Demon Bound.


Pain shot through my head as I opened my eyes, and my vision swarmed with black dots, I

Swung my legs off the bed and groaned. I knew I shouldn't have had so many drinks last night; Yesterday seemed like such a blur. I vaguely remembered the young boy in the mirror, with those piercing green eyes and the familiar long black hair. But, had it all been a dream? Or had it been a sick, twisted prank? I doubt it. I pushed the thoughts aside and walked over to the bathroom, dazed. I glanced down at my arm; no doubt there on my arm was a purple crescent. The inside line of the crescent was tinged in blue and it glowed faintly. My breathing quickened and I struggled trying to breathe properly without hyperventilating, did this mean....? Everything that had happened last night was true. Just like before, the bathroom filled with black fog. I looked in the mirror, scared.

The boy's attention was fixed on the back wall and he sat on the sink, his legs swinging wildly. He turned to look at me as I stopped walking, then smiled.

"Hello." Huh. What was I meant to say to that? 'Oh, hello. It's so nice to see you sitting in my bathroom.'

"What are you?!" I choked out, staring at him. He fixed me with a steady grin. "Hello to you to, Chase. What am I? Well, I'm a Demon" His eyes glittered brightly. He was probably, what, no more than 14 years old how did he manage to freak me out so much..

"What do you want from me?" I watched his face slip from a grin to a steady smile, then his eyes went back to the wall and he disappeared. I glanced back down to my arm, the glowing had stopped, now it simply looked like a purple crescent tattoo, and just to prove how insane I truly was the most stupid thought ran through my mind; Mom's going to kill me when she sees it.

** Leo **

"Don't worry about it, Leo. It's nothing." Was it really nothing? Was it normal that I was 18 and I still hadn't had a Marking ritual yet? I didn't think so, but Crystal seemed convinced enough.

"It's not nothing, Crystal. Father checks on me every day to see if I've marked someone and every time he comes guess what? No-one. I am a freak, crystal, why won't you admit it?" Crystal's brown eyes bored into mine. I held her gaze for a few seconds then let my eyes drop.

"You'll find someone, I'm sure you will" She patted my arm, blushed slightly and walked out the door. I followed Crystal down the hallway. God. Why had I been so stupid, I'd known Crystal since I was in my nappy, and never before had she acted this weird. Something was wrong with her, and I'd been moping over my own ass to much to realize it.

"Crystal, wait!" I yelled after her, but she stormed out the door, I stood there in the doorway, shocked. Was she having girl problems or something?

I walked into the living room and dropped onto the sofa, little did I realize that sitting opposite me in a chair, sat my father. Oh crap. "Ha! You're in trouble this time." Chase smirked. I gulped audibly, and turned to look back at father, his cold, merciless eyes never leaving mine. "Do you have any good news for me, Leo?" I gulped audibly, then looked down at my pale hands which looked so fascinating right now.

"No, Father. I haven't." I caught the briefest flicker of anger flash across his face before he turned to look at Chase, clearly annoyed.

"Chase. I want you to take Leo the next time you go to see the girl you have marked. It may show him how important it is" What. The. Fuck. Is he really that desperate for me to Mark someone? It's not even like I want to mark a girl, it all just seemed so immoral.

"What?! But, Father...? - "Chase interrupted, all the smugness vanished from his childlike face. If it wasn't for the situation I was in right now I probably would have been glowing with glee.

** Aleena **

There was a faint knock on the door and I looked through the peephole to see Jake standing there expectantly. A tub of chocolate Ice - Cream rested in his hands, I opened the door with a grin on my face.

"I hope that Ice- Creams for me." The corners of his mouth tilted upwards and he stepped inside.

"Nope. All mine, sorry." His grey eyes twinkled with amusement. I snatched the Ice- Cream out of his hand and headed toward the kitchen, fishing out two bowls and spoons.

"Not if I get it first." His laugh echoed through the Kitchen.

"So I see you haven't tidied up from last night" he said gesturing to the living room.

"Yeah I had a massive hangover and I couldn't be asked"

"I can give you a hand if you want?" he said smiling sheepishly.

"It can wait; my Ice- Cream comes first." I collapsed onto the sofa, Jake dropped down beside me and started eating mouthfuls of the Ice- Cream. Then he suddenly stopped and turned to look at me closely.

"What's wrong with you, Aleena?" That caught me by surprise. What did he mean?

"Hmm?" I blubbered through a mouthful of Ice- Cream.

"I don't know. It might be nothing, but, your acting strange. Like your watching out for something?" Maybe because I was watching out for something.

** Leo **

"Your not going to talk to her, I don't like talking to her myself. And." He turned to look at me, his expression hateful. "Make a move on her and I'll rip your throat out!" God, he was acting like I actually wanted to go see her. "Wait a minute; does she actually see you every time you go to see her?"

"Well yeah, how else would I mark her? She thinks that it's just an illusion though which kinda sucks"

"Alright so how are you planning to get inside now?" Chase smirked at my question and walked ahead of me a few steps.

"Same way I usually do dumbass, through the window." He grinned. Huh, that was his clever way of getting into the house. Through the window? No way was I going to embarrass myself by jumping in through a window.

I watched as Chase swiftly jumped through the window and landed gracefully on the other side, then he turned to look back at me, his expression impatient. No way am I going in there.

"On second thoughts I think ill wait out here and watch," He walked on inside, I couldn't hear anything, but I could see both of them pretty clearly. I watched intently as Chase appeared in front of her and she froze, her eyes mixed with both fear and surprise. She backed away fearfully and I felt a pang of sympathy. She was beautiful, with her big Blue - Grey eyes, and her brown wavy hair that fell just past her shoulders.

Was it possible that I was falling for a girl I've never met?