Demon Bound.


After spending the entire day asking Chase and Leo what they were hiding from me, I gave up. Absolutely exhausted; mentally and physically.

Chase had disappeared somewhere in one of his usual moods, so Leo had kindly said I could stay in his room. I watched as he set up some pillows and blankets on the mini sofa for himself, guiltily.
"I'm fine with sleeping on the floor, you can take your bed." I mumbled, sitting on the bed awkwardly making the bed springs creak. He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head.
"No, I don't sleep much anyway." I sat there, unsure of what to say, confused by his remark. I slid into the bed awkwardly, slipping underneath the crisp covers.

He settled on the sofa, twisting and turning every few minutes, clearly uncomfortable. The room was dark, the moon outside lighting up the far corner of the room. We lapsed into an awkward silence, the only sound I could hear was of his faint breathing. He twisted again, and turned his head towards the ceiling, he was slightly bigger than the sofa, and his legs dangled off the frame of the sofa, anyone could tell he was uncomfortable but he stayed quiet nonetheless. My earlier tiredness had somewhat disappeared, maybe it was because I missed the comfort of my own bed.

"Leo, are you still awake?" I whispered. My voice sounding like a shout in the silence.
"Yeah. What's up?" He mumbled, looking in my direction. I contemplated on whether I should ask him again about before, or would he just brush my question off?

"Tell me what you and Chase meant before. Please?" I regretted it as soon as I asked.

"It feels wrong not telling you, it really does. But Chase would kill me." Leo muttered, shaking his head ever so slightly. "I wont tell him you mentioned anything." I pleaded.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before he spoke "Every child - Demon child that is, is obliged to mark a human being. The very person they mark becomes bound to us, with or without their choice," He glanced at me before continuing.
"There's no turning back once you're bound, you become their partner in a way. You're stuck with them forever." His voice was thick with sympathy. My mind was spinning, unable to comprehend what he was saying. "I-I don't understand.." My words were barely above a whisper.

"Chase marked you Aleena. He chose you."