Status: Active

Square Up

Heart and Mind

I feel so bad for Kim, she didn't do anything wrong. She was just trying to protect me.
So much was going on in my head. I wonder if my parents called the police to search for me, even if they did, you have to wait three days. It's only been two.

Looking down I realize Kim's shoulder has already started to form a bruise. It was about the size of my fist, and getting purple. "He might have broken something, Kim" I began. She shook her head and claimed 'she was fine.' I knew she wasn't alright.

Helping her up, I slowly took her to the car. "We are going to the hospital, and you have no say in this." I commanded. Suddenly, she added, "You don't even have a license, Ken!"

Never did I think about that, but, I was a pretty good driver as I knew of.
No one has told me otherwise. Acting like I never heard her, I took the keys and started the car. About 15 minutes in we arrive at the Local Hospital.

Running over toward the passenger door, that I even eventually opened, after being very cautious about cops or relatives around. Leading her through the E.R doors as I did, I casually walk toward the opening desk. '"Looks like you got roughed up a bit." The woman commented. "The only thing I need is help for my friend here." I stated fairly rude.

"We'll get her when we can, Hun." the woman sputtered. "No, now!" I roared, "She got hit, she's hurt, so help her!" The woman nodded and went out of the room. I can not explain how pissed I would be if she came back with no doctor. Nervously sitting and realizing a doctor had came in for Kim. Finally!

Dr. Peers as I remember him to be. I've been here once, only because of a bad flu.
So, I'm pretty sure Dr.Peers was my doctor at that time. Peers walks Kim back to the X-Ray room, but resists to let me enter. This did not help my anger or stress.
I finally walked away and sat in the waiting room for Kim. It seemed like hours before Kim returned with a neck sling on. It looked like Nat cracked her collar bone, but of course, I'm no bone expert.
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Not many chapters will be made, I'm kind of busy at the moment. But for more chapters, just comment or message.

-Alex (Shane)