mouths on this planet. I mean it’s bound to get around pretty quickly with all these social networking sites and mobile phones. One of you has already probably “Tweeted” about this. Which, by the way, probably just shortened your life considerably because as soon as my people find out who you are, you’re dead.

You see I’m setting you up. Every single one of you that tells someone else about this will die because my kind are hunters. We protect our secret. We protect our own. We destroy any threats. I’m loving it. But not only will it destroy my world but it will also destroy yours when you all find out it’s true. You will all probably die, apart from a couple who were lucky. No. Don’t think one of them will be you just because you have your zombie apocalypse disaster plan all laid out. What is coming next is far –much- worse and -far- much more scary.
I’d apologise for being “the bringer of bad news” but in all honesty this has been the highlight of my life. What I’m doing now is exactly what I needed to complete me. My only regret? That I’ll be dead before I get to see how things turn out.

After all, this is my suicide note.
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This is the first chapter. Now this is completely copyrighted as mine as this is one of the actual books I'm writing and, if I feel it's good enough, I might consider trying to get published.
So leave me your critism and compliments. A big thank you to my editor Amy.