Sequel: Risen Moon

Angel Moon

Brand New Eyes


I wandered down the darkened hall, the only sound was my breathing against the walls, damp from the cold. This place was old, dark and full of secrets, Caine's howling echoed through here, making every one feel a sense of sickening unease after the lights were out and the moon was full. I couldn't see that much inside, the walls of this old castle were strange, they were thick, hard to hear through and hard to sense things through. It was messing up my intuition, and my vision. Which is probably why I didn't see him until I walked into him.

"Oh. Oh, Tia, it's you." Paris said in mild surprise, and then a little laugh escaped his lips.

"Don't sneak up on me like that..." I hissed, jumping back a little.

"Sorry, sorry..." he whispered, I could tell that a cheeky smile was still there in the dim light. I frowned, which quickly turned to an outright look of anger as he tried to kiss me. I pushed him away, and said furiously,

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I had to keep my voice to a low whisper, it was the early hours of the morning. Fear flashed through me, and I glanced around, through the darkness.

"Uh, kissing you, what else?" he said moodily, his eyebrows raised and his eyes accusing.

"You know very well what I mean."

He sighed, his eyes softening again, and traced lines across the inside of my ams with his cool fingertips. No. Stop it. Stop making me stop being angry at you. I said stop it. Please. I frowned down at the floor, trying not to be defeated. He wouldn't break me this time. Nope.

"Tia... Tia, please don't be like this." he said, a pleading in his voice that made my heart hurt.

"Stop it, now." I said shakily, my composure crumbling.

"Tia, please..." he whined, pulling me into his arms. I tried to resist, I hated myself for giving up, but... What was a hug between friends? As soon as I felt his warm arms around my chilly shoulders I couldn't let go. I fit into my old place in his arms so quickly that it made me feel sick inside. At how much I missed this, how much I missed him. "Remember..." he said quietly, a hand placed protectively on the back of my head, the other holding me tight, as he closed his eyes for a moment. "Remember what I used to call you, hmm?" He seemed half awake, so happy that he was out of it. I nodded, winding his long dark hair around my fingers, staring at it. "Angel Eyes, ha."

"Why are you doing this?" I muttered, my face falling. That small feeling of guilt starting to well up inside me again, making me feel like a sickeningly bad person.

"What? I didn't force you to kiss me. You could have said no." he said bluntly, letting his grip on my body loosen slightly so that he could look at me.

"Just stop it, please!" I pleaded, this time. "Stop trying to make me..."

"Make you what?" he hissed, frowning. "I don't make you do anything. I just state the facts and I do what I feel that I need to do." He stared now, his eyes with out any annoyance or anger, and that little smile retuned. "Right now, I want to take you back to your room and I want to spend the rest of the night with you, and only you."

My heart skipped a beat. What. What are you doing. No no no no no. But he had a way of always convincing me that he'd changed, and that broke me down so easily. Come on, Tia. You can do this. Say no.

It was like he read my mind and decided to kill off the resistance before it had even accumulated properly. He rounded on me, a kiss that barely touched my lips broke me into a million pieces as any will power I'd ever had lay scattered.

"Logan's out on Caine's guard duty until dawn. I'll be in your room after I've checked where he is." he whispered against my ear, his breath warm against my neck before disappearing as quickly as he'd appeared. I tried to control my breathing again, almost sick at the thought of betraying any one that I loved. But the thought of his kiss changed my mind for me once more, and I proceeded quietly back down the corridor.