Status: I will update when I can. as long as I feel inspired

The Misadventures Of Our Youth

John Oh.

I am a moron. I am in possession of the Idiot of the year award. Hurt in Leigh-Anne's beautiful ice blue eyes had told me that. The pure fury that gleamed in her brother purely reiterated that I was a jackass. I knew as his fist collided with my face that I deserved it dear god I always knew I deserved it. I had hurt his baby sister. that was all either of us cared about at this point it didn't matter that we were friends or that we were bandmates. the only thing either of us was sure of is that Garrett had trusted me to never hurt his sister through our friendship. I'd broken that trust. I knew I i could never be good enough for her, fuck no man ever would be. I knew I had no feelings for Lindsey. I had chosen her because she was the equivalent of a brick wall between Leigh and I. She would put the distance between me and my best friend.

"John, you are a moron." Garrett stated from above me "my sister cares too much about you."

"I hope not"

"john you care about your lei-lee too much to push her that far away." i knew he was right though
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