The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart


~8 ‘o clock~

Everything was set up. There were chips, sodas, sake, board games, and snacks. Deidara and Eya were the first ones to arrive.

“Hey,” Eya greeted us with a smile.

“Sup,” Sasori replied from the couch.

Deidara plopped himself down on the couch and said, “Sasori my man what do you two have planned for us?”

Sasori grinned, “You’ll just have to wait and see Dei.”

Deidara frowned but shrugged it off.

“Want to eat something?” I asked Deidara and Eya.

They nodded and I asked them what they wanted.

“Chips and dip, hmm.”

“I’ll take one of those sausages,” Eya replied.

I went over got some plates, put the food on them and handed them over to my friends.

“Thanks, hmm.”

“Yeah thank you.”


Kisame and Itachi sauntered in.

“Let the party begin,” Itachi said a smug tone in his voice.

I giggled, “Oh no. We better watch out the party monster’s here.”

“You know it,” Itachi replied smiling.

Kisame sat down in a chair and Itachi found a recliner to sit in.

“Who wants to dance?” I said going over to the boom box sitting on the ground.

“Me!” I heard five voices say.

I giggled and turned it on. Some hip hop music came on. Sasori went over to me and started dancing. I dirty danced against him. Deidara and Eya got up as well and started grinding against each other. Kisame and Itachi did some lock and pop moves. I stopped dirty dancing and stared at them my mouth dropping.

I whistled and yelled out, “Damn! You guys have some skills!”

Itachi laughed, “But of course. Kisame and I always hit up the clubs looking for ladies.”

I giggled, “You two are off the chain!”

Deidara and Eya stopped grinding against each other and watched Itachi and Kisame lock and pop.


Itachi was trying to teach some of his moves when I saw Hidan and Kakuzu walk in.

“Damn that looks fun,” Hidan replied.

I turned and saw Kisame jerking and dipping around. He was on fire!! Kakuzu shrugged,

“Whatever. Where’s my money Hidan?”

Hidan sighed, “I told you, you only get paid after the party.”

“Fine,” he replied curtly.

“Would you guys like to have a dance off against me and Kisame?”

Hidan looked surprised, “Honestly you two are too krunk for our measly skills.”

Itachi looked sad, he turned to me and Sasori, “You two in?”

“Uh..I can’t dance that way!”

“Deidara and I can,” Sasori said smirking at my astonished look.

“You can dance?”

Sasori nodded and jerked his head in Deidara’s direction.

“Dei, you in?”

Deidara was talking to Eya but when he heard this his eyes shimmered, “Duh!”

“Be back honey!”

She nodded and came over to me.

“This’ll be interesting, I didn’t know Deidara could dance other than dirty.”

I laughed, “Me either.”

We moved the couch out of the way, stood to the side and I put the music on a suitable song. Itachi and Kisame went to the left and Deidara and Sasori went to the right.

“Ready?” Itachi asked arching an eyebrow their way.

Sasori whispered something to Deidara and then he said, “Yeah.”

Itachi walked up to the dance floor then and started break dancing. He put one hand down on the ground and started twisting his body this way and that. He was hot!! After he was done Deidara came out and started locking.

My eyes widened and I whispered to Eya, “Damn your man has skills!”

She nodded, her mouth hanging out. He put his hands up in the air and moved his body up and down. He then took his left hand up brought it close to his body and snapped it out. My eyes widened further as he continued this. It was Kisame’s turn then. He began to pop. His arms wiggled around in the air before sweeping down his body. He then put an arm out in the air and stacked his other arm above it. He shook his body then and swept one arm down. He was pretty good too! I thought shocked.

Kisame went back and it was Sasori’s turn. Sasori began to krump. He moved his legs and arms in exaggerated, quick movements. He shook his hands in the air, moving them rapidly up and down. He moved his legs back and forth in a scissor motion. I was very impressed. He was just radiating coolness! The dance off went on for a while.


Almost all of the Akatsuki had arrived by now. The only person missing was Zetsu. Deidara finished up his dance move and Itachi moved in and said the dance off was over.

“Who won?” Deidara asked breathlessly.

“Let’s let the spectators decide,” Itachi said, breathing hard.

He nodded and Sasori asked, “So who was more krunk?”

“I think Deidara and Sasori were!” Konan yelled out.

“No, no. Itachi and Kisame were!” Hidan hollered.

“Calm down, everyone. Just raise your hand for Itachi and Kisame.”

I looked around and saw five hands rise up.

“Now raise your hand for Deidara and Sasori.”

Six hands rose up. Deidara’s eye widened.

“It looks like we won, Dei.” Sasori said smirking.

“You guys have some mad skills,” Itachi said grinning.

“Why thank you,” Deidara said.

“You guys aren’t so bad either,” Sasori replied.

Kisame smiled a toothy grin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some of these parts may seem ridiculous but bear with me. I thought it would funny for Itachi and Kisame to have a dance off against Deidara and Sasori. Lol. Enjoy!!