Demon Bound.


**Continuing Leo's point of view**

I watched as Chase interrogated the girl, the girls earlier frightened expression now held unconcealed annoyance, I tapped my foot impatiently. Knowing Chase he'd probably be in there all day, I sighed and jumped through the window, whacking my foot on the sill in the process. I cursed quietly and made my way through the hallway, glancing around me uncomfortably. It was wrong to be bursting into somebody's house like this; I spotted Chase in the living room sitting comfortably in one of the wooden chairs and stopped in the doorway.

"Chase hurry up, we-"I glanced at the girl who had said something.

"How many other people are going to burst into my house?!" I froze not knowing what to say, "I... Um, sorry!" I muttered, glancing at my feet. I felt my face burn, I turned to Chase and gestured towards the door. He ignored me and continued the conversation he was having with the girl. I leaned against the doorway and stifled a yawn, this was so boring. A few times my attention would stray to the girl as I took in her features once again, but other than that I was forced to listen to constant bickering between the two; it wasn't rocket science to figure out that this girl disliked Chase as much as I. Hmm, I could come to like this girl.

**Aleena's point of view**

I looked out the window; the once blue sky was now fading a deep set of orange,

Two visits in one day, really, I felt honoured. Note the sarcasm. I stifled a yawn and glanced at my 'visitors' Chase sat there bombarding me question after question, the other boy however just stood there, leaning against the doorframe looking out the window once every two seconds, his midnight black hair flopped against his forehead, which he'd brush away from his eyes every few minutes. His deep green eyes were the same as Chase's only much, much brighter. Where they related? Somehow that managed to bug me, how could a boy as cute as him be related to the little brat who sat opposite me. I decided to ignore the warnings my brain was trying to shout out to me and decided to ask.

"So, uhm are you and him related?" I asked Chase, my eyes resting on the other boy who stood before me. Chase's eyes flicked towards the boy and I swear I saw a flicker of anger and annoyance; he opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it and shut his mouth again.

"Yes. Unfortunately he's my brother." He muttered, so he wasn't going to introduce us. I smiled warmly and outstretched my hand towards the boy; he met my eyes and took my hand, shaking it gently. "Leo, it's nice to meet you" his hand was warm, he held my hand for a moment then looked at Chase and dropped it suddenly. Okay then, what was that all about?

Chase's face was burning with anger, his fists were clenching and unclenching, "Leo. I think its time we left." He stood up abruptly, walking out the door before glancing back at me and gave me a weird smile. Leo fixed me with a grin before storming out the door after Chase, huh.

I yawned and made my way upstairs towards my bedroom, god I was so tired. Recently all I'd been dreaming of were these freaky visions, and weird demon kids with bright red eyes, and then there was Chase. What a coincidence. I changed into my pyjamas and jumped into my bed, slipping under my covers. My eyelids felt heavy, and I stumbled into peaceful sleep.

I jumped up as my ringtone, Chelsea Smile blared out of my mobile, paralyzing me for a second or two, I groaned and lifted up my mobile, surprised at the caller ID.

"Hey, Mom!" I feigned enthusiasm. What an epic fail.

"I hope you're at work right now?" I cursed loudly, forgetting I was on the phone to my mom. Shit, I totally forgot about my shifts at the bookstore. My parents were leaving me a part time job at there bookstore whilst they were on their honeymoon because to put it bluntly they thought I was a lazy arse, who never got of her butt all day; which I guess was partly true.

"Psshk, yeah. I'm there right now." I quickly jumped up pulling my skinny jeans on in the process, and grabbing a random clean tee from off the floor, the mobile still in my hand whilst I ran a brush through my hair. My mom carried on gushing on about random things whilst I worried about getting to work on time, Jenny would no doubt tell my parents that I'd been slacking off for the past month, I swear that woman enjoyed causing me pain!

"Okay bye honey, and remember me and your dad will be home in a week; I hope your not causing any trouble, and I don't want the house burnt down, either!" I rolled my eyes at that.

