Status: To be rewritten very soon! :)

About a Girl

Is It My Body?

"Thanks a lot, Elle! We could have won if you weren't obsessed with Snape!" I exclaimed, as I tossed my many phials and scales, along with my potions book back into my bookbag.

My comment made her turn bright red, instantly. With that she clamped her hand tightly over my mouth, and scanned the room for anyone who seemed to have noticed what I said.

When she realized that no one had overheard, she let go of me and sighed with relief. I couldn't believe how flustered she got about such a silly thing. I apologized nonetheless.

"Elle...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I shouldn't have said what I did." She turned to look at me and smiled. "Oh, it's okay! I totally overreacted. I should be the one saying sorry." She giggled nervously.

"Come on!" I said, looping my arm around hers and heading out of the Potion doors. "Let's go, or we're going to be late for our next class!"

We rushed out of the Dungeons and reached the Main Hall, stopping before the Grand Staircase.
"I guess this is where we part ways." Elleanore said, readjusting the strap of her book bag so it sat more comfortably on her shoulder. "I guess so...Meet me here when Lunch break begins?" I asked.

"Aye, Aye Capt'n!" She said, saluting me in a military fashion. "Alright, good luck!" I said, saluting her back and heading up the Grand Staircase and up the many, rotating staircases up to the third floor.

I made it without getting stuck on any of the moving staircases, and pushed the large oak door that lead to the Charms corridor. I quickly found classroom 2E, and walked in, surprised to see that it was still mostly empty. Except for a few students, huddled in a corner speaking to each other in hushed voices.

I immediately recognized one of the students. It was hard to miss, since his silvery-blonde hair was a dead giveaway. Malfoy. I wrinkled my nose at the sight of him and sat in the furthest row from which he sat.

"Mildred!" He said, getting up from his seat unexpectedly. I looked at him blandly. "What do you want?" I asked, a note of annoyance in my voice.

"Mildred, come on...lighten up. I didn't mean what I said on the train. Why don't you come sit over here with us?" He said, smirking. His cronies started giggling madly.

Something inside of me told me not to go, but my body had a mind of it's own. I walked slowly down the rows until I was the next seat over from Lucius.

He looked me over, the same smirk upon his lips. I could feel him eye me down, and I began to feel uncomfortable.

"Say..." He began, and put his arm around my shoulder, bringing me in closer to him. "You sure are beautiful for someone so young...and so mature..." He said, his eyes lingering on my breast, which were quite plentiful for someone of my age.

I started to panic, I hardly knew this sleazeball, and he already had his dirty paws all over me.
He must have noticed the panic in my eyes. He placed his free hand on my chin and tilted it up towards his own face. His icy-grey eyes, peered into my soul for a fraction of a second, and then his lips met mine. His kiss was soft, yet aggressive. Needy, yet I could feel a hint of longing in there as well.

Just as we broke apart, Professor Flitwick walked in and peered at us with his beady eyes. He could hardly see above the desks, but he stood there momentarily glaring at us. Then he spoke.

"This is not a brothel, Ms. Balthazar. Mr. Malfoy, please let go of this poor girl so she can be seated in her proper place." Without hesitation he added in his high-pitched voice, "At once!"

Flustered and still confused as to what had just happened, I got up from Lucius' lap and sat myself back down into my own seat. The rest of the period passed by in a haze of questions. Most of which were...

"Why...why did Malfoy kiss me?"