The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

Puppet Strings

Why the hell did my heart pound every time I saw him? It’s not like he was even remotely interested in me. I sighed and as I was walking ran into someone.

“Ow!” I said rubbing my head.

I looked up and saw that I had bumped into Deidara.

“Hey.” He was attached to Eya, his girlfriend, and my best friend, other than Deidara.

“Oh hey,” I replied.

He extended a hand and helped me up.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“Sorry I wasn’t looking when I was walking,” I said trailing off.

“Thinking about Sasori again?” Eya said and giggled.

“N-o!” I said getting a deep blush on my face.

Deidara laughed, “You totally were, hmm.”

“You should tell him you like him,” Eya said suddenly.

I jumped, “W-hat!” “I’m serious,” she said.

“B-ut he doesn’t even like me that way!” I cried out.

Deidara stared hard at me, “He does, yeah.”

“H-ow would you know that!?” I questioned.

Deidara rolled his eye, “Please Sasori tells me everything, hmm.”

“A-re you sure?” I stammered.

Deidara let out a deep sigh, “YES. God woman haven’t you seen the way he looks at you?”

“How does he look at me?” I asked, confused.

Eya sighed as well, “He looks at you with longing.”

I frowned, “How come I haven’t seen this?”

Deidara gave me a groan, “It’s because you’re always too shy to even look at him, hmm!”

Eya nodded, her light brown hair bobbing up and down. “What should I say to him?” I asked panicked.

“Tell him you like him and then tell him how you feel about him,” Eya said exasperated.

“B-ut!” Eya shook her head, “A good friend of mine told me that you should always tell the person you love how you feel about them.”

“L-ove! But I don’t love Sasori!”

“Sure you don’t, yeah.” Deidara replied his blue eye twinkling.

I frowned but then Eya said, “Go to him.”

I sighed but didn’t move. Deidara pulled me forward got behind me then pushed me a little.

“Listen to Eya, hmm. She knows a thing or two about love.” Deidara chuckled and I heard him kiss Eya.

I started walking forward. Deidara and Eya’s voices got dimmer as I headed down to Sasori’s room.

I stood outside of Sasori’s room, about to knock when I started shaking. I brought my hand down. I couldn’t do this!! I didn’t even know how to do this!! I was so freaking nervous. Maybe Eya was right though, if she and Deidara were correct, which was very likely Sasori would return my love. Wait. Love! No! I didn’t love him! Not yet anyway! I sighed and brought my hand up to his door again. I gave it a knock. It wasn’t very loud. I sighed and waited.

I saw Sasori poke his head out of his door.

“Hey, Miyuki,” he said his reddish brown eyes tired looking.

“I’m sorry were you sleeping?”

He shrugged and his red hair bounced with him.

“I was just napping. Pein keeps giving me these damn missions without warning me.”

I nodded, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine,” he said waving a hand. He opened his door wider.

“Would you like to come in?”

“Yes,” I said and he opened his door all the way.

I entered and he closed the door behind him. I had never been in Sasori’s room before. I had to say it looked pretty cool. His bed was what caught my eyes first though. His bed sheet was designed with an old oak tree, there was yellow as the background color and strange spheres of all colors surrounding the tree. I was intrigued. I took my eyes off his bed and walked up to his book shelf. There were fantasy books. The Twilight series, which I did like, and I’m sure Sasori liked it because of the vampires. Vampires were immortal so yeah that would make sense. I then saw more books about vampires and other immortal creatures. “Are my books really that interesting?” I heard Sasori’s voice tickle my ear. I flipped around quickly and he gave me an amused look.

“Y-eah,” I said nervously. Sasori smirked at me.

“Did you come in my room to just stare at me?”

He said after a full three minutes had passed since I had spoken.
“Aha-ha, no.” I replied nervously.

Sasori frowned at me, “So what do you want to do?”

I needed to tell Sasori how I felt, but god I was so nevous!! What if he rejected me? I laughed and tried to get myself under control.

“Can I tell you something?” I started, frightened like I had never been before.

Sasori had been running a hand through his dark red hair, “Yeah. What is it Miyuki?”

I gulped and opened my mouth to tell him. “I really like you. I have for a while now.”

Sasori stared at me with those gorgeous eyes of his.

“Really?” he said his voice thick and low sounding. I nodded and then began to tell him why.

“I can’t help myself, I love your eyes, your gorgeous hair, the sound of your voice, your definition of art..”

I was stopped by my hands moving on their own. What was going on? I looked at Sasori and saw his hands extended in front of him and saw his blue chakra strings. He was controlling my actions? I realized with horror. He brought my hands onto his neck. He then pulled me in for a kiss. I felt his soft lips go hungrily after mine. He was a good kisser! I thought with a shock. It shouldn’t have surprised me but it did, the way he was acting so tender. The kiss ended too soon.

