Status: New.

Heed My Lecture

Chapter One

In the quiet hallways of Rosewell High, heels clicked across the floors. Arriving at a specific room, someone took a deep breath and decided to make her entrance.

The door slammed shut as the student entered the classroom and closed the door behind her. Without looking up or turning around to see who entered, the teacher already knew who it was.

"Aerow," Mr. Hunter addressed the student, "Want to tell the class why you're late again?"

"Not particularly," She wryly replied while taking a seat.

"Last chance," The professor said, "Enlighten us of why you joined us late or else you'll get a little white slip."

The classes oohed like idiots.

Aerow rolled her eyes, "Well, if you must know, aliens from Mars abducted me and tried to probe me for information about the government. Luckily, I escaped from their spaceship."

The jocks laughed at her sarcasm.

"Haha, very funny," The adult sighed and slapped a paper on the girl's desk, "Detention's at three. If you're late for that, you're getting written up."

"Oh, sir," The girl said in mockingly, "I'm hurt that you'd think that I'd lie to you."

There was a pause as everyone held their breath to see how the teacher would respond. After all, he was known for his harsh punishments.

A flash of anger passed his face, "It's now extended to a week."

Aerow shrugged, "Fun."

The bell rang.

The latecomer exited out of the room first, aching for some fresh air. She frowned as she walked to her next class.

It wasn't her fault that she was late but she doubted that her photography professor would care. He wouldn't understand. No one understood; she knew that as a fact.

Accidentally applying pressure to her left side, she held back a wince from the sharp pain that went through her body. Aerow wasn't sure of how she'd last the rest of the day. There was too much pain. She swore that a few of her bones were broken. Or at least, it felt that way.

"Ouch..." She thought. Nevertheless, she knew that she had no choice. School was her only escape.

“Hey Aerow, wait up!” A voice called, snapping her out of her thoughts.

The red haired girl stopped and turned around to see who called her name. She smiled when she saw just the person that she needed.

She welcomed any distraction at that point.

“Oh hey Bree,” Aerow grinned as her friend caught up to her and they began walking side by side, “How’ve you been?”

“I’m alright, like always,” She did a spin and poked the rebel’s cheek.

Aerow tried to bite her finger.

“Psh, bad girl,” The two laughed.

“Whatever, mom,” Was the reply Bree got.

“Anyway, I’m surprised that Mr. Hunter didn’t request you to get suspended or something,” The blonde nonchalantly noted.

“You don’t know that. He might just be waited for a reply from the Board of Education,” Aerow retorted.

“Nah,” Bree said, “He kind of gives you special treatment.”

“Oh wow, you’re kidding right?” Aerow scoffed, “You’ve seen the way he talks to me. I’m like a pest that he can’t get rid of.”

“Words and actions are two very different things,” She wiggled her eyebrow.

The redhead knew that her blonde friend’s head was in the gutter somewhere.

“You have a dirty mind,” Aer directed that comment at her companion and laughed. She quickly stopped when she found out that laughing just caused her pain.

“Dude, I’m joking,” Bree stuck her tongue out.

Aerow lightly shoved the airhead next to her, “Meh, if you say so.”
♠ ♠ ♠
New story.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! c:
Critiques, subscriptions, recommendations and comments are welcomed.
Word count: 600.