Sequel: Risen Moon

Angel Moon

Between Two Lungs


Staring at the ceiling, I lay on my bed, falling in and out of sleep as the poison numbed my body. Belle lay next to me, her head on my shoulder. I'd let her stay seemingly because I didn't want her to be frightened or lose any sleep. Really, I wanted her to stay because I was terrified. If I was left alone, what I might do to myself. It was all hopeless, there was no point in saving myself, but I feared pain above anything else and now I was drowning in it. I felt a lump rise in my throat.

You're going to die, and it's going to be soon.

How I'd been so calm about dying earlier made me look back on myself as fickle, stupid. Life shouldn't be thought of as over and done with, it should be treasured, every minute of it. I'd fallen into the trap of thinking that I would live for ever.
My face screwed up, and tears fell from my eyes, the blackened ones falling from my poisoned eye stung my skin, irritating it and making it red raw. I tried to breathe, and sucked in air much too quickly for my tender ribs and aching lungs to handle. A small wimper was let out and it was enough to wake her.

"Caine... Caine?" she mumbled sleepily, and as her eyes opened she caught sight of the black tears gently burning my face. She yelped my name once more, bolting upright and kneeling next to me. My lungs gave way again, and I vomited blood and blackness once more, it splattered my body, the bed and her hands. She dragged me to sit against the headboard, pulling the sheets from around the bed's four posts down to try and stem the flow of liquid pouring from my mouth.

"Some one help, please help!" she screamed, her voice breaking as she started to cry. She shook helplessly, now soaked with my blood. This girl, this poor girl, I was putting her through emotional pain. This would give her nightmares, it would hurt her. I sobbed, disgusted with myself. I didn't want her to care, to hurt over me, to feel anything at my imminent death that would cause her pain. But selfishly, I wanted her to stay with me, I couldn't let her leave me, I'd have died like this out in the wilderness and with no help if she hadn't pleaded with them and saved me. She saved me, but this time, she was powerless. She cried for me, screaming for help, any one near could hear nothing through these walls. She made sure I held the sheets to my mouth on my own, and then made to move, run and get help. I started forward, managing to talk through all the blood.

"Belle, no..." I blurted out, reaching weakly for her arm and holding on to it with all my strength. "I'm going, I don't want to be alone. I know, I can feel it, please Belle."
She nodded quickly, returning to my side. I felt her hand in mine, and held it tight as pain ripped through me, my knuckles turning white. She cried, but silently, her tears falling in the air and hitting my shoulder as she kneeled next to me, her face in my peripheral vision constantly as I stared at the ceiling. After what seemed like for ever, the blood and the blackness stopped. I lay there, weak and naseous, waiting. I wanted my last words to be to her, and only her.

"I killed her, I killed her in anger and I am so sorry, I'm going to hell." I wimpered, and she looked me in the eye as I lay dying and said,

"You are not going to hell, you aren't dying. You're going to sleep, just drifting away, sleeping to feel better." she breathed, tears still falling. She lay next to me, closer than before, a pale hand against my chest and her head on my shoulder. I couldn't move, so she took my arms, placing them around her and settling in my weak hold. "I'll be here until you're asleep. I'll stay with you." she whispered.

"I'm... sorry." I muttered breathlessly, and we lay there for a few moments in silence, falling asleep, like she said. And then the door was flung open, Valentine and Zane had felt it, that I was dying. Belle raised her head, looking up at them, nodding pitifully. Their faces were set in sadness, eyes misting over and welcoming fresh tears. I glanced toward the open door, at the eery glow of the moon in the sky, and felt a prickling sensation againts my arms as all of the hairs in my skin stood on end. No. No, no. Not possible, I was a dead man, no! And with that, I threw Belle away from me, writhing in agony as I went under metamorphasis.