Status: To be rewritten very soon! :)

About a Girl

Hard Day's Night

My mother and father decided to take me to Diagon Alley by apparition. My father still practiced it. They seemed pretty happy about me receiving my letter, which made me excited. I hoped that our family would once again be magical.

A redhead, a friend of my mother who just had a child, was in Diagon Alley getting things for certain potions. We were in the apothecary getting potion ingredients. We also picked a cauldron. Mum got me the best one. Then we went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

While I was there, there was a young boy there. He seemed my age. He had brown curly hair and deep brown eyes. There were deep scars down his face. The boy looked deep in thought.

He finally noticed I was looking at him. I looked down and blushed.

The boy was about to walk up to me, when his parents took him by the hand and walked him away. I felt a little sadness that I didn't get to find out his name.

"Come on, Elle. You're next!" My mother whined in her French accent.

Of course we had to wait 'til the last minute before getting my things. Today was the day I also had to leave for Hogwarts. The train left the station at 11 A.M.

My mother and father woke me up very early this morning, and we left my sister with my grandparents. Snape and Lily had already went shopping for their equipment. They already had their wands.

Mom took me to Ollivander's, and we got my wand. It was a Maple, 11'' and Dragon heartstring. It looked gorgeous and was also very expensive. Once we were done at the crazy, old wand maker's shop, my mom brought me to an old book store.

The first thing that happened in this store was that I bumped into a girl my age. And we both fell down hard, in the opposite directions.

"Mildred, hurry up! I don't have time for this!" an older woman shouted.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" my mother asked, picking me up from the ground.

The older woman scoffed and walked away. The young girl, who was most likely her daughter, looked back at me and smiled.

That wasn't the last of her that I saw that day. I also saw her at the Magical Menagerie, where I bought my pet cat. Mum let me pick it out by color, and by the way it reacted to me. The woman there, wearing heavy, black spectacles helped us put her in a kennel. I named her, Asia.

Finally, all my equipment was bought, and it was time to go to the station. We finally got to the platform, which was the weirdest part for me. There were many wizards and witches waiting to get on the train.

"Only fifteen minutes left, let's get you on that train, sweetheart," my father ruffled my hair and brought my things to the man putting things in the train.

"We'll miss you very much, Elle. Write to us every chance you have! Don't hesitate!"

And with that, I hugged both my parents and hurried onto the train. I searched the whole train for an empty compartment, and I found none. Hurriedly, I shoved myself into a compartment. In there, was the girl I saw from Flourish & Blotts.

"Hello...could I sit here?" I asked.

"No. You cannot. Now leave!" she shouted, pointing to the door.

I immediately backed out and turned around. The compartment in front of me seemed a little more promising. I opened the door and sat down without permission.

The boy from the robe store was sitting comfortably and reading a book. He looked up and smiled.

"Could I...maybe sit here?" I asked, already seated.

"It seems you already are. So, sure. I'm Remus. You are?"

"Eléonore. I'm from Canada, but my parents and I moved to London when I was only 5."

"Well, I can tell. You have a very thick London accent, m'love."

And with that, I instantly began liking Remus.