Neon night bikers

On an island called Moon in a city named torntown was
5 five guys in the neon city were a crew who rode futuristic motor bikes Jack, Silverwolf
Little Paw, Yamato, and Kenny.Jack A bald buff white guy with a bad attitude and tattos all
over his arms.He lives in Torntown with a crazy criminal record the Patrolmen had a tough time
arresting him so they just let him go.Silverwolf a Half Black Half japanese Guy Who is the
smooth laid back type.He has long dreadlocks and has a tribal tatoo on his right arm.He
also has a slash above his right eyebrow going down to his lower eye.His eye is cybernetic.The slash came
from his nemesis Slash Silverwolf is a.k.a. Howler the wolf.He lives in Torntowns westside
where the most dangerous gang runs there territory the Westside Gangsters.Little Paw
a Spiky haired Native american biker who wants revenge from another gang the Clowners.Little paw
lives in border a town outside of torntown.He carries a tomahawk and a bow passed down
from generation to generation by his family.Yamato A japanese biker best friends with
Silverwolf and a powerful swordmen.Yamato's family banished him as a teen for decracing
his father with his obession with motor bikes.Silverwolf Got him off the street and cleaned
him up.Kenny was the out of sight type of guy.Kenny is an alien but a half breed.Him and silverwolf are the tech guys that can fix things engines and hacking of that sort.
The year is 3022 there is no presidency no government no control but still police
or type of police called The patrolmen.The leader of town of so called leader his name
is Harry AlBert Clay sort of like a mayor of the town Wants to destroy all biker gangs and
rebuild torntown.1000 years ago Torntown was a place to live with trees and parks with children.
Now its a war zone schools closed only learning camps for the youth and most of them spend
time in the local arcade or the chopshop steal parts from peoples bikes and cars for money
to make a living.The border and strobesville are the onlt two towns with forests and lakes
saved by Little paws people.strobesville has a less population because of the wolf beast
and the gorilla-bears.Most monsters thrive in those forests less of them in border because
of little paw's people who are hunters and have powerful magic and healing.In the Office in
Torntown hall protected by the patrolmen with powerful weapons both bullet and lazers Harry
Albert Clay aka hardcore Harry was having a meeting with some men in his office about traffic control
and money making schemes to clean up Torntown.He looked out the window with the view of the city from his office on the 45th floor.
The city looked like a light show at the carnival."Gentlemen i assure you with my plan to clean up this town
will be fullproof but i can't work alone i will need your help all of those who are in raise your hand."Said Harry.
All raised there hands except one guy.Harry didnt even look at the man and despised him with
everything in his body."Tell me why didnt you raise your?Is it to much for you to handle?"Asked Harry.
"No Sir it just you want us to hurt innocent people, and i dont know if i can take that kind of
pressure or guilt."Said the while man getting up to leave.Harry flipped a switched and a shotgun
came from the ceiling and blow the mans head off.Blood and brain fragments were eveywhere
even on the mens clothes."Anymore requests?"Asked harry.Everyone remained silent and not a word
came out of anyones mouth but Harry."Ok i want to see those idea tomorow morning Dismissed!"Shouted harry as the men picked
up their breifcases and left out.Meanwhile across town in an underground fight club you can hear the sound of
people cheering and shouting as the the fight goes on.It was two guys fighting for some cash 50,000$ was on the line.
The large crowd surrounded the huge octogon cage.Red Danger was fighting Jack and so far jack was
losing.Jack was up against the cage and blood was gushing from his eyebrow.Silverwolf yamato little paw, and three girl who dated
the yamato little paw and jack watched and cheered on for jack.Jack left and met Red to the middle.They sized each other up and
they started fighting again.Jack was at the advantage and Red was taking blows to the face.
Red was about to attack but the fight was stopped by the Patrolmen."Patrolmen everyone split!" shouted Yamato while running to the cage.
People scattered but while trying to escape The Patrolmen shot gas into the air."Jack cmon lets get the hell out of here!"Shouted Silverwolf.
Jack slowly got up he was pretty hurt.His friends helped him up and they ran out the door to the bikes.Each one put on their helmets
and drove off onto the roads.All you can hear was the sound of motorbikes taking off down the road.
The town was illuminated like moving neon lights on a lamborghini.In the midst of all the crime and drama
a mysterious biker stands in the darkness watching. Breathing hardly with the bike helmet and hair that hang down
to the shoulders.This mysterious biker walks away and disappears as if it was a phantom.
Meanwhile back at the octogon The patrolmen leadman Victor the Viscious watched as patrolmen took some people left
over into custody, and escorted into a van."Harry wants this to be investigated.Find out how this happened and who's responsible.
There are 18 detainees."said Victor smoking his cigar. Victor wore old school detective clothes.Every patrolman feared Victor as if
victor was Harry.One of the patrolmen came running to Victor covered in blood."Sir 15 men slaughtered."Said The patrolmen frightened in fear.
"Who did this?" asked victor."One of the Bikers or some kinda monster.All 16 of us opened fire on it after we asked it to
stop.It fell to the ground after we shot about 80 rounds in it.We looked inside it's helmet.What we saw made no sense."Explained
patrolmen.He was shaken up and couldnt stop shaking."Pull yourself togther!!!What did you see?" Screamed Victor." We looked
into the helmet and saw white glowing eye shine.At first we thought it was a cyborg or an android.Our scanners detected it was human, but it vitals
were dead as wood.We thought our systems malfuctioned but it wasnt.This thing wore black pants black shot up, stabbed up Biker jacket and black boots.
I dont know what the hells going on but warn to the men to stand clear."Explained the patrolman.Victor had that look in his
eye like he knew wat was goin on."I'll be sure to run this by harry today.Oh yeah one last thing,dont mention this to anyone
i dont want to steer up any worry or trouble with the other troops Do we have an agreement?" asked Victor while taking out
a large amount of money.Victor gave the patrolman at least 20,000$ in cash.
  1. Neon night bikers
    5 guys on the quest to return the crown that was taken from them
  2. chapter 2