Status: In progress.

Hide the Truth From My Eyes

Nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate.

We walked up the stairs to our room. Great morning. I heard faint chuckles from Lee and Jamie's room. Already up for make up sex apparently. Those guys were awfully horny these times. Even if nothing beats when we got on holiday in Plymouth and Ian and Sean got it on permanently.
I helped him in the room and he lied down on the messy, undid bed. I lay a quick stroke on his hair.

"You want me to call the doctor?"

"No thanks, it'll be fine" Mike smiled feebly. 

His lips were a worrying shade of greyish pink. Too pale. I put my hand on his forehead. It was boiling. Really boiling. I flinched away and looked at his eyes that fluttered weakly to stay open. His face went paler, if that was even possible. He mouthed something but didn't voice it, his muscles going tense under his pyjamas. My heartbeat fastened.

He arched, and suddenly his body started to shake with a coughing fit. I put my hands on his shoulders. Even his legs were trembling. His eyes were rolling back into his head, beads of sweat slipping on his forehead. He was shaking so hard, it was horrible. I did all that I could do. I screamed his name dumbly.


Suddenly my shirt and face were splashed with drops of warms liquid. I squeaked. Mike had just coughed out some blood, and his nose was pouring red liquid. And I, I was stained with his blood. HIS blood.

"Oh my god! HELP!"

I squeezed harder as his eyes started to tear out, his jaws squeezing together, and a strangled cry escaped his raw throat. An inhuman scream, so horrible to hear, full of agonized pain. Jamie ran in, in boxers.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I yelled desperately. "QUICK!"


I don't know how long I cried for. The waiting was too painful. I hadn't got out of my bloodstained shirt yet, I had put on some jeans before going, but nothing else. Jamie and Ian were sitting next to me. Silently. None of us dared talk. Lee was in the bathrooms. Jocko was on the road to meet us. My face was buried in my hands, my palms pressing on my eyes. Mike was there in the hospital. I had seen them plugging the IVs in his arms, strapping the gas mask on his face, and it was deeply traumatizing. The needles sinking in his pale flesh, his unfocused eyes rolling in their orbits.

This was a nightmare. Had to be. I was going to wake up next to him and he'd be alright. 
Nothing would have...


My head shot up. White coats and nurses were hurrying everywhere.

"Put the infected in quarantine!"

A nurse approached from us.

"Put those tests in your mouth please" he said giving us test bands. 

I did and gave mine back to him. We waited a second and he nodded.

"That's okay you're not infected. But you have to leave!"

"But Mike is here!" 

"Sir, we're in a situation of epidemic. Leave!"

"Lee! Lee where is Lee?!" Jamie squeaked. 

It was chaos. Panicked people running around. Jamie ran through them towards the bathrooms where Lee had gone. Ian and I followed him. Jamie kicked the door open and we were greeted by the sound of vomiting. 


"J-Ja--" Lee's voice was interrupted by another throw up.

Jamie rushed to the cubicle where Lee was. The poor thing was gripping to the toilets, trembling of all over.
Jamie hurled over to him and seized his shoulders. The door suddenly hit me in the back as two nurses stepped in, giving us tests again. I didn't put it to my mouth as they walked over to Lee's cubicle. 

"Oh my... Sir, get off him you'll get infected!"

"Do I look like I care the slightest bit?"



I heard the characteristic sound of Jamie's strong fist hitting flesh and bones and a swear word. 

"Little bastard!" one of the nurses shouted. 

Throwing up noises. A beeper beeped and I ran over to the cubicle as I heard Jamie sob Lee's name. Ian was following me, half petrified. The door slammed open again and a vigil stepped in, pushing us over. I just had the time to hear Jamie's heart breaking cry as he was shoved away from Lee before his body hit the sinks. I was gripped to the cubicles.

The nurses carried Lee out under our frozen looks. Move over, Stuart! Just keep them away from doing this! 
But I didn't do anything. 

I had to find him. I glanced likeat Jamie who was trying to follow the nurses, screaming his lungs out. It tore my heart open to see him panic that but I just had to find Mike. I ran out and rushed to the room I remembered they had gotten him into. I slammed the door open. The room had three beds in it when it seemed evident it could only contain one. there was a little boy on one, and a young girl on the other. And between the two, Mike was lying, motionless. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going to upload all I already have because I can.

Title credit goes to Radiohead - Fitter Happier

I know it's not a song, but damn! I love it. The lyrics. It's just so cold and terrifying and so in the spirit of the record! I mean "Fitter, healthier and more productive. A pig. In a cage. On antibiotics." and "Pragmatism not idealism. Will not cry in public." and all the thing is ice aaah.