Demon Bound.



I drenched my face in cold water, hoping it would wash away some of my tiredness. I towel dried my face and slipped out of my clothes, prying of the wet shirt as it clung to my still damp skin. I pulled on a clean set of clothes and headed back towards my room, I was expecting to see Aleena still in my bedroom, but my room was empty. Confused, I checked Chase' room, only to find Chase sprawled over his bed in an uneven position, snoring his ass off. His clothes and other items were lying around on the floor pretty much everywhere, making it impossible for someone to enter his bedroom. I was surprised how he even got in himself. I double checked the bathroom once more, even though i'd just been in there a few seconds ago.

I looked around the rest of the house before realizing she'd left. I felt ... Hurt, i'd have thought she would've atleast said a small 'thank you.' or some other sort of gesture before leaving. Or maybe I was reading into it too much. Huh, I slumped down on the sofa with a sigh.