Status: Active

Because I Like You


I sigh deeply, hands on my hips as I survey the dust and clutter on my table and near the windows. I turn on the TV, flipping channels until I finally settle on a music channel. I turn up the volume to a decent level before tossing the remote onto the couch and wandering off in search of cleaning supplies. Since my rather awkward run-in with Liam and Danielle, I've been keeping my distance from the boys. Thankfully the many interviews and sessions for the new album have been making my self-imposed isolation from them much easier. I've been pleading sick or busy ever since and while I feel bad, I don't really feel comfortable spending time among the group with Liam. I know I can't hide away from them forever, but until I work up the nerve I'm staying put.

I set about cleaning, tossing old magazines in a trash bag so I can clean the table. I've just grabbed a bottle of cleaning solution when a familiar tune comes through the television. I look up from the table and see the camera panning in on a girl with a mic stuck to the collar of her shirt.

"We're here live with the boys of One Direction!"

I try to ignore the fluttering heartbeat in my chest, but can't keep from looking up at the television. The camera pans from the interviewer to the boys, who are decked out in their usual attire. Although, Harry and Zayn seem to be sporting some of the items they picked up when we spent the day together. I shake my head and spray the table with some windex and begin cleaning the glass section; still listening to the interview as I go.

"So tell us boys, how does it feel to be back home after your rather lengthy tour?"
The interviewer continues on with the question and answer routine, it all seeming rather standard, until half an hour in when she drops a question most fans are dying to know the answer to.

"So, the next question is something all the fans want to know... Who in the band is single?"
I sit back and watch the screen, my jaw dropping when everyone but Louis raises their hand. I close my eyes and count to ten before opening them again, only to find that it wasn't my imagination.

"All of you are single except for Louis? I find this a little surprising... Liam weren't you dating a very lovely lady? Did something happen?" The interviewer inquires as, while part of me wants to keep watching, I grab the remote and switch off the television. I tell myself it's none of my business; that even if he and Danielle broke up, it has nothing to do with me.

I resume cleaning and decide twenty minutes later that it's too quiet without background noise. I grab my ipod and plug it into the dock, putting it on shuffle before I start cleaning again. I keep this up until around five thirty, when I finally deem my flat clean. I've just turned off my ipod and finished putting away the various cleaning items when I hear a knock on the door. I hurry over to the door and open it without checking to see who it is.

"Liam!" I say, rather startled at his sudden appearance.
"Hello, Harley. Can I... come in?" He asks, seeming as if he feels bad for showing up without warning.

"Of course! Make yourself at home, Liam." I reply, opening the door wider so he can come into the flat. I close the door and cross over to the living room where Liam's sitting on the couch. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Water, please. Harley?" He asks, his questioning tone stopping me just short of the kitchen. I look over my shoulder at him, waiting to see what he says. "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, are you hungry? I'm sure I could find something in the kitchen..."

"Yes, but-" He stops, shaking his head. "I'm sorry for coming over without telling you, Harley. I was thinking, maybe we could order pizza and just chill for a while? I'll pay for the pizza." He says, adding the last part as if he's afraid I'll refuse otherwise.

"That sounds like fun. Would you mind ordering it while I get drinks?" I ask and Liam nods picking up his phone and dialing. I disappear into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as well as a can of soda before returning to the living room. The pizza arrives shortly after and I turn the television to a news channel at a low volume for more background noise.

"So," liam says, setting the pizza box on the table next to the plates. "you've been pretty busy lately, yeah?"

"Yeah, how about you?" I reply in an attempt to turn the conversation away from me.

"We've been Incredibly busy. We've had so many interviews this past month that we have a general idea of every question they'll ask us."

"I see." I respond, cringing inwardly when the conversation comes to a standstill. "Um-"


We both stop, looking at each other to determine who should speak first. I gesture for him to speak after a few moments, tearing bits off my napkin as I wait.

"Harley," he begins again. "I want to talk to you about what you said a while back."

"Okay." I manage to murmur, placing my plate on the table as I turn to listen to him.

"Danielle and I have kind of broken things off. That is, we've decided to take a break from our relationship for the next six months. We've both agreed to try seeing other people and, if it works out, we'll stay separated. If not, we'll resume dating after breaking things off with whoever we're seeing." He pauses, before adding on to his statement. "We've been broken up for about a week and a half now."

I stay quiet, not entirely sure on how to respond. Should I tell him that I saw the interview and knew that they broke up? Or should I ask why they decided to break up for a while? Better yet, should I tell him what I said was a mistake?

"That brings us back to what I wanted to discuss with you. I know I said I needed some time to think and, feel that I now owe you a response. To be honest, Harley..." He pauses and, if I didn't know better, I'd swear he was starting to blush. "Well, I've always found you rather attractive."

I sit there in shock feeling a blush creep up my face, as I let what he said sink in. Part of me wants to tell him the truth about what I said, but I can't bring myself to do it. Honestly, I've thought Liam was attractive for quite some time. I just never saw him in a dateable manner, but only because he had a girlfriend and I'd known him for so long.

"I think... What I'm trying to say is, would you like to go on a date with me?" Liam says in a rush, seeming nervous.

"I'd like that." I reply, thinking that since I wasn't seeing anyone it couldn't hurt. Besides, I may have a crush on Niall, but crushes don't usually work out unless you actually let them know you're interested and tend to fade. Who knows, I could end up having stronger feelings for Liam, but I won't know unless I try.

Liam smiles in response, asking me where I'd like to go and what day would work best for me. I can only smile back, feeling my worries drift away as I clean up the table. Before I know it, we've made plans for this Saturday as well as plans for all of us to spend time together again.
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Hello again everyone! Once again, I'd like to thank you all for reading, subscribing, and commenting. I know I tend to say the same thing each a/n, but I do feel the need to say thank you. It means a lot to me that all of you take the time to read what I write.

I'd also like to take a moment to ask you all for a small bit of help. You see, in the next chapter Liam and Harley will be going on their date. I have things planned out for after the date, but I'm not sure what they'll do for their date yet. So, if any of you could give me some suggestions, I'd appreciate it! Thanks again for reading!