The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart



Zetsu walked in when we were opening the sake. “Oh! Sake!” His black side said excitedly.

“There’s plenty to go around,” I said and handed him a glass. He gulped at it and sat down on the floor. I sipped at my sake and Sasori guzzled at his.

“Too bad you two are minors,” Sasori said smirking at Deidara and Eya.

Deidara scowled. “It’s not fair, hmm!”

Eya giggled, “Sweetie it’s okay we can have fun without drinking.”

Deidara looked at Eya and he smiled, “I love you.”

“I love you too Deidara.”

They kissed and Itachi whistled. After two more drinks and five more for Sasori I saw that he was undeniably drunk. He was holding me tighter and he kept kissing me. I didn’t mind but every time he did someone would whistle.

“Want to play monopoly?” I asked.

“Yes!” I heard ten and one very drunk voice say.

I tried to get up but Sasori was holding me so tightly that I couldn’t move. “Sasori, honey, can I get up.”

“Nu-uh. I-I wunt you to stay wit me,” he said in a drunken stupor.

I sighed and asked Eya if she could get it. She nodded and went over to get it. She put it down on the ground and everyone gathered around. I was stuck on the couch with Sasori because he wouldn’t let me move.

We played for a while, with Kisame owning half the board. “Damn Kisame, you must like this game.”

Itachi chuckled, “He loves it Miyuki.”

We continued playing and Kisame ended up winning. No surprise there. I saw Hidan drink his seventh glass of sake. I gulped and I saw him start to stumble as he got up to get some chips. He got them, put them on the ground and fell over. Everyone laughed at his drunkenness. After that we just talked. I mostly talked to Itachi, Deidara and Eya who were the only ones who weren’t drunk. Sasori kept leaning into me and nuzzling against my neck.

Itachi chuckled, “You better keep your man under check Miyuki. He’s awfully drunk.”

I sighed, “I know.”

The party ended at 11 pm and we parted ways. I helped Sasori back to his room, because he kept stumbling all over the place. When we were in his room I put Sasori on his bed and joined him. He smiled drunkenly my way. I smiled back and then he started controlling me. He made me undo his cloak and it fell to the ground.

I struggled against him as he forced my hands on his shirt. It was no use though. He was too strong. “STOP SASORI!” I cried out loudly.

He kept trying to control me though. I groaned as he made me fall on top of him. He began to kiss me sloppily and with lust. I pushed my hands on him and somehow got off him. I started to leave when I felt myself being pulled backwards.

“Sasori, you’re drunk! Stop it!” I said wailing.

He forced me to take his shirt off. My hands were on his pants when I heard his door fling open. Deidara ran in and pushed Sasori off me.

“Are you okay Miyuki?” he asked worry in his voice.

I nodded, shaking.

Sasori glared at Deidara. “Wh-at tha hell!” He slurred.

“You’re drunk Sasori. I’m taking Miyuki and hopefully you’ll be sober in the morning.” Deidara shut his door and we started walking back to my room.

“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

I shook my head, “He was forcing me to have sex with him though.”

Deidara let out a sigh, “Yeah I could see that.”

“I didn’t think Sasori would drink that much. He’s small so alcohol gets into his system quicker than most.”

I nodded and Deidara ran a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry this happened. I’ll talk to him tomorrow, hmm.”

“Thanks Dei, you’re a good friend.”

Deidara smiled and said, “Hey what are friends for?” We continued walking and when we came to my room he gave me a tight hug and left.
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Yes yes I know Sasori is a puppet and can't technically get drunk but for this story he can. Just bear with me, if you don't like this part, it gets better.