Status: I'm in my zone when I'm writing this!

How Could You?


"Josh used to be an amazing boyfriend. I remember those breath taking dates, his amazing humor, I remember everything about how he was. Why did he change? Now when he calls I just end up hurt, I had to look at 15 different websites just to find out how to cover up the bruises and scars he leaves. I want him to stop! I want to break up with him, but I can't. I still like him too much, so I don't want to leave him, I just want him to stop. I think I’m going to tell him tonight.”

So this is where it began? At 13 years old she already had an abusive boyfriend. It’s not like our parents would be doing too much if she told them since our dad died when she was three and ever since out mom hadn’t been around. Is this why? Was there more to it? There were a few blank line and then more writing, I read on.

I was wrong to think he would stop. I did it, I told him to stop and I tried to stand up for myself, but it only ended with a sprained wrist and a bruised stomach and cheek.”

I remember this; I was only 10 when I saw her like that
Is she ever going to get home? I sat on Casey’s bed. For once mom was home, but I didn’t have anywhere to go but here, mom started drinking and Casey’s room is the only one with a lock, I heard about alcoholic parents beating and raping their kids, and I was scared to know what would happen if she saw me in her state.
After a few more minutes I settled on reading one of the stories on her shelves, but as soon as I turned the first page Casey walked in, more like limped.
“What happened to you Casey? Are you okay?” The younger me of my memory asked
“Why are you in my room?” She snapped instead of answering my question
My eyes traveled to the door then back to my sister as she sat next to me.
“Mom was drinking.” Was all I said before Casey fired off questions making sure I was okay
I didn’t give up on finding out what happened to her, but she avoided the question. She wouldn’t bend over and she was using her left hand for everything, being sure to never move the right.
Down stairs I heard the something break followed by a stream of cuss words and Casey telling me to never say any of that. We stayed in her room the rest of the night, watching movies until we fell asleep. All though I was scared, it was one of the best times I had with her.
Those days were over. I held back tears as I had to remind myself that I would never see my sister again. I would never, ever have a night like that with her. Not that I would want to repeat her getting hurt, or me hiding from mom, but never again would we get to just watch movies, because she was gone. So far gone that she couldn't come back, all because Josh started everything, but I doubt that was all.