
Didn't Expect to see you here....


“Hey bartender can I get a cup tonight’s my night and I’m getting fucked up. I hope I still got the charm got the luck. Cuz all these bitches and hoes look like so much fun…”
Kenzie watched as the crowd got crazy and sang along to Deuce’s “I Came to Party”. She laughed her hand thrown up in the air showing her support for one of her favorite musicians, her unbiased opinion of course. As Deuce started on the chorus he faced the mic out towards the crowd.

“I thought I told ya…” he stopped and let the fans finish “I came to party” they screamed Kenzie included. She always enjoyed herself at concerts. In fact that’s how she met Aaron aka Deuce. It was a couple years ago she was at a Hollywood Undead show and she had won free tickets as well as backstage passes for her and a friend from a local radio station and all she had to do was stand 24 hours in the cold wearing nothing but a bikini. Everyone thought she was crazy but it was so totally worth it. She scored two tickets complete with backstage passes to see the band play in Long Beach. Most of the guys lived up to their reps Deuce included but after the show when she was backstage with her best friend Sarah she hit it off right away with the front man. A couple dinner dates later they were together. Two years later and they were still going strong. Even after the mishap with the band and he went solo it never changed the way they felt about each other.

As she watched him work the stage and the crowd she screamed and sang along. She jumped she hand her hands up. She was like a crazy fan. Kenzie was so into the music she didn’t notice someone had bumped into her. Behind the faint voice was barely heard over the crowd.

“Sorry, excuse me” the man apologized.
She turned around to see a man wearing a black hat, white bandana, shoulder length black hair, cut t-shirt and a nice set of sleeves going down his arm. Funny she thought the man looked exactly like her best friend….

“Brian?” she called to the stranger over the background noise. Immediately the man looked up as if he recognized her voice too.

“Holy fuck Kenzie didn’t expect to bump into you” he chuckled maneuvering his body so he wasn’t mashed up against someone else.

“Me neither, what are you doing here?” Kenzie had to shout so he could hear her.

“I heard Big Deuce was playing in the LBC had to come show my support. What are you doing here? I mean why aren’t you watching from backstage?” he leaned in close so he didn’t have to yell too much.

“You know me; I always loved the feel of being in the crowd the energy down here gets your blood pumping”

Brian laughed “Yeah I hear ya.” Just then there was break in the noise as Deuce set up for his next song. “What are you guys up to after the show? Crazy ass after party?” he laughed again knowing a Deuce party was indeed a crazy one. He’d been friends with Kenzie since they were in diapers. She grew up next door they went to the same elementary. Brian even walked her home after school in middle school. High school was a crazy time for the both of them with Brian getting busy with his band Avenged Sevenfold she did her own thing but they remained friends. She went to all his shows was even a fan of Pinkly Smooth she was relieved when the band decided to call it quits and Brian and Jimmy decided to do Avenged with Matt and Zack and later Johnny.

She smiled shrugging “My mom is throwing a dinner party and expects us to be there she’d have a fit if we mysteriously had something come up again. Hey you should come and bring Michelle. Mom’s been asking about you wondering why she hasn’t seen you in a while”

“I’d better go too then. Don’t want your mom to send the Mafia after me” he chuckled referring to Kenzie’s mother being Italian. “We’ll be there.” Glancing down at his watch he frowned “Speaking of which I gotta run. Told Matt I’d help clean out his garage. Val’s been trying to get him to do it since spring” he chuckled

“Alright, see you tonight then? And give Chelle my love”

“Will do” both friends embraced in a hug “Tell Aaron I said what’s up”

She nodded squeezing him tight punching his arm playfully as he walked away. She watched him for a moment before turning her attention back to the stage. Military jets flew overhead an American flag lowered into the back drop of the stage Deuce walking back out wearing his flag mask. He always liked ending his shows big and he always got the crowd pumping. “They wanna see blood they wanna see hate like a needle in your veins” he belted out the words jumping up and down on stage the rage in the words flowed throughout the hundreds of fans. Kenzie watched and smiled she was happy when she saw how happy Deuce was and how passionate he was about his music. Turning around she made her way through the crowd heading backstage where she’d meet her boyfriend so they could leave and get ready for her mom’s dinner party.
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This is my first attempt at a fan fic so please bare with me