Social Mask

Chapter 1 – School Sucks

“School is a place where you can make new friends and learn new things. Sure there may be so bumps in the road, but it’s up to you to make the right choices. Also-“. I don’t give two shits about this BS you're spewing, lady! I thought to myself.
I really hate when guidance counselors think that school is a magical place where everyone get along and it's ever so peaceful and jolly. Who the hell are they trying to fool? School is just a place to sort teenagers and somewhat teach. And yes I mean sort, like asorted chocolates. For example, you got your geeks, jocks, preps, goths, freaks, artists, actors, Spanish thugs, black thugs, wanna be white thugs, super hardass army lovers, druggies, mentally unstable kids, and kids who never shower.
They also forget to mention the fact that if you’re a geek, goth, or one of those smelly kids, you get picked on quite a lot. I see it every day. It happens to me all the time. I’m apparently a goth because I like the color black. I’m not though. I like black because it’s such a beautiful color or if you really want to be technical, tint. Black doesn't always mean death and despair. It was originally supposed to mean elegance, mystery, or formal. That’s why I wear it. It's not like I cut myself and worship Satan/Hitler/Politicians.

Anyway, back to the subject. School sucks and the people here suck too...Well, not all of them. Like, Tori and Grace. Those two are my best-friends that I'd trust with my life. Grace is has short blackish-brown hair with hazel eyes. She's also a grade ahead of me. Grace is super smart and really nice. Whenever the homeroom teacher marks me absent cause I talked backed to her, she changes the attendance slip. Tori is super adorable! She' small, has short dark brown hair and has the biggest brown eyes ever! She's usually a super happy person, but if you call her by her real name she gets pissed. I can see why though. Her real name is Phillipa. That's an awful name.

I met them in 7th grade and just we clicked. Tori was in 6th grade and Grace was in 8th. We met at lunch. We hung out all the time and even found a secret hideout! Only the three of us know where it is... Okay and my friend Seth too, but he's cool! We made up our own little gang too. We named it Outcast Central. I wanted to make a gang that helped people in need. We have code name as well. Tori is Storm, Grace is Blaze, and mine is Alpha. I wanted to do this because my brother joined a gang a couple years ago and got in a really bad fight. He's still in the hospital. So in our gang we had to carry black bandanna's at all times. Why? To hide our faces. Yeah... Now that I think about it, it was a pretty lame thing but we had fun pretending to be heroes. We still carry the bandanna's.

As I wait for this woman’s dumb speech to be over, I look across from my desk and see Tori falling asleep. I smile a bit and look at Grace, who’s sitting next to her. She looks and me and mouths ‘this is stupid’. I nod my head and roll my eyes. Apparently I’m not the only one who caught Tori’s snooze fest; cause our homeroom teacher walked to her desk and kicked it lightly.
“Phillipa Hastings, wake up! We have a guest speaking and you are being very rude by sleeping!” Tori picked her head up and groaned a bit.
“Ugh… Sorry Miss Cockbitch-- I mean Crocksmith.”
Everyone started bursting out into laughter. Miss Crocksmith didn't hear what Tori said, what luck!
“What’s so funny!?” shouted Miss Crocksmith. Everyone still kept laughing.
“Um, I think I’m done for now.” The guidance counselor said with a giggle.
“Oh, alright then. Everyone quit laughing and say good bye to Mrs. Kelly or you’ll all be late for your first class!”
Everyone calmed down and said good bye to her and then she left.
“Alright now that that’s done, I’m going to take attendance.”
Why didn't you do that before Mrs. Kelly was hear, Dumb-ass...
“Let’s see…Grace?”
“Hear.” Grace said sounding bored.
“Don’t call me that!” Tori yelled now fully awake and grumpy. “I don’t care if you don’t want to call me Tori, but at least say Miss Hastings or something!” Tori said with a look of distaste.
“Fine, Miss Hastings. I can see you’re here.” Miss Crocksmith hissed and then continued.
“I’m here Miss.” She said softly.
I just noticed Madeline never really talks to anyone in homeroom.
Why is that? She definitely has friends.
Hell, she’s friends with one of the most popular girls in school, but she never tries to talk to other people. Oh well.
“BLAIR LACE!” yells the teacher.
I snapped out of it. “Huh? Oh. Yeah I’m here and stuff.” I said not really caring.
“Next time you don’t pay attention I’m marking you absent!” She sneered.
“Oh, if I’m absent that means no school for me! Sweet, I’m out!” I say getting my stuff, about to leave.
“Sit down Blair!” She shouted.
“Blair isn't hear. She’s absent” I said with a smirk.
“Ok you want to be a smart-ass, then go to OSS!”
I turn around slowly and glare right at her. “Don’t tell me what to do, Cockbitch.” I said darkly and walked out of class.
If there’s anything I hate more than school, it’s someone telling me what to do. I don’t mind if it’s for my actual teachers, but Miss Crocksmith can kindly go fuck herself.

I decided to go to my 'secret' hideout. It's a little bit of a far walk, but screw it. I’d rather have to walk for a while than sit in OSS for swearing at the teacher. As I was walking out of the building I ran into Shannon Reynolds and her friends. Remember how I said Madeline’s best friend is one of the most popular girls in school? Well that’s her.
“Well, well, well…Look what the cat puked up.” She snickered.
Oh, did I forget to say she a complete and totally bitch? Hmm, must have forgotten about it.
“Heh heh. Good one. Did you spend all night thinking of that?”
“Shut up ginger!” Her friends laughed to that.
“Great job you've pointed out the obvious! Maybe next time we’ll work on numbers!” I say happily.
"Shut up! At least she has a soul. You don't!" yelled her friend Ashley.
"Wow, like I haven't heard that before. Really, if you want to hurt my feelings, you're going to have to try harder. Otherwise you're wasting my time with your worthless insults. Oh, and if I remember correctly, you tried dying your hair red. Looks like that failed." I said calmly.
Ashley looked like she wanted to punch me. She really did try to dye her hair red like mine, but it came out as hot pink. It's hard to dye your hair like my color, it's not orange, it's a nice red. Shannon just gave me a dirty look and walked away with her group of lowlife bitches following after her. Blair: 1, Shannon and her hoes: 0~!

I continued out of the school and headed towards the highway. After about fifteen minutes of walking I finally arrived to the entrance to the highway. I start walking into the forest part of it and headed down to the road. I see the bridge-road and go under it. There is a shack that looks worn down and locked up. I open the front pouch of my backpack and grab a key. I used the key on the lock and opened the door. As I close the door and lock it, I turn on the light switch. Inside that rusty old shack was a couch, a mini fridge, a laptop, a round table with chairs, and television. I throw my backpack to the ground and plop on the couch. I decided that I should do what Tori did in HR and sleep. However, It only lasted an hour because I got text from someone.
"Ugh. The hell man!? Who's texting at 10 in the mourning?" I yell.
I took my phone out of my pocket and checked to see who it was. The screen read 'Text from Little Shit', meaning it was Reese. He sent me 'HELP! TORI! CAIN! TROUBLE'!