The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

Pissing Hidan Off

Things were looking up. Sasori had apologized and had admitted to loving me. But I wasn’t letting him off the hook that easily. I slowly tortured him every time he said he loved me by saying I might love him back. I could tell it was killing him.

“When are you going to admit you love me Miyuki?” Sasori whined as we headed towards the living room area.

“I’m not sure yet. I’m having fun,” I said laughing in his astonished face.

“Aw come on!” He cried.

This just caused me to laugh even harder. We sat down on the couch and started to watch TV. While we were watching TV I heard footsteps and saw Itachi walk in with Kisame.

Itachi walked over to me and smiled tenderly, “Hey Miyuki you doing okay?”

I nodded, Itachi had been supportive these past few days. He was Eya’s best friend but he was slowly becoming a good friend.

“Can I talk to you Itachi?” I heard Sasori ask.

Itachi nodded and the two of them walked off to talk.

Kisame came up to me then. “Hi Miyuki,” he said resting a hand on the couch.

I nodded at him, “What’s up?”

“Oh not much, just hanging out with Itachi.”

“Right so how are those missions going?”

“They’re going fine, thanks for asking.” I smiled and that moment Sasori and Itachi walked back in the room.

Sasori sat down next to me and grinned. Itachi went over to Kisame and the two of them started talking about clubbing later that day. I smiled those two were some smooth dudes. Later that day Hidan came into the living room and started talking to me. I chatted pleasantly with him I’d never had a problem with him. He then started to talk about his god, Jashin.

“Jashin makes me sacrifice someone every couple of days. I’m not sure who I’ll sacrifice next. My last sacrifice was two days ago so I need to find someone else.”

Ugh. I was so not into that whole sacrificing someone for their god type of thing. It was way too creepy and I have always hated shedding blood.

Hidan must have seen something on my face because he frowned and said curtly, “Do you have a problem with Jashin?”

I jumped when he said this. “Well, I don’t agree with his methods of how to be a devout follower of him.”

Hidan’s eyes narrowed, “I knew you were a pansy. You don’t respect Jashin do you?”

I gulped, “It’s not that. I just don’t agree on killing people for your religion.”

“Oh, so now you’re saying my religion is wrong?”

“No,” I said getting a headache.

Hidan didn’t seem to be cooling down any though, “That’s it girlie, fight me here and now.”

“Wait. What?!” I cried my voice angry.

“I need to put you in your place for disrespecting Jashin like that.”

I let out a long sigh.

“Leave her alone Hidan! You know she didn’t disrespect your dumb religion!”

Hidan turned to Sasori, “You want to fight too?”

Sasori looked astonished at this turn of events. “I didn’t say that!” He said.

Hidan snorted, “Like hell you didn’t. You’re fighting against me with Miyuki. Now let’s go outside.”

“But don’t you need Kakuzu? It’ll be unfair if we fight you two to one.”

“Shut up! I want to fight you two on my own! That loser Kakuzu is always holding me back! Now come on!”

We sighed and followed him outside.
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New chapter!