Status: Active

Because I Like You


Three weeks after my date with Liam, I find myself standing in front of my closet once more. The only difference is I know how to dress this time and the only thing I'm looking for is my shawl. I had gotten a call from Zayn earlier, telling me to find some formal-ish party attire because we were all going out to celebrate tonight. He didn't include much detail, but if the excited yells on the other line were any indication, something important had happened with a good outcome. My gaze finally settles on the shawl I've been looking for which was hidden in between a pair of jeans and a sweater dress. I slip it off the hanger and toss it onto the bed, grabbing the purple dress I had purchased weeks ago from another hanger. I slip into the dress, zipping it up the best I can before sliding on a pair of silver heels.

I quickly grab my shawl off the bed and hurry out of my bedroom to the living room where the boys are waiting. They're all dressed rather nicely, Louis and Zayn in button up shirts and Niall in a polo. Harry's wearing one of his blazers as per usual, and Liam's wearing a white button up with a black vest. They look up when I enter the room, no doubt hearing the clack of my heels on the floor.

"What do you think? Is it too dressy?" I ask uncertainly, not wanting to be overdressed for whatever we were going to do.

"You look great, Harley." Zayn says reassuringly as I lean over to get my phone and purse from the table. "Um... Harley? Your dress is ah... sliding." He adds, glancing away quickly.

I blink at him owlishly, wondering what on earth that could mean before looking down at my dress. I forgot that I had only been able to zip it up on my own about halfway and now the dress was riding dangerously low in the front. Realizing I was less than inch away from having my bra show, I quickly turn to the person closest to me who's standing.

"Li, can I ask you for a quick favor?"

Liam nods, stepping closer to me with a smile.

"Could you zip me up the rest of the way?"

He seems rather startled by my request, but nods and I turn around. He pushes my hair over my shoulder before dragging the zipper up the rest of the way. I can feel the other's eyes on us, so I quickly thank him and turn to face the rest of them.

"So what are we all dressed up for?"

"We're celebrating the fact that our next tour is sold out." Louis says nonchalantly, seeming completely oblivious to the stunned expression on my face.

"The tour's sold out? Already?" I ask, receiving excited nods from all of them. "That's amazing! Congratulations!"

It's been nearly an hour since they broke the news to me and we're currently cruising along the city in a limo, on our way to a celebratory dinner. I'm currently sitting in between Harry and Liam, with Louis, Niall, and Zayn across from me. The boys are chatting amongst themselves leaving me free to observe. I notice Niall's eyes on me and offer a brief smile before turning my attention to Harry.

"So Harley, is that the dress you bought when we all went shopping?" Harry asks and I nod in response, frowning slightly when my hair slides over my shoulder and blocks my vision. I remember putting a clip in my purse before we left and lean forward to get it since my purse is on the floor. "Harley, if you needed something from your purse all you had to do was ask. Unless," Harry says, as I put the clip in my lap for a brief moment. "You're trying to get something else?"

I've just put my hair up with the clip when the realization of what he was implying hits me. I swat at his arm gently, fighting back embarrassment over his comment and have to ask Niall to repeat what he just said.

"I asked if you had a camera in your purse. I figured if you did, we should all take pictures. You know, for memory."

"That sounds like a great idea and, as a matter of fact, I do have my camera in there. Li, could you get my camera out of my purse for me?" Liam nods before leaning down to retrieve my camera for me.

"Aw, Harley." Harry whines, as I smirk at him. "I was only making a joke."

"Thanks Li." I say, turning to smile at him as he hands me my camera.

"Wait," Louis says, leaning forward as he looks from me to Liam. "Did you just call him 'Li'?"

"Yeah, why?" I reply, not entirely sure why he's so interested.

"No reason in particular. It just seems like something a girlfriend would call him. Wait a minute," he says, blue eyes wide. "Did you two go on a date?"

"We have gone on a date. Two actually, if you count the movie night we had last week." Liam responds, saving me the trouble of having to explain.

"Do you call him 'Li-Li' or is it just 'Li'?" Zayn asks, laughing slightly when he says 'Li-Li'.

"Just Li." I say, glancing to Liam and hoping that he won't feel embarrassed over the nickname.

"It is kind of funny, really. 'Li-Li' I mean, not the nickname you call me." Liam says, sending a smile my way. "Now, how about those pictures guys?"

