The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart


I ran to Miyuki’s room, knocked on her door hard and waited. I heard voices from within.

“It’s open!” I heard her voice say. It sounded so weak and fragile.

I walked in and saw Miyuki stiffen. I sighed and saw Deidara give me a hard, cold calculating look. Eya gave me a stony look but then turned her face away. I knelt down next to Miyuki and started to apologize.

“Miyuki,” I started.

Her body was still hardened, tight and unfriendly.

“I’m so sorry for making you feel like crap these last couple of days. It was selfish of me to break up with you.”

Deidara scoffed, “That’s all you’ve got? That’s weak man.”

I glared at Deidara and continued. “I should have never broken up with you because these last couple of days have made my heart ache in ways it’s never ached before. It made me realize that I love you more than life itself.”

I looked at Miyuki hoping for a reaction. She didn’t even look at me her eyes were emotionless and blank. My heart began to hurt again as if someone were stabbing it. I got up and began to leave.

“I’m sorry for bothering you guys. I guess I’ll leave the Aksatsuki then.” I was almost out of the room when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

“Please don’t leave Sasori!! I love you too!” I heard Miyuki’s panicked voice cry.

I turned around and saw her with tears in her eyes. I brought one of my hands up and stroked her face.

“I’m sorry for everything Miyuki,” I replied my eyes shining with hurt and hate for the person I had become.

“It’s okay baby! But please promise me one thing!”

“Anything,” I breathed.

“Promise me you won’t drink anymore!”

That wasn’t a hard promise to keep. “I promise.”

She started crying again and wrapped me into a hug. I saw Deidara’s face. He nodded his eyes sad but he didn’t have that cold look anymore. Eya’s eyes were shining with tears but she too had lost that stone look to her. I had done the right thing I knew I had. I had to remember to thank Itachi for waking me up.
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I'm sorry this chapter is so short!