The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

Fighting With an Immortal

Once we were outside Hidan shouted at us, saying we could have ten minutes to plan out a strategy for our fight. I went over to Sasori and he looked extremely pissed.

“That damn Hidan! I can’t believe we have to fight him because he thought we insulted that dumb god of his!”

I nodded woefully, “I know.”

“So what’s your element?” Sasori asked me.

“Water, but I always freeze it so ice.”

Sasori nodded a satisfied look on his face. “Well you know my specialty.”

“Yeah. Puppets and poison,” I said.

“Bingo,” he said winking at me.

“Are you losers ready yet? I’m tired of waiting!” Hidan hollered.

“We’re done and just so you know it’s only been seven minutes.”

Hidan snorted, “Hell if I care. Let’s go!”

Hidan laughed manically as he slashed at the air in front of Sasori and me. I ran around him, my feet barely hitting the ground as I did this. Hidan was an inch from slashing at Sasori’s face when I leapt at him and kicked him hard in the back. He groaned and went tumbling to the ground. I smirked and started to summon my ice. I inhaled and exhaled letting my body temperature cool down. I summoned a spike of ice and as Hidan got up I threw it at his back. It hit him dead on, but he only staggered forward a little. He didn’t even seem fazed!! He pulled it out and tossed it on the ground. He turned around and started running towards me.

“AHAHA! You’re gonna die!” He yelled in a crazed fervor.

I gulped and tried leaping out of his way but he managed to cut me on my cheek. He let out a crazy howl.

“YESSS!! HELL YES!!!” He cried out and put his mouth to his scythe, where he had hit me.

I felt frightened, what if he killed me? He had my blood after all and it wouldn’t be hard to kill me now. Hidan was starting to make his circle and begin the “curse.” I shook, unable to move from fear. I heard a smacking sound now and Hidan was thrown into a tree. Sasori appeared and asked me if I was okay. I nodded, still shaky. Sasori stood beside me and watched as Hidan tried to come back and complete his circle.

“Miyuki! Wash the blood away with your water jutsu!”

I nodded and summoned my water jutsu. I waved my hands in the air above me and water started to gather around me. I drenched the uncompleted blood circle and the remains of it washed away. As Hidan stumbled back towards us he let out a frustrated cry.

“How dare you ruin my ritual? You’re going to pay!”

Sasori summoned one of puppets and I saw its tip was poisoned. He sent it forward and it struck Hidan. He groaned but held his ground. Sweeping his scythe across the ground, he maneuvered his way around Sasori and struck him on the face. Blood started to drip from his face. Hidan retreated into the shadows, licked at the blood and started to draw another circle.

“No! I don’t think so!” I cried and ran forward.

I lashed my arms out, making water flood on Hidan. He was deflecting my water though with his scythe. My eyes widened and I cried out as he completed his circle.

“No!!” I yelled, kicking and punching at him.

He just blocked my attacks with his scythe and I fell backwards onto the forest floor. I got back up, my whole body quivering. Hidan stabbed himself in the arm then. I turned and glanced at Sasori and sure enough his arm started to seep with blood. I let out a horrified cry.

“Stop it!” I shouted, drenching him in water.

He deflected the water again. I decided to do a tsunami wave then. Gathering all of my power within me I raised my arms above my head and slammed them down as I summoned my water jutsu. It washed over Hidan, drenching him. Even he couldn’t have deflected such a wave. I panted and smiled back at Sasori who gave me a thumb up. I jerked my head in Hidan’s direction and Sasori nodded. We raced forward. I kicked him in his stomach and Sasori used his puppet to slice off his head. It went rolling to the ground. Hidan’s head yelled at us from the ground.

“Put my head back on dammit!”

I laughed and said, “Only if you admit we won.”

Hidan huffed at us. He shouted out blasphemies and refused to admit that we had lost.

“Then we’re leaving you here.” I replied to his shocked face.

“No don’t!! Okay you guys won!”

“And?” Sasori asked prodding.

“And what?!” He cried out angry.

“You know what,” he responded.

Hidan let out a loud groan. “All right I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions and making you fight me for such a stupid reason.”

Sasori turned to me, “Satisfied Miyuki?”

I nodded and Sasori picked up Hidan’s head and put it on his shoulders. It reattached itself. We all walked back together. Hidan didn’t say another word to us about the fight or about him having to apologize to us.