Before I know it the boys are passing my camera around, making silly faces at each other and doing 'model faces'. I've finally managed to get my camera away from Zayn when Harry says something.

"Harley, why don't we get a picture of you with each of us?" I give an uncertain nod, wondering how we'll manage this in a moving vehicle. "Let's get one of you and Liam first!"

"Yeah! Harley slide closer to Liam; Liam put your arm around her." Louis says, gesturing wildly. I roll my eyes slightly at his enthusiasm, but comply with his requests.

"Got it. Get one of Harley and I next!" Harry says, tossing the camera to Louis before wrapping both arms around me in a hug.

Louis insists on having one with me next so Zayn switches with me, taking a seat between Liam and Harry. I lean close to him for the picture, giving a even brighter smile when he tells me one of his funny, yet corny jokes.

"Okay, Mr. Bradford bad boi." I say teasingly, earning a laugh from Zayn. "It's your turn and since Niall said he'd take the picture, I guess that means I'm coming to you."Liam moves this time, sitting next to Louis as I take a seat next to Zayn.

"Bradford bad boi, huh? I suppose I should come up with a nickname for you too then. Maybe 'Ley'?" He says, gently poking me in the side so I laugh. "All right then, now it's Niall's turn."

I smile in response and start to move over to the side Niall's on. Louis switches over, making it to his seat right before the limo hits a bump making me loose the small bit of balance I had. Instead of landing in the space between Niall and Liam, I end up on Niall's lap.

"Sorry!" I squeak, fighting the urge to just fling myself at the empty space as I try to remain calm. I'm attempting to stand up when Harry remarks that, 'It'd be a cute picture'. I freeze in my attempts to stand up, hoping that I'm not blushing in a visible manner.

"Would it be alright with you, Liam?" Niall asks, seeming oblivious to my nervous state.

"I don't mind, as long as Harley's okay with it?" Liam replies and I respond with a tiny, almost imperceptible nod.

"Okay then. Harley, would you relax? You're eyes are about as wide as deer's when they're caught in headlights. Niall, why don't you put your arms around her waist." Harry says, taking the picture moments later. "Oh, looks like we're here."

Louis, Harry, and Zayn get out first when the limo pulls up to the curb with Liam following. I've just reached the door, ready to get out when I realize my camera is still in the limo. I wanted to get a picture of the boys all together earlier, but didn't get the chance. I explain this to Liam, who nods and says they'll meet me at the door. I turn from the door back to where I was sitting earlier, searching the floor near Harry's seat.

"Harley, you're camera's right here." Niall says, holding my red camera in his hand. "I noticed it on the floor; it must've fallen when Harry got up."

"Oh, thank you." I say, sitting next to him as I take my camera and put it in my purse. A moment later I find myself looking into Niall's blue eyes as myhair falls over my shoulders. "Ni-"

"Your clip was coming loose." He says softly, dropping it into my purse. "You know, you look nice tonight." He murmurs blue eyes seeming to search mine for question that hadn't been asked.

"Ah, thanks. You look nice too." I reply, my green eyes meeting his blue ones. He leans a tad closer and I wonder, for a brief moment, what will happen next. He leans back, emitting a small sigh and I can't help but feel a tiny burst of disappointment course through me.

"Do you want me to go in first? So you can fix your hair and stuff?"

I nod in reply, sitting back as he gets out of the car. I contemplate fixing my hair, but decide to leave it down as I follow him out and up to the building. I do my best to rid myself of the thoughts swirling in my head, but am still left with one burning question. Was he about to kiss me back in the limo?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello again, everyone! Once again, thank you all for commenting, subscribing, and just taking the time to look at my work! I appreciate it more than you know. I'm sorry it took a little longer than usual for an update, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. I was playing around with the layout maker earlier while trying to change the font, so please let me know if the layout looks a little wonky.

Also, at the moment I have one specific event planned out for this and three possible ways the story could go when we finally reach the end. However, the ending as well as what happens next is subject to change based on your opinions. So, as usual, please leave me comment letting me know what you thought of this chapter. Likewise, if you have any suggestions for what should happen in the next chapters please let me know in a comment or message. I love hearing your thoughts!

Thanks again, everyone!