The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

Sasori's Ex

~Sasori's P.O.V.~

Pein gave me and Miyuki a mission to collect some money from a certain ninja named Loki. We were getting paid for Itachi and Kisame assassinating a ninja of great importance. People hated this ninja and wanted him dead so they hired us to kill him. Now it was payday and Pein was too lazy to go and get it himself. The mission was going to take place in the sand village, the village I had betrayed. Oh boy here we go I thought.

We approached the kazekage’s building, the place where all money matters were resolved, and walked in. People were rushing around in the building, colliding with each other and apologizing when this happened. Miyuki and I bypassed this all, took an elevator and went to the top floor, where we would find the ninja named Loki, and get our pay. While in the elevator we heard cheesy music that sounded like it belonged someplace in the ‘80s. The elevator stopped and we got out. I immediately saw a man with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail and a ninja cat sitting on the floor beside him. He looked up and his eyes lit up with recognition.

“Are you two Sasori and Miyuki?”

We nodded and he smiled at us. He pulled out a bag of money and tossed it to me.

“There’s your money. Thanks for doing business with us.”

I nodded, “Thanks a lot Loki.”

“No problem,” he replied and we left.

“Well that was ridiculously easy,” Miyuki said when we were walking out of the kazekage’s building.

“Yeah it was,” I responded.

Just then a sandy blonde haired ninja who lived here and who I used to know ran up to us. “Sasori!! It’s been forever!!” She cried as she tried to hug me.

I stepped out of the way and she pouted. “What’s wrong sassy?”

“Okay one; don’t call me that and two, Temari I’m with someone now. So leave me alone.”

Temari’s eyes looked hurt. She glanced over at Miyuki then. “This is your new girlfriend? What a wimpy looking ninja.” She laughed cruelly.

Miyuki looked mad, she started yelling at Temari. “How dare you? I don’t know why you’re being so mean but let me tell you this Sasori’s mine now.”

Whoa!! Miyuki wasn’t acting passive now!

Temari just laughed, “He’s not yours. He’s never been yours. He is and will always be mine.”

Okay that was it. First she insulted my girlfriend then she called me her property. That wasn’t cool, not in my book anyway.

“Temari,” I said my voice getting dangerous sounding.

“Yes?” She asked oblivious to the anger dripping off me.

“I’ve had enough with this possessive crap!! We went out for a month and you think you can make fun of my girlfriend and tell me you own me? Let me tell you girlie you can’t!!!”

Temari backed away from me a little bit. My eyes were swirling dangerously and my hands were clenched tightly ready to knock her out. “Calm down sassy. You don’t know what you’re saying. That girl over there is manipulating you.”

I snapped then. “That’s it!! Oh my God Temari you’re so annoying!! You and me are going to have a fight and if you lose you’re going to promise to leave me alone, forever.”


“No buts!! Every time I was with another girl you were jealous as if I were cheating on you!! I wasn’t!! I broke up with you because you’re a jealous possessive bitch!!”

Temari’s face reddened and her eyes hardened. “Fine if I can’t have you no one can. We’ll fight and I’ll kill you in front of your toy.”

“As if that would ever happen,” I scoffed.

“And don’t call Miyuki my toy!! I love her!”

Temari giggled, “Yeah right. You can’t love. You never could.” She was pushing me too far.

“Shut the hell up and fight me dammit!” Temari looked surprised by my anger but nodded.

“We’ll go up on the kazekage’s roof and fight.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa, Sasori's pissed!