Status: Active

Letters on My Nightstand

Fairy tales

My mind was still racing about the mysterious package and the thought of meeting the stranger who had been sneaking into my house at nights when Bonnie arrived. She automatically started rambling on and on about how tired she was of the Salvatore's. Apparently they put her on edge and she knew they were really horrible no matter what kind of front they put on. Really I had only met the other Salvatore-Damon- once. That was when he and Caroline had a thing going on, but that ended months ago. It seemed that he hadn't treated her every well and she had several bruises that I never got to see. They were always hiding things from me when it came to Stefan, but I really didn't mind.

The house smelled like Bonnie's famous sheppards pie and I was dying for it to finished already. The school lunch had sucked today and I was literally starving. While we waited for the cheese to melt I the oven we sat in the living room and talked about different things. Bonnie had a crush on some new guy in town, but she also had a thing for Elena's younger brother. Which got her going on about not messing up her and Elena's friendship again. It had took the two of them awhile to settle things before, even though I didn't ever get to know the details of the fight. Now she was on the verge of tears about how screwed up her life really was and how I had no idea about the crazy things that have happened this year.

"Oh come on Bonnie. What could have possibly happened this year that I don't know about? We're friends. We tell each other everything." I pause and think again about the secrets she and Elena seemed to have between them, but decided not to go there. One thing we never did was accuse each other of things and I wasn't going to accuse Elena and Bonnie of leaving me out. Deep down I couldn't help but wonder if they were keeping secrets. "We do tell each other everything, don't we?"

She bites her bottom lip and looks nervously at the ground. Obviously we don't tell each other everything from that reaction. It was childish to get mad over being left of on a secret, but hey, they were supposed to be my friends to! "Sometimes, somethings, are better left unsaid." That's all Bonnie managed to tell me before rushing off into the kitchen. How could I have been so naive to think we knew everything about each other. Although I never kept my secrets to myself.

"Wait up." I call after Bonnie and follow her trail into the kitchen. She has already removed the sheppards pie from the oven and it looks amazing. The cheese melted over home-made mash potatoes instead of the instant ones dad makes. My mouth waters and I almost forget what I was about to say. "I know you and Elena are closer than you and I but you can still tell me anything. I'm not going to go run my mouth like Caroline. It's me Bonnie!"

She gives me a warning look and I know that she wants me to drop the whole thing. There are just certain things you tell people and certain things you keep to yourself, but I couldn't help but feel jealous. Then I remembered what I was thinking about before Bonnie arrived; the package. Now it seemed almost stupid to bring up. I wanted to tell her I had been invited to the Lockwoods masquerade ball tomorrow night by my secret admirer, but now it seemed unfair. Why should I tell her my secrets when she can't trust me with hers? She dumps a spoon full of the pie on a plate and pushes it across the isle to me. I take it and shoot her a look that lets her know I am offended by these stupid secrets.

Her face falls immediately and I can tell she feels bad for making me feel left out now, but she still doesn't talk. Instead she dumps her some pie on a plate and takes a seat next to me. We eat in silence, not even opening our mouths to gossip like we normally do when we sit down to eat. Part of me felt guilty for being so childish and insecure but how could I ever trust my friends if they didn't seem to trust me. It was days like this that made me long for a new environment. To get out of Mystic Falls and start a new life with new people. Then again, I probably wouldn't fit in anywhere else.

"Well I have something to share. Even though you don't trust me with your secrets." I say matter-of-factly.

"I'm a witch." Bonnie blurts out and I have to hold back the laughter building in my chest. "And the Salvatore's are vampires and the Lockwoods are werewolfs. This whole town is a fucking fairy tale."

I'm sure my eyes are wide and she can tell I'm doing my best not to laugh. For about two minutes I make it without losing my composure but after that the giggles come bubbling out of my mouth and she shakes her head in disbelief. This sure was a horrible way to react to someone who seemed so serious but I couldn't help it. I mean, come on, Vampire, witches and werewolfs? There was noway in hell I'd ever believe that one. It was the dumbest lie I had ever been told in my life. Bonnie was just as dumb if she really though I'd believe it.

"Yea and I'm an elf." I joke back but Bonnie still looks serious. There is a hint of hurt in her eyes but how could that be? "Your being serious? Bonnie have you lost your marbles? You just told me everything we read about in fiction is real! Did you expected me to take you seriously? I was just going to tell you about the stupid package I got in the mail with the dress and masquerade mask and invitation from my secret someone."

"You're invited to the Lockwoods ball to? I'm so glad because Caroline's dragging me along because she hates going alone and Elena is going with Stefan."

That was all she had to say. Not another word about the fairy tale bullshit she just told me. Instead she focused on what I had told her. I knew she was only hoping to avert my attention away from her crazy moment but I couldn't drop it no matter how bad she wanted me to. Just because I was going to let it go for now didn't mean I was going to completely forget about it. Bonnie would tell me why she had to makeup such a stupid lie or we were going to have issues. You don't go all psycho on your friend for no reason and the it explain yourself. So for now I led her up to my room to show her the package I had received. The dress was black and white with a sash of roses across the corset top. Roses also trailed down the full length of the dress. The mask was red with a single rose in the corner and it was a mask that strapped around your head so I would'nt have to hold the stupid thing all night. My favorite, the shoes, had a golden heel with a leafy looking back and a twisted stem running to the toes to look like a reel rose.

"This is expensive." Bonnie smiled. "Someone really admirers you a whole lot."
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I'll update again soon!