Status: In progress.

Hide the Truth From My Eyes

In fields where nothing grew but weeds I found a flower at my feet.

"You're the most beautiful thing I ever got to meet in my life, you know that?"

His round, perfect dark eyes sparkled.
My arms wrapped around Mike and pulled him on my chest. He smiled and nuzzled into my shoulder. Nothing's cuter than that. 

"You're sweet, Stu."

"You know I'm not. I'm just saying you the truth, you handsome boy." I smirked, my thumb rubbing the back of Mike's neck. 

The man sighed and smiled into my jumper, his hands lightly caressing the small of my back. I smirked and nested my nose in Mike's dark hair. Suddenly a voice called to us.

"Oh pity's sake stop it!"

I rose my eyes. My almost-niece Sophie that I had half the custody for was sitting in a chair at the table, her long hair messy, still in her pyjamas, a 0% fat yoghurt in her right hand, a mug of coffee in the other. Enters the rebel teenager and her programme to stay slim and please boys when she could just listen to my flirt techniques. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing that you don't see everyday."

"Well it's 8 AM!"

"You don't say that when it's Jamie and Lee or E and Sean!"

"Tina does though."

"Tina is Tina. You are you and-- oh god you're eating THIS?"

Mike had while then slipped out of my arms and walked to the fridge, pulling out a 0% fat yoghurt too, but making himself a cup of tea. 

"What?" Mike asked innocently.

"This THING. The thing they DARE to call yoghurt I buy for Sophie."

"Well it's 0% fat. It can only do me good" Mike shrugged.

"What the actual fucking hell Lewis! Look at yourself! You should be eating fatter, not less fat!" I whimpered. My arm is actually thicker than his thigh. I didn't want him to turn into some kind of anorexic. "I mean you're perfect but--" 

"This means you care about him eating the "THING" but not me?" Sophie asked bluntly.

"You want to buy those things. But him no!" I grunt, pointing at  Mike who was searching for something into the drawers as his tea infused. 

We heard a loud stumble down the stairs and a man shot into the living room, blond hair floating, in his pyjama pants, bursting through the kitchen and aggressing the expresso maker. 
Enters Lee, the coffee maniac, and I'm not exaggerating.

His clear blue eyes were still crusted with sleep and his moves were numb but nonetheless he slammed his fingers onto several buttons until the machine started buzzing. He pushed his "Lee will kill you if you touch this" mug  under the machine, grunt, and slumped on the floor, going back to sleep, cuddled up on the tile. Mike cooed.

"Isn't he cuuuuute?"

"Back off bitch, he's mine!"

A man in a clean t-shirt, wet, long raven hair and plain black pants stepped calmly down the stairs. Enters Jamie, Lee's boyfriend. He pushed Mike out of the way and hauled Lee up in his arms, to go drop him onto the couch. He may be a midget but he's a strong motherfucker. My niece rolled her eyes, I bet she was wishing her last morning of her week with me finished rapidly. She quite doesn't approve the cheesiness in the house. And even less the fact Lee is one hell of a screamer. No I mean, he screams like a slut! The neighbours from the house across the street sometimes complain for the noise! So imagine even in the house. And Lee quite likes it rough, so usually the ENTIRE HOUSE shakes with Jamie's thrusts. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit here. But one time I sneaked on them fucking and I don't know how actually Lee wasn't tearing in two. His head was banging on the frame of the bed but it didn't seem to disturb him.

Lee was now sleeping soundly on one of the couches, his blondish hair resting on the cushions. Jamie fell sit on a chair, grabbing a piece of complete bread. My Mike had dug out some honey from the drawer and sat near Jamie, looking satisfied as he put a generous spoonful of the golden liquid in his yoghurt. I sunk on the chair next to him and took back my mug of tea, sipping the rest of the beverage. 

Down the stairs came Ian, his hair sticking at strange angles, his boxers pulled way too low and his wife beater's sleeve hanging off his shoulder. 

"Mornin'." he muttered.

Enters Lovebird 1 separated from Lovebird 2 who's off working in Edinburgh. He makes our life a living hell when it's like that.
He got to make himself a tea as Jamie stood up to take Lee's coffee. He brought the cup under Lee's nostrils and the man slowly opened his eyes, before smiling at Jamie and taking the cup. I returned to my tea. Suddenly a yell of pain.


I turned. Lee was standing, rubbing the small of his back painfully.

"You tried to sit down?" I mocked.

"Shut up!" he barked at me, starting to sip his coffee. Standing.

"Weird, I don't remember bitch cries last night." I sneered.

All of them turned towards me. Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Then I fear you are deaf, Stu."

"He slept all the way through though" Mike affirmed. "He didn't budge."

Seriously? Someone as light sleeping as me? Not hearing Lee scream? Damn. 

"Well... I'm worrying for myself" I chuckled, watching Lee sip his coffee bitterly.

"Stop it, yeah?" he mumbled. 

Jamie hugged him by the back and kissed his neck noisily. 

"Maaah, s'not your fault, baby. I just can make you scream and you can't help it" he grinned.

Lee sighed, exasperated.

"You all, shut up about it. And god's sake Jamie I'm not in the mood!" he cringed, slapping Jamie's hand off his stomach.

He took his coffee with him and walked up the stairs. I shook my head.


"Said it man.". 

I stood up to go put my mug in the sink when I heard a chair falling and someone stumbling towards the bathroom. I turned and saw Mike's chair was on the floor and he wasn't there. I ran after him. 

I slid stop in front of the open door of the bathroom as a disgusting noise of puking filled the room. I stepped in. Mike was slumped onto the floor, throwing his guts up inside the toilets, his midlong hair obviously sticking inside. I knelt down and held it out of his face.

"That's okay Mike..." I murmured as his back shook with a sob. I rubbed his spine and he resumed vomiting. "That's good, get it all out. It's no good if it stays inside."

Mike just had the time for another sob and a choked whimper before going for another chuck up, his hands gripping at the toilets. I kissed the back of his neck as the vomiting stopped. Slowly, Mike sat up, face bathing  in tears, his lips coated in filth and grime. It hurt me so much to see him like that, breathless and coughing, muffling his sobs. I grabbed a plastic glass on the edge of the sink, and filled it with tap water. I helped him up on his trembling legs and gave him the glass to wash his mouth. He spat out the dirty water and splashed his face under the tap. I sighed.

"Maybe it's the yoghurt. Maybe you're making some kind of allergy..."

"Allergy to no-fat yoghurt? I've ate some before!" he uttered in a thin voice.

I hugged him, my arms passing under his armpits. He nestled his pale face into my shirt.

"Maybe it's passed the use-by date..."

"I don't think it's the yoghurt" he muttered. 

"Then what it is?"

"I don't know but it's not the yoghurt. "

I didn't insist. I felt him shake slightly under my fingers. He was sick. I couldn't bear my Mike being sick.
We got back to the living room. Jamie had ran after Lee, so Ian only asked if Mike was okay. Sophie, the little shit, was just drinking her coffee like nothing had happened. 
Mike nodded at Ian.

"Don't you want to lie down a bit?" I asked Mike.

"It can't be a bad idea" he murmured. 
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah... Just, yeah I don't know I wanted to upload that. It will mostly be just a patchwork of flashbacks and a lot of shit. And between them, some action. To be honest I don't even know, just lemme know watcha think if you think something.

There might be some grammar errors, I apologize for them.

Title credit goes to Rise Against - The good left undone.