The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

Fight With Temari

I stood on the left side of the kazekage’s roof, my hands twitching to shed some blood. Temari stood to the left, looking pissed as well. Her eyes were cold and her arms were crossed over her chest in an angry way. Miyuki was standing off to the side, looking frightened. I looked her way and gave her a wink. She smiled softly but still looked worried.

“Are you ready?” Temari hollered.

I nodded and at that moment she whipped out her huge fan. I summoned my third kazekage puppet and raced at her. She swung her fan and a huge wind headed my way. I held my ground though, focusing on running at her. I made my puppet go forward. It slashed at her and she went plummeting back. I smirked and focused all of my energy on attacking her body while it was floating in the air. I jumped in the air with my puppet and slammed her floating body onto the ground. Her back hit the ground hard and she let out a shrill cry. Getting up, her movements were shaky and unsteady. She lifted her fan again and raced towards me.

She couldn’t move that fast now though, since she had been hurt so badly. I parried her attack with my puppet and she went skidding back. I was playing around too much with her. I had to get serious. Not that she was any threat to me at all but she was getting on my nerves. I made my puppet throw out dozens of arms and strike Temari as she jumped in the air and attempted to hit me with another wind attack. Her attack failed, however, and she ended up getting hit by my puppet’s arms. Crying out she fell to the ground, coughing up blood. I chuckled, I was winning so far. She hadn’t even been able to touch me, which was sad. She must have been growing soft. She had been better when we had last fought. She had actually hit me a couple of times.

“This is just sad Temari, are you even trying?” I stated bored.

Her eyes got steely and she shouted at me, “Shut up you!!”

I shrugged and continued our fight. I threw myself up into the air and made my puppet throw out a dozen arms, but instead of hitting her with them I made them shoot out kunai’s. Almost all of them hit her square on. She let out a loud yell and staggered backwards.

“I-I’m not done yet!” She cried out and opened her fan a little bit more.

“Is that so?” I asked still cocky.

Temari jumped in the air then and tossed a kunai with a paper bomb attached to it. I dodged it easily and sighed. She didn’t even seem like she was trying. This was really pathetic. I made my puppet go forward and use its razor hands. It rushed forward, slicing at her. She dodged surprisingly fast. I snuck a blow but she deflected it with her fan.

I frowned, “You seem to be getting more serious.”

She snarled at me and opened her fan to its full width. Swinging it forward I was blown back quite a bit. Not enough to make me fall to the ground though.

“Give it up girl, you can’t win!” I hollered at her.

“Never!! I want your blood to spill out and watch you die!” She certainly was hostile.

I laughed, “That’s not going to happen.”

My puppet rushed forward again and threw poisonous gas her way. She started coughing. I could tell she had inhaled some of it.

“Don’t breathe it in dammit!! Just give up and you’ll live to see another day.”

She continued to cough, “No!” Then she began to wheeze.

I sighed and pulled her out of the poison. I checked her, she hadn’t inhaled too much. But another minute of breathing that in and she would have been a goner.

Miyuki ran up to me then. “Is she going to be okay?” She asked.

I nodded, she was so kind hearted. “Let’s take her to the kazekage though."

“He’s her brother,” I explained at Miyuki’s blank look.