A Note From A Dead Man.

Chapter 3

So, where were we? Oh right. Ellen’s just died. Right so you know about me going on a rampage and killing a load of people. You know my reasoning. You know about my hatred of humans. You know about my world. So what’s next? Well the next two years were pretty uneventful. In fact no, it was all a blur. I don’t remember most of it and that’s probably due to the fact that I completely detached myself from my subconscious. Killing was easier that way. Life was easier that way.

Eventually killing got boring. In fact it got boring a lot quicker than most would expect. So I found myself yearning for something different and began to wean myself off of killing. It was what Ellen would have wanted. I still have a hatred for you Humans though so don’t think that’s changed. But don’t worry. I don’t plan on killing you all personally. I’ll leave that to my “family”. I had been to several clubs over the space of three days and drunk enough to kill any human twice but I was still bored and boredom, for a vampire, could be very dangerous.

I was walking home one night, after deciding that there was nothing of interest in town for me tonight, when I just happened to hear some sort of commotion. Of course, this peaked my interest and I had to go find out what was happening, that night had been a very dull night after all. What I didn’t expect to find was a group of around five boys surrounding a girl. A deaf girl. She was signing quickly telling them that she didn’t understand and asking them to slow down as she couldn’t read their lips so quickly but the boys just laughed and moved closer.

I knew fully well what they were going to do and was about to leave when I thought of something. Why didn’t she scream? Now I’m no expert on the hard of hearing but I know that even deaf people can talk which meant there was something more than that here. So instead of leaving I slunk into the shadows and watched. I was close enough to hear everything they said and to see what she signed but they couldn’t see me. I was getting good at this. If the circumstances were different I could be some sort of superhero. But that would involve saving the humans and that was something I just couldn’t do.

The boys moved closer and the girl took a step back but she could go no further. Her back hit the wall. I heard the boys laugh and instantly recognised it. That was the laugh I’ve done many different times. The laugh that said “I’m going to enjoy killing you”. It was then that I decided to kill them. But, of course, I would have to kill the girl too. If I killed the boys the girl would know what I am, although the chances of her telling anyone is rather small. I’ve got to protect my identity until the right moment after all.

She still didn’t scream. Not a sound. The boys were cruel but they were exactly that. Boys. Stupid, mean boys who didn’t think of the consequences. She signed quicker. Who are you? Do you need my help? What are you doing? Can you slow down, I can’t understand. It made no difference. I almost laughed at how very human the situation was. We don’t do this in our world. We don’t gang up on our pray. Sure we play with them but we don’t gang up on them. Never. The boys stepped forward. No scream. Then it hit me.

The girl was a mute.

This changed the game a bit. Well for me anyway. The girl was still going to die. But I had heard that vampires born with defects, such as no sight or deafness, are often born with special powers. Mind control. Telekinesis. Teleportation. All sorts. But would that be the same if the girl was changed? I had never heard of a human being changed into a vampire. There were no written records and no stories were told. But in saying that I was exiled from my world. So I don’t know a lot about what happens in that area of my people. I don’t even think any human has ever been turned by a vampire before. Is it even possible?

I made my decision and stepped out of the shadows, my hands in my pocket, my eyes looking down, my black hair sweeping across my eyes and a smug smirk on my face. I chuckled once and one of the boys turned around. He shouted abuse at me for a moment and his friends all turned to see what the intrusion was. When they saw it was me they laughed and threw more insults at me.

“Are you lost pretty boy?”
“Get lost you twat before we hurt you!”
“I don’t remember asking you to get involved in this.”
“I’m surprised you can see us with all that hair in your eyes!”

I laughed, lifted my eyes, smiled at them and struck. It took me thirty five seconds to kill all five boys. I was getting lazy. The girl opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. Surprising that she would try really. But fear can make people do stupid, unnecessary things. I stepped forward towards her with my hands raised in surrender. She frowned at me and backed away, signing her confusion.

