Status: Completed

Coffee Grounds

Chapter One

Amy sat still, sneaking glances through her sunglasses. She had sat down in one of the last seats open on the subway, only to notice him out of the corner of her eyes. He was standing near to the doors, his arm extended above to hold onto the metal bar above him, one most would be on tippy toes to reach.

Her cherry red lips automatically made their way towards a smirk, as they always had in high school walking by him in the halls. They always made those faces at each other, like they were keeping some beautiful secret from the rest of the world. The subway rattled to a halt and Amy found her breath caught in her throat as she made an advance towards the sliding metal doors, towards him. She would say ‘hi’ if it weren’t for the fear of him not being who she thought he was or of him being the right him and not remembering her. While biting the corner of her lips, she looked everywhere but at him, smiling softly, savoring the memories like the last bit of chocolate in a candy bar.

As if they had never left high school their eyes met each others, like they did in the hallways. He let a tell-all smirk slide across his barely changed face as she made a slight grimace trying to hide her smile.

“Hello,” Amy said, watching a smile slowly spread across his face, making his eyes squinch.

“Hello,” he responded. “It’s been a… long time,” he said, his eyes almost blurred like he was really back in the hallways.

“It has!” She shouted over the loud speakers in the subway, calling for her stop. “The next stop is mine.” She said, almost as if getting off that train would be harder than anything.

“Where are you going?”He asked, tilting his head to the side.

“To work.” She answered with little to no hope in her voice. “But, you should meet me at the Starbucks on the corner of 74th and Amsterdam at about 5?” She said it tentatively, like a child asking out her crush.

He chuckled, pressing his hands deeper into his pockets, a nervous habit. “Will do,” He answered slowly, stumbling forward as the train came to a halt.

“See you there.” She smiled as she hopped off the subway with a bit more bounce in her step than she had had just a few moments ago.