Status: Active

Letters on My Nightstand


After getting out of bed for the first time in about a week I was surprisingly happy. It wasn't a great feeling knowing your best friends weren't there to talk to. Now that I was about to have them back I was more than overly excited to get to the Mystic Grill. It was our usual meeting place in town and I was feeling hungry. The tray my dad had brought up now didn't look so appetizing and I was craving a burger from the grill. Normally I would dress myself better and actually take the time to glance in a mirror before leaving my house but not today. Instead I ventured out into town in a pair of pajama pants and a tank top without any makeup.

The car ride to the mystic grill was very long and drawn out. It was almost like I lived an hour away from the resteraunt instead of 5 minutes. But then again I was very nervous about talking to Bonnie and Elena again since the last time. Fighting with my friends was something I was horrible at and when it came time for the reunion I always found myself nervous. Hoping that I didn't say something stupid to send us back into the drama fest we just got ourselves out of. This time would be different though. It wasn't a stupid little fight over nothing anymore. Our lives were being effected by something greater and we had to be serious this time around.

"We were beginning to believe that you weren't coming." Bonnie said wrapping me into a hug when I got to my destination. "We've been waiting so long that Matt is about to deliver our food. Hope you don't mind that we ordered you a cheese burger and fries. I didn't really know what else you would want since your so picky."

"Actually that was exactly what I wanted. So thanks." I only pause for a brief moment to process the words I want to say in my head. "So Elena isn't a vampire, but Caroline is? How many people know about these, um, things? Also, how do we go about fixing this whole mess? There has to be something we can do to fix Caroline. I mean the girl has never been my favorite person but she's still our friend and we have to do something. Is there a cure?"

Elena stops sipping her coke and lets her mouth drop. She looks at me like she can't believe what I'm asking. Now that I thought about it I guess me asking for a cure did sound a little wrong to her. She didn't look at the whole vampire thing as a disease or an unnatural situation. She loved Stephan and that's what he was and it didn't matter to her. That was stupid thing number one that I had said. I was definitely going to have to choose my words more careful now. Bonnie didn't seem offended by my remarks but then again I knew she more on my side on this deal than Elena's.

"There isn't anything to be cured from," Elena finally snaps. "despite what you two think all of them are happy with what they are. You can't change them and they do not want to be changed. Being a vampire is normal to them just like being human is normal to us. Once you all get that it will be easier for both of you to accept my decision. I've told Stephan I want him to change me. I don't want to be a stupid human for much longer. If I'm going to be with Stephan then I need to be like Stephan."

"Elena your just worried about him taking Katharine back. Even though that isn't going to happen seeing as they officially got rid of her a few nights ago. She gets the picture that they don't want her around. She left Mystic falls. You need to worry more about Klaus. He's got a plan you know and killing you is a huge part of it."

The whole conversation was something I couldn't comprehend. For one I didn't really know who Katharine was or Klaus. Anothing thing was I couldn't understand why anyone would want to kill Elena. Sure the girl could get annoying if you spent too much time with her but other than that she was like the sweetest person you could ever meet. She was constantly helping out other people and this Klaus person had to have the wrong impression about her. As soon as Bonnie and Elena stopped arguing about the whole her becomming a vampire thing I was going to ask some questions.

Matt brought our food and sat my hamburger in front of me with quite a bit of force. Apparently I had done something to piss him off. Not that it even remotely mattered to me. The guy was a bit clingy when he dated Caroline and now he acted as if he hated her. Though we all knew he still had a thing for her. Guess I should give him some sympathy after losing his sister Vicky and all. What happened to her still seemed to be a mystery to me though. Rolling my eyes I take a fry and shove it into my mouth. The table grows silent and I follow Bonnie's gaze to Damon. He's just entered the Mystic Grill and he looks like a mad man. Once he spots us he runs over to the table looking around to make sure nobody is listening.

"Elena," He looks at her seriously and her face falls. "you've got to come with me now. Stephan says Klaus is here in town and apparently he has something planned for you. He's going to try and kill you. Tonight."

"Wait," I interupt. "who the fuck is this Klaus charcter and why is he so hell bent on killing Elena."

Damon doesn't even so much as glance at me and for some odd reason jealousy flares. Just a week ago he was crazy about me and now he wouldn't even give me a glance? What did he do move onto Elena now? It sure did seem that way with all the worry he had in voice and the way he looked at her. Then again I wasn't so sure why it even mattered to me if he wanted Elena now or not. My choice had been made when I left the Salvatore house last week with Bonnie. Even though the words never left my mouth I had made it pretty clear that I wasn't going to be with Damon like that. In fact I had made it seem like I'd never have anything to do with any vampire. So why was I so pissed that he wasn't falling over my every word anymore.

"Klaus is a powerful vampire who wants to kill Elena to break the curse. Elena is a doppleganger."

"A dopple what?" It was obvious I had been left in the dark about all this. None of the words they even said made sense to me anymore.

"Just come on Elena." Damon held out his hand and Elena took it.

At this I completely lost my temper. Without any warning I stood and slammed the chair against the table, then stomped my way to the womens restroom. Bonnie mumbled something and I was sure I had heard Damon respond but I wasn't sticking around to find out. The hell with them all. If I was going to feel this way around them all the time then I was going to seriously reconsider my decision to get involved. I'd go hide out in my room for the rest of my high school days if I had to. Then as soon as I graduated I'd get the hell out of here.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter was supposed to have came sooner but I had a bit of a set back.
My grandmas house, which is where I do all my writing since I'm still without internet at my house, had caught on fire.
It was just the attic so everyone is ok thanks to her neighbors who saw the roof smoking.
The firemen said it was caused by wiring in the attic and had been smoldering for 2 days.
If the neighbors hadn't of saw the smoke it would have burned through the ceiling. So thankfully nobody was hurt and we are working on getting the ceiling fixed now. Updates will come regularly. Sorry if this one sucks a bit. Just wanted to updated since I had promised one earlier. It will start getting a lot more interesting soon! Promise.

Thanks for reading!