Status: Love never felt like this before

Love Bites!

The Pain!

I've been in pain for days. Somehow I felt like I made a huge mistake. By revealing that I was a vampire to my true love, it cost me my relationship with Jennifer.

I was broken. It's been hell living with this curse that Shane put me through. My heart has been aching with fear and hurt for days. I've been bleeding tears and I think the worst thing was, I had a craving for blood. I guess that's what happens to vampires when they feel pain.

My phone began to ring. The caller I.D. read private. Who could possibly call me from a private number?

''Hello? Who is this?''

''Hello Buddy! It's your old pal from 1920. Listen I wanted to talk to you.''

''I have nothing to say to you. You ruined my life. What else could I say to you?''

''Well Austin, I just wanted to say sorry that my boys killed your cousin. They meant to kill you. But anyway, since I've been leader of the vampire council, I haven't seen you in months. We need to hang out like old times. You know like I try to kill you, You go off and runaway and eventually I'll find you. You know good old times.''

''Are you serious? I don't want anything to do with you. You are not important to me. I have bigger things to worry about than ''hanging'' out with you.

''Oh yes I know about your little girlfriend Jennifer. Such a bummer right. I know how break ups get.''

''How do you know about Jennifer? I swear Shane, if you did anything to hurt her I will rip your head off.''

''Oh your speech is so threatening. Relax Austin, She'll be fine, For now. So I think we have an understanding.''

''When and where?'' Shane had threatened to kill her if we didn't hang out. Maybe worst, he'll turn her into one of us.

''Friday. The club. 8:00. Either you come or she dies. Your call. Oh and by the way, Your girl is leaving her house to meet up at the hub with her friends. I know that because I have one of my boys going to follow her. Maybe for a....wonderful dinner. Hurry before its to late.''

As he hung up the phone, I quickly got dressed as Lexi approached me.

''Austin whats going on? Where are you going?'' With concern in her voice, she sounded like she wanted to help.

''Shane has one of his guys going to stalk Jennifer, possibly even kill her. She's headed to the hub to meet up with her friends. I gotta go save her.''

''Well I'm going with you. I wanna help out. I always did say together forever. So I'm gonna help you like it or not.''

I couldn't help but smile and accept the fact that my sister was all grown up and was willing to help me with this situation.


We walked into the hub. There was a whole bunch of people walking around and having fun. It was so packed that I couldn't see her anywhere. I decided that me and Lexi needed to split up in case we see her or spot the guy that Shane sent.

I sat at the bar when all of a sudden she walked in. She seemed sad to be with her friends. Like still hurt over our break up.

Her and her friends sat down and tried to cheer her up. I talked softly to Lexi saying that she was here. Lexi was looking from the other side.

''Jen, you have to get over this guy. I mean you've been this way for three days already. You broke up with him. There's plenty of guys out there.'' One of her friends said to cheer her up.

''Kate how can you say that. Look at her. I think she made a mistake leaving him. This guy was better that Matt. He actually had respect and would actually would love you and be their for you.''

Jen then answered. ''Miranda, Kate can we please not talk about Austin. Can one of you get me a drink please?''

Miranda got up and walked to the bar and ordered drinks for the girls and then she noticed me.

''Oh my God, Your Austin right? I've heard so much about you.''

''Yeah I'm Austin. Nice to meet you.'' We shook hands and as soon as we did, Lexi felt a connection when we shook hands. Lexi contacted me saying she was the one. Then I saw Jennifer leave.

I walked out and followed her. She made to her car as I called out her name. She looked back and looked scared to see me as if I was gonna attack her.

''Austin, what are you doing here? Are you gonna hurt me?''

''No I'm here to protect you. I will never hurt you because I love you and will let nothing happen to you.''

''Do you really love me? and won't hurt me.''

''Yes you are the best thing that's happen to me. You are my world.'' As I told how I really feel about her, Miranda came from behind and attacked me and pushed Jen out the way.

''Miranda, your a vampire?'' With fear in her eyes, Jennifer was shocked that her best friend was a vampire. Kinda like how I was.

''Sorry to break the news to you Jen. Now if you excuse me, its time for you to die.'' As soon as she went for the kill, Lexi came out and attacked her. They were fighting for a while and then I came came in and snapped her neck. Then we took Miranda and took her body to the woods and burned the body.

Jennifer was in tears. She couldn't believe what was going on. She was walking to her car and I was walking towards her.

''Jen, I didn't want this for you. I never wanted this. I'm sorry that you had to deal with this.''

''Austin, I can't see you anymore. I'm sorry.''

She drove off and left. I was feeling bad for this whole thing. I just had to make it right.
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Thanks for taking time to read this... Hope you guys enjoy. God Bless!