"Bye mom, love you" I cut off the phone before she started rambling again; I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door slamming it violently behind me.

I literally ran to work and breathed a sigh of relief when I walked through the door at nine o' clock,

"Jenny!" I called out, hoping she'd accidentally fell in a pond on the way to work; No such luck. There she stood leaning against the counter, flicking through the pages of the magazine. I suppressed a groan and joined her behind the counter, "On time today, Aleena? I see miracles can happen" She smirked up at me obviously enjoying my unease more than she should.

Three painful hours later I was glad to be walking home from work, the minutes had ticked by ever so slow, and my three hour shift with Jenny was torture.

I trudged home forcing my legs to move after each step, I turned the corner out onto the main high street, everyone around me was buzzing with energy, either running errands on work or pushing past people to get somewhere, I scowled and hurried my pace I turned into my street and walked down the deadly quiet street, glad to be out of the main road but I was getting slightly creeped out by the odd silence in the street, I walked into my garden and began rummaging in my bag for my keys. Where were they? I shook my bag and heard no rattling of keys, I cursed loudly, pacing outside my front door. How the heck was I supposed to get into my frikkin' house? Although it was only 12pm I was dying to get inside my house and go to sleep already. I carried on pacing not knowing what to do.

"Have you lost your keys?" Outside my garden stood Leo, his black hair ruffled slightly by the wind, he wore a smirk on his face, which I felt like slapping off right now.

"Maybe." I scowled and then eventually nodded; he sighed and walked towards me.

"Where did you have them last?" What a stupid question!

"How the fuck am I supposed to know!" I yelled frustrated. He rolled his eyes at me and sat down in front of the door, he patted the spot beside him gesturing me to join him. I ignored him and groaned.

"What am I going to do? I wanna go to sleep, already!" I moaned. He opened his mouth to say something then shut it again, then his face lit up.

"You could always come back to my house?" He asked, I scoffed. Yeah, right.

"What and have you rape me?" I joked slightly and he frowned.

Ten minutes later and me and Leo were walking back to his house, after finding no solution on how to get back inside my house. I'd have to smash the window or something, and I don't think my mom would take so kindly to that.

"How much longer do we have to walk?" I asked him beginning to get really tired. He raised an eyebrow at me, "We've been walking five minutes, Aleena! But we're here" I turned and saw a fairly normal looking house; it was still slightly bigger than the rest in the neighbourhood. The garden was beautiful, bright flowers blossomed at the edge of the perfectly cut lush green grass, the house itself was a weird pasty grey colour with black glossed wood, hmm. To be honest I was expecting something more gothic, they were demons after all, right?

"Huh, it's not what I was expecting." I mumbled, looking away from the house as we trudged on towards the door.

"And what were you expecting?" He laughed and pulled out his keys, turning the door handle and pushed me inside swiftly. I paused for a second, everything was just so... Homey.

"I have no idea, but not this" I gestured around me and then sighed,

"Where--..." The sound of thumping music cut off my next question as the loud sound deafened my ears. The crescent shaped scar on my left forearm tingled uncomfortably and I glanced up to see Leo staring at my mark oddly, why was he looking at me like that? He paled turning a deathly white and then looked back at my face, taking a deep breath. "I uh, why don't you sit down." He muttered, his gaze never leaving the floor. I dropped onto the leather couch; exhaustion consuming me, just as my eyelids shut the door burst open revealing a very angry looking Chase. God, what was up with him?

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his gaze followed mine and he glared at Leo, his hands shaking at his side. "Are you stupid? What's wrong with you?! I swear to god, Leo if you've told her anything--?" He yelled, his arms gesturing frantically towards me. Leo cut into his little rant, sighing heavily. "Would you shut up already? I haven't told her anything!" Leo shouted, clearly frustrated.

"Told me what?" I mumbled looking at both there faces; what was I missing?