Status: Active

Letters on My Nightstand


My mind was still reeling from the news of Jenna's death. The details of the incident hadn't been given to me yet but I would know as soon as everyone made it to Elena's. It was so horrible to lose Jenna, especially for Elena and Jeremy. They had already lost there parents and now they had to suffer the loss of their aunt. It was sad how bad Elena's luck was. How many people did they have to lose before their luck changed?

Surprisingly it took almost four hours for everyone to make it back to the Gilbert home. Honestly I was bat to go on home for the night when they finally arrived. It wasn't that I didn't want to support my friend during this time of grieving. It was just I was really tired of waiting. It was hard always being the one who got left out. No matter where my friends were going, dangerous or not, if it involved the supernatural I was left out.

The door flung open and in came the whole crew came in. Everyone looked like they had saw a ghost, which was a bad saying considering the situation. Jeremy went straight to his room without saying a word or looking at anyone. Sure I had lost loved ones before but these things never get easier. Even though I could empathize for Elena I still couldn't imagine how she felt. Her face looked calm, but it was an act. Elena was trying to be strong for everyone. Alaric looked lost,but really how could he not be?

"Elena," I begin. "I'm so sorry."

She gives a small smile and I pull her into a hug. Elena and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember and I hated to see her like this. It's hard to understand how someone feels when they lose someone close to them even if you've personally been through it. Everyone reacts differently to loss.

"I'm going to go up to my room." Elena says when we pull apart. "Stefan can you come with me? We need to talk about something."

Then Damon walks in the room and I have to remind myself to breath. His hair is messy and he had dirt on his face. He looked like he had just fought an army and it was so damn hot. The air around me felt thin and everyone was talking now but I couldn't hear a word. A smirk danced acrossed Damon's lip and I found it hard to tear my gaze away. Finally I pulled myself away to realize everyone had been talking to me. Now they just stared at me in disbelief, and Damon looked pleased.

"Excuse me." Damon says to Alaric. "But I need a drink. I'll leave you all to your conversation. I believe I dont want to be involved and you don't want me to either."

He waltzs out of the room with such arrogance that it makes me want him even more. His confidence was almost infectious, and it left me craving more. My feet start moving, taking me in the direction Damon had just went. Bonnie catches me by the wrist and brings me back to reality. My cheeks burn red with embarrassment.

"I highly advise you to rethink you feelings of lust." Bonnie whispers in my ear. "Now on the the way here we got to discussing how all of us are connected and have some supernatural power or experience. So we got to wondering how you were connected in all this. So, I decided to do some digging on your background. That is what took so long."

"Well I assure you I have no supernatural powers, and I'm pretty sure my family has no connection to it either."

"Your wrong." Alaric snaps. "You come from a long line of amazons. An all female race who use men for reproduction. Once the child is born she kills the father off as a sort of initiation. They take men as sex slaves and are great warriors."

"That's a load of shit." I laugh. "I live with my father. My mother is dead and I have no sex slaves."

"Well I brought up those points." Bonnie's nods. "So I dug deeper by contacting witches on the other side. Your mother fell in love with your dad way before she decided to mate with him. But when they finally did the deed and she became pregnant with you, they ran. Your mother abandoned her tribe and that's not allowed. They ran for some time before the amazons found them. They demanded your father be killed, when your mother wouldn't allow it they killed her."

"No." I said. "I'm sure my dad would tell me if that happened."

"Why? Would you tell your kid that? It hardly seems realistic." Alaric shakes his head. "But with all this other supernatural creatures running around I find it hard to not believe."

"If it is true," I roll my eyes because I don't believe it. "Then what is so supernatural about it? I have no powers."

"You do." Bonnie nods. "You have super speed and strength. Just because you haven't used it yet doesn't mean they aren't there. So when I say stay away from Damon, I mean it. Not that I would care if someone killed him but don't try to breed, especially with him. There is someway to stop the breeding urge. Your mom did. Until I figure it out we are keeping you away from men, and you are going to help us kill Klaus."

The room was silent as I took in all the new information. It was hard enough to believe in vampires and witches but this whole amazon woman thing was beyond fake. Must have been my friends way of including me into this whole mess since I hated being left out. Damon emerges from the kitchen, drinks in hand. He gives me one and I down it quickly. I can feel my inner thighs tingle in his presence and I think he can sense it. Soon I would make sure this Salvatore was mine.