Status: I've Been MIA for the last two years....sorry if it sucks.... ;)

Come What May

Lying Next To Me

Damn, damn girl you do it well
And I thought you were innocent
You took this heart and put it through hell
But still you're magnificent
I I'm a boomerang doesn't matter how you throw me
Turn around and I'm back in the game
Even better than the old me
But I'm not even close without you

It had been forever since Aubrey had set foot into the Lemieux house but there was always a calming feeling when she was there.
“You haven’t changed anything in here have you?” She peeled off her wet t-shirt revealing a few new art projects Sidney had not seen before.
“No. Whoa.” He turned around.
“Come on. It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before.” A smirk formed on her lips. She pulled the shirt over her head then wiggled out of her wet jeans.
“I know. It’s just a little awkward.” He replied. “When did you get that tattoo?”
“Right after I left.” She replied taking the sweatpants from him.
“I like it.”
“I’d show you the others but that would be more awkward than seeing me in my underwear.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” He blushed slightly. “I’ll be right back.” Sidney took her wet laundry down to Nathalie so she could put them in the dryer. He still had the old pictures of them sitting on his dresser. Aubrey got up and couldn’t help but smile when she saw them.

“I remember that trip.” Aubrey picked up the picture of her friends and ran her fingers over the frame. She made it for Sidney with the shells she had collected. The summer after graduation they all took a trip to the beach for one last hooray before they had to start being adults. “Kailyn and I fell asleep in the sun and had the most ridiculous sunburns ever.”
“That was a fun trip.”
“Everybody looks so happy.”
“That’s what no responsibilities looks like.”
“Can we go back to that? I hate being a grown up.”
“I think it’s a little too late for that.” He laughed and put the movie in. Aubrey jumped onto the bed next to Sidney and got comfortable. Halfway into the movie she was out like a light, sleeping on Sidney just like she always did.

“What time is it?” Aubrey rubbed her eyes.
“Almost 5.”
“Sheesh.” She replied. “Can you hand me my phone? I’m too lazy to get up.”
“Here.” He let out a chuckle.
“15 missed calls from Patrick. Delete all.”
“He doesn’t give up does he?”
“Nope.” She shook her head.
“I think I smell food. Want to go see if Nat made dinner?”
“Lessgo!” Aubrey jumped onto Sid’s back.
“What do I look like?” He laughed.
“My ride downstairs.” She laughed. "Now get a move on it! I'm hungry." Sidney let out a groan when she smacked him on the butt.
“Don’t blame me if I drop you.”
“You wouldn’t!” She wrapped her legs tight around his waist when he got to the stairs.
“Hold on.” He took a running start down the stairs making Aubrey let out a scream.
“That was not funny.”
“Yeah it was.” He laughed.

“Sounds like the two of you are having fun.” Nathalie smiled. “Dinner is almost ready if you would like some.”
“You need any help?” Aubrey offered.
“Sure, I would love some.” Nathalie handed a stack of plates to Aubrey. “You know, Sidney has been a lot happier since you came back.”
“That’s good.” She smiled.
“It’s great to see that you’re still such good friends.”
“He’s a good person. Always was and always will be.” Aubrey bit her lip. “I'll go set the table."