Status: Active

Letters on My Nightstand

Werewolfs, Vampires and Witches.

When I wake up I am disoriented. The room is dimly lit by a single candle and I'm trap in a steel cage. Nothing about this is making any sense and I can't comprehend what has happened. Not a single memory of the hours before come back to me and the last thing I remember is Bonnie coming over to spend the night with me. Suddenly I'm worried that something bad has happened to Bonnie and something even worse was about to happen to me. How did I get here? More importantly, where am I and who brought me here? Closing my eyes, I try my best to remember the last thing I was doing before everything went black. Nothing.

Looking down at my clothes makes thing even more confusing. I'm not wearing my jeans and t-shirt or my pajamas. Instead I'm wearing a beautiful black and red gown with roses falling down the side. The heels are equally amazing and are made to look like a rose wrapping around my foot. The package comes back to my memory and I know now that I'm wearing the masquerade gown. Did my secret admirer dress me and kidnap me? Next to me in the cage is the mask to go with the dress and I'm really starting to panic. Something moves in the corner of the room and I shrink back in the cage.

"So this is what he cares so much about?" A female voice spits. "Really nothing special as far as I can tell. Just some defenseless human. Wouldn't be hard to just kill her now."

"Now why would we do such a thing?" The next voice is deeper and I'm assuming it's a male. "How would we lure him here if we kill her! She'd be even more useless then. Ha!"

They were talking about killing me! But who was the he which they kept referring to? Would someone really come and rescue me from this stupid nightmare? It had to be a nightmare. Why would I wake up with no memory in a cage, wearing a dress and heels? It didn't even sound like something I'd do. One figure moves into the candle light and the outline is masquline. I've looks in my direction and continues to walk closer until he's close enough for me to see the details of his faces. It's absolutely beautiful. He doesn't look very old, 24 the most. But I don't know him and I don't understand how he knows me.

"Who are you?" I finally find my voice. I'm surprised by the confident tone it has. "Where am I? Why am I here? And who the hell is this he you keep referring to? I want answers and I want them now. Lock me in a fucking cage and then keep me in the dark about what's going on. Your a bloody awful kidnapper."

"Shut up!" The female comes into view and she looks pissed. "Demanding answers in a rude way from those who hold your life in their hands is a very foolish thing to do. Your a bloody awful damsel." She laughs and runs a finger down the bars of the cage. "But since you must know, we are here for Klaus. He has some unfinished business with Damon. Apparently Damon has fallen for you."

Memories come flooding back. I'm at the ball, I went with Elena. She leaves me alone as soon as we get through the door. Damon stops and talk to me, I see Bonnie. Lights go out and I'm dragged away. These people took me to get to Damon. That meant Damon was my secret admirer. Bonnie said the Salvatore's were vampires. Maybe she just meant they were trouble and now I was drug into this stupid drama because Damon has a crush on me. Well I would get myself out of this one by simply telling these losers I had nothin to do with Damon and I didn't even really know the guy. It wasn't my fault he found me attractive.

"Wait a minute." I sigh and lean back in relief. " I don't have nothing to do with Damon Salvatore. Really, I don't even know they guy. So if he's some drug dealer or something then you can count me out of his life because I don't want nothing to do with a strangers personal life."

"Drug dealer?" The male smirks. "Your in much deeper shit."

"Vampire shit."

The female makes the remark about vampires and a chill takes over my body. Bonnie had said the Salvatore's were vampires, she was a witch and the Lockwoods were werewolfs. Suddenly I'm more frightened then I had ever been in my life and it was over fictional monsters. These people couldn't really be vampires could they? The door explodes open and I hear my name being called. Bonnie appears and the bigger figure runs towards her, knocking her to the ground. There's a loud crack and the figure writers away in pain. Bonnie is on her feet again.

Her eyes are closed and she whispering something to herself. More figures appear in the door. The first one is Stefan, then Elena and Damon. Elena runs over to the cage and starts trying to unlock it while the Salvatore's head for the two kidnappers who are rolling around on the floor. Bonnie stops her whispers and joins Elena and I. The fit begins and I'm even more terrified than before.

Stefan and Damon are doing things that would kill normal people to the kidnappers. Things that make my skin crawl. Instead of watching the brutal acts of violence I curl up in a ball and cover my ears. The sounds coming from the two strangers are scary. Elena and Bonnie finally get the cage open but I don't move. I don't want to be released around all this craziness and I didn't want any part of this mess. They could all go about their lives without me if this was real. Noway I could be friends with monsters.

"Come on we have to get out of here now." Elena says to me and tugs on my dress.

"No." Is all I can manage through the tears. The bodies are laying lifeless on the floor and are now being set on fire. Damon glances at me with a look of relief and I'm ashamed to even meet his gaze. Sure they saved my life but they were all disgusting. Please wake up from this nightmare already!

"Damon." Elena stands up. "Grab her while Stefan and I help Bonnie out."
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's not that long but I don't have much time to write.
But I wanted to update so here you go!