“I’ve liked you for a while too Miyuki,” he murmured.

I began to blush a little. He brought one of hands up to my face and stroked me there.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

I looked away quickly, “I thought you didn’t like me that way.”

I heard him emit a chuckle, “Didn’t know? I thought I was making it obvious. I always brushed myself against you on ‘accident.’”

“You did that on purpose?!” I cried out, suddenly realizing he had bumped into my shoulder and hip an awful lot.

“You couldn’t tell?” He asked amused.

I shook my head. “Deidara was right. You do take a while to catch on,” he replied smugly.

“Hey!” I said, pouting.

Sasori’s eyes twinkled, “And let’s not forget when you ‘accidently’ walked in on me taking my shirt off in Deidara’s room when you were looking for Eya and Deidara told you she was in there.”

“Y-ou staged that too?” Sasori chuckled, “But of course. I was flirting with you.”

I blushed, I felt so foolish. “So Deidara knows you like me?”

Sasori rolled his eyes, “Duh. I told him how hot you looked the first day you were here and he made fun of me telling me I had a crush on you.”

“You think I’m hot?” I stuttered. He nodded and I felt my world sway.

“So do you want to kiss some more, or what?” Sasori asked me.

I flushed a little he wanted to make out with me? Well I wasn’t complaining. I nodded and then Sasori’s lips latched onto mine. He kept trying to get me to open my mouth but I wanted him to pay for teasing me about being slow so I kept my mouth shut.

He took his mouth off mine then, “Dammit, will you let me French kiss you?”

I laughed, “Only if you say please.”

“What!” He said, angry.

“Come on, it’s just one little word.”

Sasori sighed, “You’re not going to make this easy are you?”

“Nope,” I replied a satisfied smirk on my face.

Sasori ran a hand through that gorgeous blood red hair of his and said, “Please.”

“Since you said it so politely, okay.”

I replied and leaned into Sasori, my mouth opened slightly. He took this opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth. It roamed my mouth, feeling and poking around it. I played with his tongue and he let out a loud moan. I smiled and tugged on his hair. He started backing me up into the wall. His hands gripped my waist and pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss. He started bucking his hips into me. I let out a feral moan as he did this. He was hitting me in my private area. I knew he was doing it on purpose when I felt his cock poking me. Damn, I thought, it felt nice.

He took his mouth off me and said, “You feel so good, Miyuki.”

I turned crimson. “You do too,” I said.

He smirked, “You felt it then?”

I nodded and he laughed a little. “Do you want to, you know?”

It was my turn to laugh then, “Sasori I like you but we aren’t even dating.”

“Oh,” he said as if this thought had never occurred to him.

“Would you like to be my girlfriend then?”

“Yes,” I breathed.

He smiled at me. He brought his hand up to my hair and stroked it.

“You’re so gorgeous.”

“Thanks,” I said embarrassed.

He laughed and I could tell he felt my blush. “So what made you tell me you liked me?” Sasori said sitting on his bed.

“Two people,” I replied.

Sasori laughed, “Deidara and Eya? Am I correct?”

I nodded shyly. He smiled fondly, “I’ll have to thank those two.”

“Yeah me too,” I replied.

Sasori smirked at me.

“Can I ask you something Sasori?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“How old are you?”

“I’m 33,” he replied simply.

“No way!!” I said astonished.

“Way, and now that you asked me that I want to ask you how old you are.”

“I’m 22,” I replied.

He laughed, “You can legally gamble and drink.”

I nodded, “Yeah. I can’t believe you’re 33, you look 19 or 20.”

He chuckled, “That would make me younger. Do you like younger men, Miyuki?”

“No not really. I like guys with experience.”

“Well I’ve got plenty of experience, honey.”

I flushed as he said this. Sasori and I talked for a while but then he said it was getting late. I got the clue and started to leave.

“Wait, Miyuki.” He said and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Huh? What is it Sasori?”

“I-I don’t want you to leave.”

“But aren’t you tired?”

He turned me around so I was facing him, “You can sleep with me in my bed. Please?”

I smiled, “Okay.”

I gave him a kiss on the lips and he deepened it. After four minutes we broke apart and he started to take his cloak off. I blushed when I saw his skin tight fish net shirt that all the Akatsuki wore. I took off my cloak as well. He hopped in his bed and I joined him after I had turned off the light. Sasori wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I felt his hard stomach against my back. I snuggled against him and soon fell asleep.
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I hope you enjoy this! I've never done a Sasori fan fiction before so if it's not how you expected it to be sorry!