I signed back explaining that everything was okay. That it would only hurt for a second. That this would all be over soon. She signed back that she didn’t understand. That didn’t surprise me. I strode towards her and pulled her into a hug. Then I bit her neck and drank.

I drank.
I drank.
I drank.

I stopped when I felt her legs give out and she was close to death. When I pulled her away from me I could see the fear in her eyes. She tried to sign something to me, probably to beg for her life, but I stopped her. She needed her energy. I racked my brain quickly, trying to remember anything that I had seen or heard before about this kind of thing. You human’s have a weird way of designing these things you see. It’s strange just how right you can be sometimes without you even realising. But I still hate you. You just sometime’s have your uses.

Then I remembered, bit my wrist and made her drink. She was hesitant at first but I gave her no choice, rubbing her throat at every opportunity to get it down into her system. I stopped when she passed out. I wouldn’t want to flood her lungs by accident. I narrowed my eyes and cut a small “D” into the top of her arm with my nail. My initial. She was mine.

If I’m honest I was nervous. No. More like petrified. What if this worked and she became a super powered monster who just kills me? Or what if she’s uncontrollable? Chances of it actually working were slim but the negative outcomes were endless.

I listened to her heart stop and sighed. I had failed. You were wrong. It was impossible. Maybe it had been tried by my people and they had just had the same results. Or maybe she wasn’t strong enough. Maybe I took too much blood. I would never know.

I looked around at the dead bodies and sighed again. I would need to get rid of these before anyone came into the alleyway. I narrowed my eyes at the sky. The sun would be rising soon. I stood up and walked over to three of the five boys and lifted them into my arms. Then I ran. I ran all the way to the lake seven blocks away from where the girl had died. There I threw the boys straight into the middle of the lake where their bodies proceeded to sink to a depth of forty feet.

After making sure they had all sunk I turned back the way I came and listened for anyone in the alleyway. I wouldn’t want to just run in at super human speed, smile at them, wave, pick up the other three bodies and run now would I? That would just be weird. There was no one there and so I set off again.

But then I stopped.

I could hear something in the alleyway. Something very faint. Something almost too quiet to be real. But I didn’t know what.


I blinked. Could it really be? No. It was too weak. Too quiet. It’ll just be a rat or a cat passing past the body.


It was louder this time. Like something getting closer to you. I set off running.


Someone was there. Someone was near the bodies.


I had never been a messy killer unless I wanted to prove a point. But this was too big. This would get a whole news report on it. A whole investigation. Which would mean no more kills for me.


The heartbeat was louder now. That’s definitely what it was. A heartbeat. Not a footstep. Not a cough. A heartbeat. And it was calling to me.


I was nearly there. My heart was racing in excitement as I took in a deep breath. There was no one else there. Just the bodies which means….


Could it be true?


Could it have worked?


I skidded around the corner of the alleyway, gasping for air and staring straight at the girl. The heartbeat was louder but there was no movement. Nothing. She just laid there in the exact same position I had left her.

Then she took in a huge gasp of air and coughed.

I let out the breath I had apparently been holding and ran forward. The change was not complete but it was close to it. Now was just a matter 0f waiting.

After the change was complete I checked the girl’s wrist for a tattoo. I wanted to see what my creation would be. She shivered at my touch and squirmed slightly. She’d get used to the heightened senses soon enough. They’ll dim down. She’ll be ale to control them and manipulate them to her advantage. I asked her name. Maple. It took my attention away from her wrist. Her name was very human. It was difficult to process.

I looked down at her wrist again and pulled it closer to my face. Nothing was there. I squinted and held my hand out for her other wrist. Still nothing. I dropped her hand and sat up straight. Interesting. No tattoo. No identification.

She was a defect.

She was like me.

There was a weird feeling in my chest as my heart swelled slightly. At that moment she looked at me, she reminded me of me. When I woke up to find myself on my own, in the middle of a puddle, in an alley at the back of a Chinese take away I was frightened. Right now she looked just like I did back then. She looked so frightened and alone that I did something I haven’t done for a while.

