Status: Active

Because I Like You

The Issue

"I... I thought you were on the phone." I say tentatively, awaiting his response with equal parts of dread and anticipation.

"I was. Danielle had to go; she was calling to let me know what was going on with the tour." Liam responds slowly, as if he's unsure of what he should be saying. He looks at his phone before dropping it on the couch and staring at his hands.

I move towards the couch intent on finding some way to calm him down, only to stop when he tenses. I settle for fiddling with the magazine on the table, trying my hardest to think of a way to resolve the situation.


I look up so fast that it makes me dizzy, my eyes scanning Liam's face as I try to figure out what I'd missed. I had been so intent on the magazine and its crumpled edges, that I hadn't heard anything but 'go'. He seems to realize that I hadn't heard him and repeats himself.

"Harley, I need some time to think about this. I think it's best if I go home."

"Okay." I reply softly, biting my lower lip as I glance at him. If this were a normal situation, I'd give him a friendly hug before he left. Sadly, that isn't the case.

He looks as if he wants to say something, but thinks better of it. I watch him walk out the door of my flat without a backward glance, seeming as if he can't get away fast enough. I don't take it personally; if I were on the opposite side of this I'd probably be in a hurry too. I let out a sigh, pacing about the room as I twist a lock of hair around my finger.

"I've got to do something... If I don't it'll only make the situation worse..." I mutter, abandoning my hair in favor of the closest thing that will calm me. I'm just starting the coffee maker when an idea hits me. I drop the coffee mug in my hand on the counter as gently as possible before snatching my phone off the edge of the sink. I quickly dial Liam's number, hoping that I get his voicemail. The line rings twice before I realize there's an unfamiliar noise in my flat. I hang up and make my way into the living room, swearing when I see what's on the couch.

Liam had been in such a hurry to leave, that he'd forgotten his phone. I sit on the edge of the couch, eyeing his cell phone briefly. I know I need to return it to him, in case his family or anyone else called, but how was I supposed to do that? I'd take it to him, but I know I'd chicken out before I got down the street. I sigh again, moving his phone to the coffee table as I walk back into the kitchen to get my coffee.

It's around an hour later when my cell rings; yanking my attention away from the Nip/Tuck episode I'm watching. I feel around for my phone, turning off the television in the process.

"Hello?" I say, holding the phone in one hand as I gather empty sugar packets, along with my coffee mug, from the table.

"Harley!" I can't keep from laughing when I hear familiar voices, all attempting to talk at once.

"Boys, if I recall this is Zayn's phone. I think he'd appreciate it if you gave it back to him." I respond dryly, once I've stopped laughing.

"Thank you, lads. Anyways, hello Harley. I was calling to let you know that Harry, Louis, Niall, and I are going to head over to the park to play soccer and we were wondering if you'd like to come along?"

"Sure," I reply, as I grab my shoes from their place near the door. "should I meet you at the park or...?"

"Meet us at the park, if you wouldn't mind? By the way, have you seen Liam? We were going to have him come along too, but he's not picking up his phone."

"Um... yeah, he was here earlier." I reply, trying to be nonchalant. "I'll meet you at the park in... fifteen minutes?" There's a pause on the other end of line, as if he's thinking.

"Sounds good. We'll see you then!"

"Okay, bye!" I hang up, quickly slipping my phone into my pocket. I hurry for the door, backtracking to grab my keys and Liam's phone. I slip Liam's cell into my jacket before leaving for the park. I'd think of a way to fix the situation later.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading chapter two! I know this wasn't the most exciting chapter and it didn't really feature the boys, but I promise they'll appear in the next chapter. Er... most of them, anyway. You'll get a better look at what's bothering Harley so much in the next chapter as well.

What do you think of the situation so far? How do you think Harley will fix the situation she's in? I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions! As always, your comments are appreciated.

Thanks again for reading and I hope you continue to stick around!