Status: Unfinished with just fragmented parts of the story

The Realm of War

Sara had always been shy, even as a child she would wait for over fifteen minutes in the long line at McDonald's just to get some extra sweet-and-sour sauce because she didn't want to be rude and cut in front. She was the girl that teachers would mark absent, even when she was sitting right in front of their desk, the one that hid her face in a book at lunch and the one who would never, ever have the courage to do anything by gaze at her crush from afar.

Then things changed. Dreams plagued her sleep with vivid images of a battle being fought in mud-covered ground and an axe coming down at her head. He was always there, on the other side of the battle field looking mournfully at her face as she tried to not to die. She shook the dreams off as merely the crazy workings of her fried for him, well people always dreamed of their crushes, didn't they? Besides, he didn't even know that she existed even though she sat right behind him in all but one of his classes so dreams were the only way she'd ever have the chance to spend time with him.

She certainly never expected him to grab her by the arm and drag her out the front door to his car after class, yet it happened. Looking over his shoulder, he quickly offered her a warning before speeding away leaving her standing in the quickly emptying parking lot. What was going on and why did he want her drop out of school?