Status: To be rewritten very soon! :)

About a Girl

Woman For Sale

After chatting for hours with Elle about our future at Hogwarts, sleep finally found me and I slept soundly until the very first rays of the morning sunrise crept through the curtains of my four-poster bed.

The sound of birds chirping merrily from outside the window, is what caused me to stir from my slumber. My eyes fluttered open and a smile immediately played my lips as I realized where I was; Hogwarts.

I threw back the bed clothes, swung my feet over the edge of my bed and drew back the curtains which separated me from the now radiating sunshine. The sudden change of light caused me to wince and shield my eyes with the back of my hand. From over to my left I heard a familiar voice chuckle.

"Good morning Sunshine! It's about time that you got up! You're going to be late for class if you don't hurry up, it's already a quarter past eight!" She giggled again.

My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I could make out Elle, pulling on her robes and smiling up at me.

The news took me some time to process, since my head was still thick with sleep, but then when it finally clicked in, I sprang from my bed and ran to my trunk.

I started rummaging through it tossing shoes, socks, undies and all the rest of my uniform and robes onto my bed. Once all the missing pieces where found, wordlessly and without a second thought, I snapped the curtains shut and began dressing in a haste.

I can't believe I over-slept on my first day...there's no way I can be late!

I finished pulling on my socks and threw on my robes overtop the rest of my uniform and turned to face Elle, whipping the curtains back. That's when I realized that she was laughing hysterically to herself, one hand clutched tightly over her mouth trying to hold in her cackle, while tears pooled out from the corners of her eyes.

I waited for her to stop, confused as to why she would be laughing. Finally she stopped giggling, took a deep breath and turned to me. "I'm sooooo sorry, Mildred! I was just joking! I wanted to see how you'd react, and I never expected that!, she burst into a fit of giggles, you should have seen your face!"

My cheeks burned as I felt myself blush furiously. This angered me and I decided that I would get her back, in good time. "I can't believe you'd do that to me...and on our first day!" I exclaimed, placing my hand over my heart as if hurt by her actions. We both giggled whole-heartily.

"Well, since we're up and ready to get going, we might as well make our way down to the Great Hall for some breaky?" I said, now grabbing quills and parchment and neatly placing it inside my carrier bag.

Elle nodded and chimed, "sounds beautiful. What's on for today?" She asked, pointing to my timetables.

I carefully examined the sheet of parchment on which my classes for the semester had been written down, deciphering the day's schedule.
"First I have Potions with Professor Slughorn, followed by Charms with Flitwick. Lunch break.
Then I have Defence Against The Dark Arts with Professor Merrythought, then Transfiguration with Dumbledore and finally History of Magic with Professor Bagshot. What about you?"

"Ummm, one sec!" She said, springing from her bed and to her trunk. She rummaged through it for a few seconds, then stepped back holding out her timetables.

I took them from her and compared both sheets. To my surprise, we had most of our classes together. I handed her sheet back to her and smiled. "We have most of our classes together! The only difference in your schedule is that you have Charms as your fourth period and Transfiguration right after Potions instead."

"Wahoo!" She exclaimed, throwing her book bag over her shoulder. "Let's go get some grub!" Elle said as she enlaced her arm around mine and began leading me out of the Dormitory, towards our awaiting feast.

We arrived at the Great Hall and already it was filled with a crowd of energetic youth. They lined the tables of each house, stuffing their faces on the magnificent food that overflowed each of the room-length rows of tables.

Succulent butterscotch puddings, bowls upon bowls of deliciously ripe fruit, piles of toast and freshly buttered croissants, dishes of steaming hot oatmeal with drizzles of honey and brown sugar on top and stacks of pancakes, slathered in maple sirop, were only a few things that were presented to the students, amongst many others.

I felt my stomach growl with hunger and anticipation, I could see it in Elle's face that she was just as excited as I was, to be able to dig into such a magnificent breakfast.

From over by the two large oak-doors that led into the Great Hall, I could see Severus waving to us from the Slytherin table, motioning for us to come join him.

I waved back and looked over to Elle, who was also waving back, a dreamy look on her face. Already at this point, it was easy to tell that Elle was totally and completely infatuated with him.

We made our way to where Severus and his buddies where sitting. He immediately shoved his cronies over and patted the seat beside him. "Ladies…" He said, looking directly at Elle.

I sat furthest from Severus, so they would be able to sit together, and contented myself by filling my plate up with mounds upon mounds of delicious food. I watched them over my meal, giggling under my breath at how cute they seemed and wondered if they would end up being "highschool sweethearts". We finished our breakfasts and were then greeted by the mail-service owls.

They came swooping in, hundreds at a time. Soaring and swirling in the air, trying to find their destined owner or to whom the mail was to be delivered. We all watched in awe, when suddenly a tawny-brown owl, swooped down in front of Elle, hovered for a second, dropped a tiny parcel into her hands and screeched at her, before flying of in a gust of wind.