The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

How can I trust You?

I walked into the kitchen, sighing. How could I trust Sasori now after he had forced himself on me and tried to have sex with me? I didn’t even know what to do now. I slumped down into a seat next to Eya. She looked at me shocked and glanced at Deidara.

He whispered something to her and her face looked horror stricken. She put a hand on my shoulder, “Miyuki I’m so sorry.”

I let out a sigh, “I can’t believe that he would go and do that. I trusted him!”

Eya nodded sadly, “It is okay really don’t feel like you have to be fine with this.”

I let out a sob, “But I still love him.”

Eya’s eyes looked surprised.

“Yes I admit it I’ve fallen in love with him. But now I have no idea what to say to him.”

Eya gulped, “I-I don’t know either.”

Deidara let out a deep sigh, “Just tell him you don’t want him to get drunk again, that it hurts you when he acts like that, hmm.”

I stared up at Deidara, shocked. “That’s a good idea, actually.”

Deidara smiled, “Yeah I tend to have them every now and then.”

Just then Sasori walked in holding his head. I stiffened and refused to look at him. He sat down across from me.

“Man I have a killer headache. I guess I drank too much,” he said laughing.

I felt awful didn’t he even remember what he had done? He talked to Deidara for a little bit but Deidara was distant and a little cold. “Dude, what’s up with you Deidara? You’re acting weird.”

Deidara’s eye hardened and he started to open his mouth.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong. You drank too much and you don’t even remember what you did!!” I cried fleeing the kitchen.

“W-hat? Miyuki!” I heard him call out but I left him, tears falling from my eyes.

I didn’t get very far when I felt strong, warm hands wrap around me. I cried even more and pushed myself out of his arms. I hiccupped and cried some more.

“Leave me alone Sasori!” I yelled, turned on my heel and started to walk away.

I felt a hand grab my hand though. “I said leave me alone!”

“No. Miyuki what’s wrong?”

“Nothing! You remember nothing about last night so why should it matter?”

“What happened?” I heard panic enter his voice.

I sobbed, “You don’t even care do you!”

Sasori turned me around to face him. “I do Miyuki! I do! Now please tell me what I did to deserve this cold treatment from you!”

I frowned and started to tell him. “You were really drunk last night so I took you to your room and” I started to break down again.

“Miyuki! Please tell me what I did!!” I heard horror enter his voice.

I wept and nodded sadly. “You started to control me..”

Sasori’s face looked pale, he knew how much I hated to be controlled by him or anyone else for that matter.

“Then you made me strip you. I got as far as taking your shirt off and I was reaching for your pants when Deidara walked in, hit you and took me away.”

I sobbed again, “How could you Sasori!! How could you!” I felt him stiffen against me.

“I did all of that horrible stuff to you?” He asked his voice filled with dismay.

I nodded dejectedly.

“I’m not fit to be your boyfriend,” he said suddenly.

“W-hat?” I asked shock entering my voice.

“If I can’t even stop myself from hurting you then what good am I to you?” He said dolefully.

“I’m sorry Miyuki but I can’t keep going out with you. If I ever hurt you, or made you do something against your will again I could never forgive myself.”

“No! I just want you to not get drunk again!” I cried.

He shook his head sadly, “You won’t have to worry about that. We’re through.” And with that Sasori walked off leaving me with a hole in my heart.

“He actually said that to you, yeah?” Deidara asked me when he and Eya had come to my room to talk to me.

“Yes,” I said miserably.

“I didn’t expect him to react like that,” I replied sadly.

Eya frowned, “He sounds like he’s being too drastic.”

Deidara ran a hand through his hair, “He always does this, hmm.”

“What do you mean Dei?” I asked.

“See whenever he hurts someone he takes himself out of their life permanently. That’s why I never see any of his old girlfriends again after he’s hurt them or after they have. It’s a bad trait of his, hmm.”

“I love him though! How could he want to take me out of his life permanently! Surely he loves me too!”

“Oh he does, yeah.” Deidara said looking into my purple eyes.

“He told you?” I asked curious.

He nodded, “He told me you made him feel like a human being again. You know since becoming a puppet.”

I let out a sigh and started crying again.

“It’ll be okay,” Eya said patting my back.

“No it won’t! It’ll never be okay!” I bawled.
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Updaate! :D