Sequel: Our Other World

Take Me To Another World

The Interview

I took a seat back-stage and watched the boys get sit down on the sofa opposite the interviewer. The applause from the audience sounded and Michelle (the interviewer) introduced the show.

'We have some very special guests tonight. They've been kind enough to pause their world domination to have a little chat. They've taken the world by storm and girls everywhere fan-girl over them every second of the day. Please give a warm welcome to One Direction!'

The audience stood and clapped and squealed. Harry, Zayn, Louis, Niall and Liam smiled and waved at the camera and the audience. The crowd settled down and took their seats once more.

'So! It must be pretty crazy out there then! There's only about a hundred people in here and you've gotten an ear-splitting reaction like that from all those young girls! What's it like on tour, when you go out on stage?' asked Michelle.
'Yeah, it does get pretty mad, there's loads of screaming, crying and worse so it does get pretty hectic. But, you know, if it weren't for the fans then we wouldn't be where we are now so a massive thank you to all the fans for getting us where we've wanted to go,' said Liam.
'Now, you're away from home a lot. You don't get to see your family as much as you might like. Do you ever get homesick? What's the worse case of homesickness has there been recently?' enquired Michelle.
'Um, I think we all get pretty homesick from time to time. It's just not being able to be there with your family and friends when you were able to do that about 2 years ago, so it can be hard. And it's not like you can just pick up the phone that often because there's always another thing that needs doing and when you're in another country in another time zone, the best thing you can do it text them or tweet them or something,' Louis replied.
'I think the worst case of being homesick was when we were in America, and it was nearing the end of our tour, and we were all really tired and we were tweeting our families and girlfriends and the only thing getting us through was knowing just a few more weeks and we'll be home,' said Zayn 'There were a few tears because of how much we missed them, you can't bring them on tour with you so when you're home, you make the most of the time you get with them'
'Thing is, when we're all back at home, say I'm in Mullingar, and Zayn's in Bradford, it's not just a drive down the road to say hi, it's a plane flight so we all text each other a lot to say we miss them and we'll see them at work so whether we're home or at work, we miss someone,' said Niall.

'So who has a girlfriend at the minute?' Michelle said with a grin. 'Go on, raise your hand or something.' Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis put their hands in the air.
'Awh, Niall. You're really sweet! You waiting for the right girl?'
'Yeah, I've said it once and I'll say it again, being single doesn't mean you're weak, it means you're strong enough to know what you deserve. Anyway, for the minute, until I do find my princess, I've got the fans, so in a way, I've got thousands of girls,' Niall laughed.
'So tell us about your girlfriends. Louis you start,' said Michelle.
'Well, it was Harry who set us up and it kicked off and yeah. Um, we've been together a while now and I'm surprised how much she can handle really but in a way I'm not if that makes any sense. She's like the girl version of me, she's fun, funny, she's quite laid back and all that so she just brushes any hate off as well as she can really,' Louis explained.
'He loves Eleanor loads. If we've been on tour a while, say a month, you won't see him away from his phone because yeah he texts his mum, but he texts Eleanor non- stop!' Harry smiled.
'Yeah, me and Danielle met on the X Factor, a lot of you will know she's a dancer on there, and I thought she was cool. She's really nice and funny. She makes me laugh how whenever anyone is mean to her on Twitter, she'll tweet them back and there was a post a few days ago saying how the Directioners love how 'she owns the haters and still manages to stay sweet while doing it.' When we go on tour and when I'm not home I'll text and tweet her and I really miss her,' Liam said.
'Zayn, go on, you now,' grinned Michelle.
'Well, me and Perrie haven't really been together for that long so there's not a lot to tell. She's a lovely girl, she's amazing and she's really nice, a really lovely person. So far, I think everything's going well. It's not easy to spend much time together when we're at work and she's at work but apart from that, everything's going well,' he smiled.
'And Harry what about you?'
'I really like Tia. I've been with her just over a year now and It's been amazing. She's not quite used to being away from home for longs amounts of time, so she likes to visit home to see her family and friends and stuff like that. She's really nice and she's one of those people who will just be there for you, who'll listen to you if you have any problems and she won't tell another living thing unless it's really urgent. She's amazing and I trust her with my life. I...I love her,' he said, turning a slight shade of red.
'Really? Have there been any problems recently what with the papers today and how she goes home all the time?' Michelle began.
'What about the papers?' Harry asked. My heart thudded harder in my chest. I should have known that if she was talking about girlfriends, then she'd come on to this.
'You haven't seen them? We should be able to get some pictures on the screen shouldn't we? Yes, here we go!' And there, on the screen between the two sofa's were the pictures of me and my ex. I gasped at the shocked look on Harry's face and the little mutters flicking through the audience.

