Status: ...

Last Days of April

Cyril never had any particularly favorite month before. All he cares about in the world is food, good music, and a notebook where he wrote a never-ending story about Halyn, a girl whose naivety always her led to trouble, only to be saved by his everyday intervention as the story's author. Everyday, despite her mother's obvious disapproval, he engrossed himself in the latest adventure that Halyn came across, whether it be the dangerous crevasses of the Dry Plains, the cold temperatures of the Black Hat Ranges, or the onslaught of the deadly Crawlers, and their leader, Brex.

One night, Halyn told him that she wishes to see him, and thank him for saving her everyday. He talks to her for the first time through a voice from the sky, telling her that someday, she will. All she needs to do is want it enough.

The next morning, he wakes up to a breathtaking girl in a peach dress lying with him on the bed, staring at him.