I smiled at her.

She frowned at me and blinked, confusion crossing her face like a wave. I instructed her to speak, insisting that everything is the same and that she would be fine. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. Just as I expected. She was special but whether or not she would have powers is yet to be discovered apparently.

I stood up and began to pace. Would her blood lust be the same as mine or different? More vigorous maybe. Or maybe she wouldn’t have one at all. My attention snapped back to her when I saw her move. She stood up slowly, hesitant that her newly muscled legs might not hold her small weight.

But as quickly as she had stood she fell to the floor- her face contorting in agony as she writhed on the floor, clutching her throat, her mouth open in a silent scream. So. She did suffer from bloodlust.

I mimed to her, instructing her to stay there, fully aware she wouldn’t have enough focus to read my lips, then I ran. I ran down streets, alleys, roads and dirt paths, desperately trying to find someone she could feed off. But there was no one around. It was two in the morning on a Thursday. No-one was out drinking . I should have picked a better time. I ran passed an alley and came to a stop. There was something here. I sniffed the air trying to pinpoint the exact location of the thing drawing my attention. The alley.

I jogged backwards to the mouth of the alley and took a deep breath, opening my mouth slightly so I could taste the intrusion of senses. There was something. Something familiar. I headed into the blackness, feeling my pupils dilate to eleven millimetres, a size impossible for a human, which in turn allowed me to see down to the very bottom. It was a fox. A vixen to be exact. She was currently in the middle of giving birth to her fifth cub. She looked frightened as I approached but hadn’t the strength to run. I took pity on her, pricked the tip of my index finger with my fang and gave her a couple drops of my blood.

My blood has healing affects. I knew this from past experiences. When I was seven I found a cat in the street. Some sick human had beaten it within an inch of it’s poor, little life. It was mewling in a corner and I healed it. It befriended me and followed me around for the rest of it’s life. When it died it was eighteen years old with the mechanisms of a four year old cat. Hit by a car. Killed instantly.

The driver didn’t stop.

I left the vixen and her cubs in peace. I’d check on them later. Right now though I had to find someone to supply blood to my new experiment. I carried on running.





A cat.



Wait. Something. Bingo. There was a man passed out on the side of the road. I could smell the alcohol in his breath from where I was standing. He was clutching a redundancy letter to his chest as he sobbed in his sleep. Pathetic. I didn’t waste time and bent to lift his weight. He mumbled something unintelligible but didn’t wake. I set off back towards my girl with him over my shoulder.

My girl. We could be unstoppable if she developed powers. We could get revenge on the people who turned me out. We could do anything.

When I dropped him onto the floor in front of her she frowned again. I bent down so my face was level with hers and I signed to her that she has to drink. That the only way the burning was going to stop was if she drank his blood. She looked scared and shook her head, clutching her ears as if she could block out the unspoken words. Her hands rushed to her throat as the burning returned, more vigorous this time. I squinted in concern. This could kill her. Or permanently damage her.

I signed to her to drink and she shook her head again. I sighed and lifted the mans neck to my mouth. I felt my fangs extend towards his jugular and I bit. But I didn’t drink I just offered him to Maple. She shook her head and pushed him away. There was nothing for it. She was determined not to co-operate so I just left him there, bleeding heavily, and began to pace. Maple was transfixed on the blood but she made no move towards him.


I stopped. That wasn’t my voice.

I’m hungry.

I looked to Maple and frowned. She was still staring at the man. But she hadn’t said anything.

So hungry.

That was definitely her voice. But she hadn’t opened her mouth. Her voice was in my mind.

I’m hungry!!

I grabbed my head and fell to the floor in agony. That was a shout. When I looked up in awe at her she was taking the poor mans life away while watching me intently. She had powers.

My girl had powers!

Now was time for my revenge to start. Now was the beginning of my end.
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I know the chapters are long but, for obvious reasons, they have to be so please don't complain.