'You didn't know? She was seen with him the last time she went back home and rumour says that he's the reason she's going back so soon. Didn't she tell you she saw him?' Michelle asked, a mild look of glee on her face as if she'd thought she'd just revealed a juicy new story.
'I...Well, I knew she was meeting up with her family and a few friends. I'm sure that there were more people there, I mean who would have been taking the pictures?' Harry stammered. Did he believe that or was he just saying that?
'Yes, but also, why were they hugging, sharing a milkshake, eating a picnic in the park together and sharing a swing? Seems odd, doesn't it?' Michelle started.
'Harry...' Niall began under his breath, but Harry discreetly waved him off. He looked too shocked for words.
'Do you think she's cheating on you?' Michelle trilled, sounding a lot happier that what she should have done. Harry opened his mouth to talk but -
'No! Why would she? She's got Harry! She's one of the luckiest girls in the world and he is one of the luckiest boys. There is obviously a reason they broke up and wouldn't talk for a while. Why would she go back to him?' It was Niall. All I could think was a huge 'thank you' in my head and made a mental note to buy him a Nando's as soon as I could to thank him for trying to help me.
'I don't know. But a large percentage of people get back with their ex's one or maybe two relationships later. They forgive and forget. Maybe that's what Tia's done?' chimed Michelle.
'I don't think Tia would do that,' Harry informed.
'You don't think, but you don't know. Do you still trust her?' beamed Michelle. Harry hesitated. He sat watching the screen change from picture to picture, headline to headline, article to article. He took a deep breath, hesitated a second longer then came out with a steady 'Yes.'

Tears where burning my eyes. I didn't want Harry to think that I was a cheater. I could always tell when Harry was lying or was unsure, and at that point in time, he certainly wasn't sure about what he was saying. He looked into Michelle's eyes and then down at the floor and back up again. Louis put his hand on Harry's knee and Harry kept staring at the screen as the interview went on. It was painful to see the disbelief and pain in his eyes. I wanted to run on stage and tell him none of it was true, but I knew he wouldn't want to talk to me. I sat there with tears sliding down my cheeks watching him look at those agonizing pictures. He stayed quite quiet during the rest of the interview and the atmosphere certainly changed. It was more tense.

At the end of the show the boys came off set one-by-one. I stood at the door waiting for Harry. I saw him trail behind the rest.
'Harry!' I called in a shaking voice. He stopped in his tracks a little, looks back, beckoned me to come, and I followed on. I walked behind him and the other boys and not a word was said, until Liam dropped back a little. He put his hand on my back and gave me a little squeeze.
'Don't worry, he's just in shock. We're all going to try and keep him calm. We know that he's your world and you're his. Just be brave, don't worry. Everything will be fine.' I nodded at him and gave him a little hug back as he went to get his jacket. I stood outside the door and heard small voices. I just stood there and didn't interrupt. Zayn was the first to come out. He saw me there and came over.

'Not true is it?' He asked.
'Of course not! I would never, ever - ' I started.
'I know, just checking. He's just having a drink and calming down. Deep down he knows it's not true, but when you see stuff like that, it's always a shock and there's always a part of you that'll believe it. See you later,' he said and he held my hand tight for a second before turning to go. Just as he was walking through the door, Niall came out.
'He and Louis will be out in a sec. He'll be a bit shaky tonight, but he'll be fine in the morning,' He gave me a quick hug and I whispered in his ear 'Thanks.' He nodded and went to his car. Five minutes later, Harry and Louis walked through the door. I went to talk, but Louis shook his head and mouthed 'not yet.' I nodded sadly and looked at the floor. He jerked his head to the door and I followed them out. He came over to the car with us and said goodbye.
'Have a good night, you two. I might see you tomorrow, might not. Depends. See you later,' He winked at us and gave me a little pat on the shoulder. Me and Harry slid into the car in an awkward silence. My phone was beeping, telling me I had a text, but I ignored it.

'You not going to check that?' Harry asked.
'Yeah alright, I just didn't think...' but I trailed off. Harry looked at me and then cleared his throat. He started the engine as I looked through the ten or so texts asking if it was true, why I was doing it and some, If I was Okay. I ignored them all and put my phone back in my bag.
'Where do you want to go for dinner?' He asked, looking straight ahead at the road.
'I'm not that hungry,' I said.
'Don't be silly. Where do you want to go?' He asked again. He was trying to make it sound normal, but there was something there that made it hard to appear that way.
'Really Harry, we don't need to go anywhere. A pizza at home will do fine. I know you don't really want to go out. You can see that. Let's just go home, order something. Have a night in with a glass of white wine or something. Lets just relax,' I replied.
'Okay then. Home we go,' he said. The truth was, I was scared to go back. I was afraid he was going to ignore me. I leant forward and turned on the radio to fill the silence. It seemed so much longer ago than yesterday that we were sitting by the pond in the park watching the clouds in the orange-pink sky.
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