Status: I will update when I can. as long as I feel inspired

The Misadventures Of Our Youth


Eric and Kennedy were tying to force me into leaving the house.

"get out of bed you fat whore!!!" Halvo Yelled shaking my bed

"Fuck Off!" I Muttered burrowing deeper into my bed.

"Maybe. I. will." I heard a zipper.

"Put it away!" I yelled shooting up and covering my eyes.

"relax." Kennedy Laughed

"Halvo, you're a fucking creep."

"I try now go take a shower you fucking smell, I will bring you clothes kid."

I quickly hopped into the shower. Halvo Knocked on door stuck my clothes in the door and placed them on the floor. Soon I was dressed in the skimpiest clothes I owned. I crossed the hall back into my room, that had recently been vacated and put on an old hoodie I had stolen from John some time ago. then I quickly laced my black converse and proceeded own to the kitchen

"Damn, Leigh when did you get legs?" Kennedy laughed getting smacked upside the head by, my brother, Garrett .

"that's my fucking baby sister! Pervert!"

"Sorry bro" Kennedy laughed "ready?"

"Yeah." Eric and I both answered

"where are you going?" Garrett asked

"bee-ball court bee-otch"Havlo smiled

"no." I laughed "I never ever win"

"I wanna come..." Garrett laughed.


Me and Halvo VS Kennedy and Garrett

Kennedy's team was winning. Halvo stole the ball. I looked up saw John and his stupid whore of a girlfriend.

I felt an Impact....
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment if you want updates.... Please... :)


I start Driver's Ed tomorrow