Status: In progress.

Hide the Truth From My Eyes

Got my head out of the window, I can smell the summer air.

Stu's POV.

"SEAN!" Ian yelled

"Ian, calm the fuck down..."


"Ian it's not going to change anything..."


"Ian you can't..."


I gave up trying to reason him and tightened my grip around him. 
He was kicking and headbutting me, his face bright red and soaked in tears, yelling Sean's name. He had called the hospital and they hadn't been able to tell him if Sean was dead.
So he was having a nervous breakdown. Laughing hysterically through uninterrupted tears, and screaming and screaming and screaming. Poor little man. We were standing in front of the hospital. Mike was wrapped into my duffle coat with the fur on it, sitting on a bench, Jamie was at work, and Lee still in the other hospital.

"Let. Me. GOOO!" Ian shrieked. 

"E, I know how it feels..."

"NO! Mike is fucking FINE! MY SEAN IS MAYBE DEAD!"

"E, we've talked about it before!" I growled.

"MY SEAN, STU! My... baby... Seanie..." he sobbed. "My... My boy. The l-love of my life. The thing that... Makes my heart beat and... Makes my world spin and... The only thing that... Matters. Everywhere. Anytime. For e-veeeeer." he gripped at my shirt, slipping slowly along my chest before falling down to his knees and whimpering. 

He didn't make sense anymore. He was breaking down.

"He's deaaaad." He cried.

"Ian, he's not! He's alive!"

"I'm s-sure he's noooot" 

"No. Ian, no. No. He can't."

I sighed as he continued his protesting. I really thought that if I hadn't been there, all the guys would have fallen apart. Jamie with his suicidal thoughts and Ian with his self centered, oblivious attention-seeking behaviour. They wouldn't have lasted, I have to give myself that one. 

Eventually Ian calmed down and started somnoling on the bench. 
I walked towards Mike that was still wrapped in my coat, hood up. I smiled, sat near him and seized his hips, making him squeal in surprise. I pulled him on my lap and wrapped my arms around his chest, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"I love you so much." I murmured.

I felt him lean back a little and his hand reached to caress my hair.

"Not as much as I love you." 



I opened my eyes. Above me, Mike's cute face. He was bare torso, so his chest tatoo was visible. For a  minute I forgot the situation, I forgot that Sean was maybe dead, there were just Mike and I. My hands moved up his forearms to his tatooed, thin bicepsus'. My memory could only come back to the amazing sex we had had the night before, the delicious feeling of his skin rubbing against mine, of his brown, soft hair grazing my thighs, of his hands pinning me down to let him wash away all the worry and all the trouble.

"You're beautiful..." I muttered.


It took me some time to understand. I propped myself up on my muscly forearms and frowned.

"What do you mean-- OH FUCK."

He nodded, grinning like mad. I seized his wrists, making him collapse onto my chest, and burst into a loud ecstatic laughter.


"We're going to pick Lee at the other hospital and then go see Sean."

The program proposed by Jamie was accepted by everyone but Ian. Jay, Sean's brother, was finally able to come visit him and was with us. The boy was just 19, I really don't know how he felt with us. Jamie was at the wheel, just on the edge of the seat to reach the pedals. It made Mike laugh a lot, but Jamie absolutely wanted to ride. So Jay was squeezed in the backseat with Mike and I. Ian was rambling in the passenger seat, Mike was cuddled on my chest, his fingers tracing the veins on my arms. Jamie had decided to blast some Metallica. 
Mike was humming along, as I scratched his head like he was a cat or something. Jay didn't seem to mind, just looking out the window. 

We arrived out of the hospital and Jamie bolted out of the car, starting to run towards the building. I rolled my eyes, closed the car, and made Mike climb on me piggy back, so we could go faster. He still was weak, and let's say, with the night before, he limped a lot. He locked his arms around my neck and Ian, Jay and I ran to catch up with Jamie. Said Jamie was wearing his old baggy pants and a band shirt, along with one of his hoodies and a bit of eyeliner like he used to put on when we were at school. He looked like a proper goth-- if his hair had been a tad bit longer, like, to his shoulders like it had been before, I would have said metalhead. He WAS a metalhead though. But you see what I meant. 

We stumbled into the hall, Jamie firmly gripping the bag with Lee's stuff in his hands. Ian was almost pouting, Jay was still silent. We lined up for the receptionist.

"Mr Oliver?!" 

Jamie turned towards the voice. A chavvy boy was standing ahead of us in the queue. He was young though, maybe a 13 or 14. He was looking at Jamie, bewildered. Oh, surely one of his students that weren't used to see him with his hair out of his ponytail and with his original teenager style.

"Oh, Austin. Hello."

"Who's it, Jamie?" Ian whined from behind, as we all stared at the boy. 

Austin's eyes slipped from Jamie to Mike who was leaning on me, my arm draped around his shoulder. Then to me and my cap, to Ian, to Jay and his beanie and mullet. 

"One of my students from my Year 8 class."

"The dirty little fuckers? The ones you broke down crying in front of?"

The glare Jamie threw towards Ian could've burnt holes through the man, emphazised by the makeup.

"Ian I'm going to punch your face in." he said through gritted teeth.

Myself I was a bit pissed off by Ian's childish behaviour. But I still grabbed Jamie by the collar of his hoodie so he didn't attack Ian. It reminded me of good old times. 

"Ian, if you're unable to stop being a kid five seconds then shut your mouth when you know you're going to hit a sensitive spot it would help us all!" I growled. "You were a fucking drama queen when Sean got hospitalized! And Jamie can't--"

"Hey hey hey guys, calm down okay?" Mike said. 

It's funny, he always had had a low voice and me a very high-pitched one.
So we shut up and Jamie turned back to the kid.

"What are you doing here? Why are you dressed like that?" he asked

The kid was totally retarded. That or... He was just a complete fucking idiot.

"Uuuh... I'm going to get my fiancé home. And if you want to know, that's how I like to dress out of school. You don't always wear your uniform, do you?"

The kid shook his head negatively. Mike leant in to kiss my lips, throwing my arms around my neck. The boy looked at us in confusion at his parents' turn went. I smiled in the kiss, my hand slipping to grab his ass. He squealed and Jamie shot a look at us. 

"Stop making out, we're in an hospital!" he hissed. 

I brought my hand back hanging to my side and Mike smirked apologetically. The boy was brought away by his parents. It was our turn.

"We came to get Lee Gaze." Jamie said.

"Room 369, sign here and here."

Behing me, I heard Ian and Jay chuckle.


I rolled my eyes.


Mike leant in to whisper in my ear.

"Oh, you didn't say that the other day. How about we have one again tonight?"

The entire hospital probably saw me flush tomato red.
♠ ♠ ♠

Title belongs to the amazing Young Guns and Brother in Arms.
We all agree on the point Gustav Wood is a fucking genius songwriter, don't we? I mean, I put him above Ian Watkins and Billie Joe Armstrong, above Gerard Way, not too much but above him. His lyrics are the greatest I ever heard, it blows your mind. He makes me thing of a sort of depressed, down-to-earth Thom Yorke. Eh, They even covered Radiohead.