Status: Active

Because I Like You

The Game

By the time I get to the park, it's well over twenty minutes after we were supposed to meet. I jog over to Louis, who's the first one I find. He's standing off to the side of the field, hands in his pockets as he watches the others chase after whoever has the ball.

"Hey Lou," I say in greeting, a smile on my face. "sorry I'm a little late. Did you all start without me?"

"Of course not! The lads are merely playing a game of keep away. You know we wouldn't start without you."

"So... why aren't you playing?" I ask, playfully poking him in the chest.

"I'm not playing because someone needed to wait for you."

"Well, I'm here now. Let's go play!" I shout, my mind free of worries as I sprint over to the others with Louis following.

After a brief discussion, we decide that I'll sit out this game and switch with Zayn for the second one. I make my way over to the sidelines, planning to half-play referee and watch. I manage that for about an hour, before I'm called for my turn.

"So, who's team am I on?"

"Mine!" Louis shouts, as I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm.

"Okay, then that leaves Harry and Niall on a team together. I'm sure you don't mind, boys?" Zayn says, more of a statement than a question. Niall and Harry only run off to the other side of the field in reply, obviously confirming Zayn's statement.

I spend about fifteen minutes chasing after the ball before Louis takes over and I stand back, content with watching until I'm needed. I try and focus on the entire game, but can't help devoting my attention to a certain blonde, my eyes tracking his movements almost on their own. I'm so intent on watching him that, when the ball comes my way and I start running for it, I smack into someone and knock us both to the ground in a tangle of limbs. I lift my head from the person's chest when I've got my breath back, my eyes finding their blue ones.

"You okay, Harley?" He asks, an Irish lilt to his voice.

I blink back in response, just now realizing the rather... compromising position I'm in. I scramble off him as carefully as I can and flop face first into the grass in an attempt to hide my embarrassment.


"I'm good." I mumble into the dirt, refusing to lift my face from the ground lest he see my red face. Moments later I hear a chorus of 'oofs' and look up to see that Harry, Louis, and Zayn have joined me on the ground. Niall is still close by, lying beside me on his back. "You didn't have to join me, you know?" I mumble, still blushing a faint shade of pink.

"Are you embarrassed about knocking Niall over?" Harry asks, his green eyes scanning my face.

"If you are, you shouldn't be. We knock eachother over all the time." Louis adds, tackling Zayn who had just sat up.

I can't help but laugh and sit up as well, thankful for these boys and their ability to make me laugh. I see them smile, clearly proud of making me forget my earlier embarrassment. I'm just about to stand up when I see a hand in my line of vision. I take the hand, allowing myself to be pulled up from the ground and come face to face with Niall.

"Thanks. I'm sorry about knocking you over."

"It's nothing to be sorry about, Harley. It's not like you hurt me or anything. Besides, you should be proud that you managed to knock someone down that's taller than you. Now, if you're ever in any trouble, you know you can knock your attacker over and get away." Niall replies, holding my hand a moment longer before letting go.

I swear I can feel my heart attempting to beat it's way out of my chest and stop at the same time in response to those words. I shake my head in a barely noticeable manner, vowing to stay calm and enjoy the rest of the day as I follow the boys across the field.

"Hey, why don't we go to Starbucks?" Harry says suddenly, earning a unanimous 'yes' from all of us.

We make our way to the nearest Starbucks, Harry and Louis leading the way, with Niall following. I lag a little behind the three of them, choosing to walk with Zayn who's the only one I feel I can talk to about anything, aside from Liam. Zayn and I make small talk and, after ordering & receiving our drinks continue our talk on a broader subject.

"So Liam was over at your place today?" Zayn asks casually, leaning against the outside of the building. I move to stand by him, fiddling with the straw in my frappacino before responding.

"Yeah, we were just hanging out." I go quiet, debating on telling him about what happened when a familiar ringtone breaks my train of thought.

"Um, Harley? You're ringing." Zayn says, after feeling for his phone and realizing his isn't ringing.

"It's not mine, it's on silent." I reply, freezing when I remember that I'm currently running around with two phones. I reach into my jacket and pull out Liam's phone, nearly dropping it when I see who's calling. It's Danielle.

"Are you going to answer it?"

"No," I mutter, frowning at the screen. " because it isn't my phone." I hold the phone out to Zayn in explanation, and study the sidewalk as he takes it from me.

"Isn't this Liam's?"

I only nod in response, my gaze still downcast.

"Did he leave it at your place?"

I nod again, intending to remain silent until I see the quizzical expression on Zayn's face.

"Why wouldn't you answer it if he left it at your place? You could've told her that he left it there." Zayn says, watching my expression for anything that might help him understand.

I look away briefly, spotting the others and turn back to him with a pleading expression. I stand there, hoping he'll drop the conversation and feel my heart sink when he pulls me around the corner and out of sight.

"What's wrong?"

I sigh, thinking that he knows me too well and begin to explain as quickly as I can. By the time I've finished talking, his expression is one of slight confusion and I quickly ask what questions he has.

"You told Liam you like him?"

"Yes, but it was an accident." I cringe at my word choice and just hope Zayn knows what I meant.

"I thought you liked Niall?"

"I do! I said I liked him because I was practicing on saying it to Niall! Wait," I pause, my eyes going wide. "am I really that obvious?"

"Only when you think no one's paying attention." He replies, slipping Liam's phone into his pocket as he heads around the corner. I follow close behind, holding onto his sleeve so I stay with him.

"Oh, there you are. We were starting to think you two had run off without us." Louis says, as I let go of Zayn's sleeve. "Where were you two anyway?"


"Around." Zayn and I say at the same time, earning a mischievous look from Harry.

"Just around, eh?" Harry says teasingly, glancing at the two of us.

I take a quick step away from Zayn, who does the same. I suppose it's useless to worry about what he thinks; I just hope he'll keep it secret now that he knows.

"You two weren't doing anything naughty, were you?"

"Harry!" I squeak, sounding a mix of angry and embarrassed. Talk of me having feelings for anyone else is the last thing I need right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for making it to chapter three! This chapter was quite a bit longer than the previous two and I plan on keeping the rest of the chapters at the same, if not around the same, length. I'm guessing it's pretty evident on who Harley truely has feelings for, though who she ends up with in the end may change based on your opinion. I hope this chapter was a little more exciting than the others as I'm trying to keep them interesting without rushing the story along.

Also, I'd like to say hello and thank to the new subscribers. I'm glad people like this enough to see where it goes. As always, thank you to everyone who's reading and subscribing. I love getting feedback, so please, let me know what you think! Oh, if you find any grammar mistakes please let me know as well so I can fix them.