Status: Active

Because I Like You

Awkward Times

The boys burst into laughter at my squawk of protest and only laugh harder when I emit an irritated 'hmph' in response. Louis is the first to stop laughing, ruffling my hair in a friendly, reassuring manner. I smile in response, shaking my head to show that I don't find the joke as funny as they do.

"I was only kidding, Harley." Harry says, looking slightly apologetic.

"It's fine," I sigh, shrugging off his apology. "I'm just being a tad dramatic. So, what shall we do next boys?"

I spend the next four hours wondering around town with them, going from store to store. Who knew that guys actually like shopping sometimes? I do my best to look interested, recommending certain articles of clothing to the boys when they see something that catches their eye. I wander out of a shop after they make their purchases, walking a few stores down before spotting a dress on a mannequin in the shop window. The dress is a deep purple, with a lavender vine pattern across the fabric. Before I realize what I'm doing, I run into the store and nearly smack into the counter in order to get a worker's attention.

"Do you have a small for the purple dress in the window? The strapless one?" I ask, entirely hopeful.

"Yes, the one on the mannequin is a small. It's actually the only one of that dress we have at this time. Would like me to get it for you so you can try it on?"

I nod and soon find myself heading for the nearest dressing room with the dress in tow. I emerge from the shop fifteen minutes later, a pale pink shopping bag in hand. I don't know why I bought the dress; it's not like I have a special occasion to dress up for. I join the boys, who are standing in front of the last shop they were in, once more and we continue on.

"Why don't we go get something to eat?" Niall suggests after walking a couple blocks.

I check my phone, seeing that it's now around seven o'clock and agree that getting dinner might be a good idea. Louis and Harry decline, Louis going because he was going to see Eleanor and Harry for reasons unknown. With that said, I'm left with Zayn and Niall. I stay quiet, letting Zayn and Niall decide. They finally settle on a restaurant we go to quite often and, with that decision made, we trek over to get food.

We let the hostess know how many in our party and she leads us to our usual booth, despite the fact that our party is sans three people. It isn't until I've ordered my drink that I hear an oddly familiar voice. I bump Zayn's leg with my foot, after accidentally getting Niall in the process, and nod my head at the booth behind him in the slightest manner. I watch as Zayn casually glances over his shoulder, before turning back to face me.

"It's-" He begins, stopping when our waitress returns to take or orders.

Niall orders first, with a list that makes me wonder how he can possibly eat everything he's getting. I'm scanning the menu, trying to figure out what I want to order and push the thoughts in my head away at the same time, when a voice cuts through my thoughts.

"Harley!" Zayn says quietly, tapping my menu to get my attention.

"What?" I look up and find our waitress watching me, pen poised above the order pad. "Oh, I'll just have a salad with French dressing." I say, apologizing for my brief moment of forgetfulness.

"Are you okay, Harley?" Niall asks, glancing at me from across the table.

"Yes, I'm fine." I reply, waiting until he looks away before mouthing 'Is it who I think it is?' at Zayn.

He's caught up in a conversation with Niall, however, and doesn't notice. I take that moment to slip off to the restroom, intending to splash some water on my face and get my thoughts in order. I've finally calmed myself enough to go back out to the table, telling myself that it's nothing and that I'm probably just worrying. I'm nearly back to the booth when I hear someone say my name. I turn to look and find myself face to face with none other than Liam... and Danielle.

"Hi, Liam. Hello Danielle, it's nice to meet you." I say awkwardly, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Going by the look on Liam's face, he feels just as uncomfortable as I do.

"What brings you here?"

"Um... I was out with Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Harry. We decided to come get dinner, but Louis and Harry opted out. How about you?" I reply, hands clasped behind my back to keep from giving away my nervousness.

"Danielle and I decided to go out to dinner. I didn't think she'd be back for another two days, but she got back early." He says, flashing an adorable smile at her.

"I tried calling to let him know I was back early, but I just got his voicemail."

I fight to keep my expression neutral, all while feeling as if I have the word 'guilty' flashing in neon letters above my head.

"I'm sorry, I must've left my phone somewhere."

"Yeah," I pause, not realizing I've said anything until they both look at me. "um... Zayn has it. He found it... at his place." I finish lamely, muttering a rushed goodbye after saying something about our food arriving.

I hurry back to the booth as calmly as I possibly can and take my seat to find that, I was correct, our food had arrived. I smile briefly at Niall and Zayn before picking at my salad. I was hungry, but after running into Liam and Danielle I felt too nervous to eat. I make myself eat anyway, not wanting to let Zayn or Niall know anything's wrong, and when our waitress returns, ask for a separate check. I give her the money, telling her to keep the change as I gather my things.

"Oh, Zayn. I... uh... saw Liam and Danielle a couple tables back. If you see them before you leave, you can give Liam his phone. You know, since Liam left it at your place." I say, hoping he gets the hint. I say my goodbyes to Zayn and Niall after that, thanking them for spending the day with me before I leave and head back to my flat.

I don't know why I'm freaking out so bad over seeing Liam so soon after today's events. As I walk into my flat I tell myself it isn't a big deal, but I can't help thinking that I've just screwed everything up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello and thanks again to all my readers and subscribers. It means a lot to me that you're all taking the time to take a look at this story. I'd like to apologize, however, as I feel this chapter wasn't one of my best. To be honest, this was probably the hardest chapter I've ever written. I have it worked out so that, while writing this, I have two chapters in advance outlined. My mind's been so occupied with the scenes in the next two chapters that I honestly didn't think much about this one. Again, I apologize dear readers and hope that you'll continue to stick around despite this chapter.

I will give a small hint as to what's coming, however, by letting you know that the dress Harley bought does play a role in one of the upcoming chapters.

Thank again, everyone! - Jade