The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

Art Off!

~Sasori's P.O.V.~

The fight about art started up when Eya and Miyuki were talking about art and their favorite ways to paint and draw.

“Do you like to draw in black and white Miyuki?” Eya had asked.

Miyuki shook her head, “It’s all right but I prefer Technicolor.”

Eya frowned, “Really? Because I think black and white is so gorgeous!! You really have to be skilled in art to pull it off.”

Miyuki shrugged, “I guess. But drawing in black and white or painting in it always seemed so easy.”

Eya huffed, “It isn’t easy Miyuki! Far from it!! Black and white may look simple but it takes a lot of skill to pull it off.”
“Besides Technicolor is so much easier. You can make the colors stand out and the picture is ultimately easier to make look good.”
Miyuki frowned, “That isn’t true!! You have to choose the correct colors or the picture looks all funny!!”

Eya shrugged, “I still think black and white is harder, prettier and better overall.”

“Take that back Eya!” Miyuki screamed.

Eya shook her head. This got the girls to fight and they ended up involving Deidara and me. We were with them when this happened and both girls turned to us.

“What do you think is better?” Deidara and I looked at each other scared suddenly.

“Listen girls. Deidara and I have different views on art than you two do.”

Miyuki frowned, “What are your views?”

“You know them,” I replied.

“Right you like everlasting art.”

“And you like fleeting art that goes out with a bang.”

We both nodded and then they both got an idea. Uh-oh.

“Sasori!! You’re on my side right?” I jumped.

“Deidara! Don’t tell me you agree with Miyuki?”

Deidara laughed and looked uncomfortable.

“Well?” They both looked at us, their eyes shining.

How could I say no to that? “I’m with you Miyuki.”

“And I’m with you Eya.”

Both girls groaned. “I knew this was going to happen. Our boyfriends won’t tell us the truth.” Eya replied.

“There’s only one thing that we can do now!” Miyuki said.

“And what would that be?” I asked.

Both girls glanced at each other before finally exclaiming, “We’re going to have an art off!” I glanced at Deidara and he looked just as surprised as I did.

“But! We both have to draw the opposite of how we normally do..” Eya proclaimed.

“Right! And that means I’ll do a black and white piece and Eya will do a Technicolor piece.”

“Exactly!” Eya said excited.

“Sasori you’ll help me right?” Miyuki asked me suddenly.

I was speechless. “Deidara! You won’t let Miyuki win will you?”

Eya said turning to him. “We’ll help.”

We both said and that’s how we got roped in this silly art off.

Miyuki’s P.O.V.

I took out a pencil out, put a piece of canvas on my art easel and sighed. “How in the hell am I going to do this? I suck at doing anything black and white!” I whined.

“I’ll help you baby, I’m decent at black and white,” Sasori said to my back.

I turned around and smiled, “Thanks honey!! Can you show me how to do a proper black and white drawing?” Sasori nodded, grabbed my pencil out of my hand took my sketch pad out of my drawer and started sketching.

“Ok, I’m done. Look at my drawing,” Sasori said handing over my sketch pad to me.

I held it in my hands and my mouth dropped. He had drawn a black and white picture of me and him. In the drawing he was holding me tightly against him. I blushed when I saw a giant heart floating above our heads. It was very good I thought my eyes drinking it all in.

“This is really good Sasori,” I replied surprise entering my voice.

“Thanks,” he said bashfully.

“I’ll try drawing a sketch now,” I responded.

I grabbed the pencil and sketch pad out of Sasori’s hands and began to sketch. I took a long time to draw a picture in black and white. When I was done I showed it to Sasori. He grabbed it out of my hands, looked at it and got a strange expression on his face.

“Er,” he said.

“What’s wrong?” I asked afraid.

“It needs work,” he replied suddenly.

“Oh,” I said hanging my head.

“Hey Miyuki don’t worry. I’ll teach you step by step how to draw in black and white effectively.”

I smiled, “Thanks.”

“Okay so the trick to doing black and white is to not overdo the shading. Most people who can’t do black and white shade way too much and leave barely any white. That isn’t right. You need to have a good balance between the greys, blacks and whites in your drawing.”

I nodded and listened to Sasori carefully.

“Give me your hand,” he said. I gave him my hand and he put a pencil in it. He made my hand move on the page. He helped me draw a cat. He moved my hand up and down the page and then helped me shade it. After he helped me with the drawing I stared at it astonished.

“This is a lot better than my drawing!”

Sasori chuckled, “I told you I was decent at black and white.”

I shook my head, “You’re way better than decent. This is bordering talented.”

Sasori blushed, “Why thank you.”

“All right I’m going to try doing another drawing in black and white!” I exclaimed. I took my pencil and started drawing in my sketch pad. This drawing took me a lot less time than the last one. I handed my drawing over to Sasori and waited.

“This is a lot better,” he said astonished sounding.

I grinned, “Thanks. I’ll draw a couple more pictures before I start on the real one.”

“Good idea,” Sasori replied.

I turned the page to a blank one and started to sketch. I drew four different black and white pictures. The first one was of a fairy sitting on a mushroom, the second one was of a unicorn grazing on the grass in a forest, the third was of a mermaid sitting on a rock, combing her hair, and the fourth was a close up shot of a vampire, blood dripping off her face. I showed them to Sasori and he seemed impressed by all of them.

“You’re really getting a lot better,” he said astounded.

I blushed and giggled. “Thanks,” I said.

“I think you’re ready for the real one,” he said suddenly.

“What? But are you absolutely sure?” I asked afraid.

Sasori nodded, “You’re ready.”

I decided to paint in black and white. The painting itself took kind of long but when I was done Sasori looked speechless.

“Damn girl, that looks really good,” he replied.

I blushed, “Thank you babe.”

My black and white painting was of a pond filled with koi fish. There were rocks in the pond, making the painting more unique. I had to admit it did look pretty good. Eya was going to have trouble beating me I thought happily. I let my painting dry then. I went over and sat down on my bed. Sasori came over and joined me.

He gazed at me and said proudly, “Eya’s Technicolor piece won’t compare to your black and white piece.”

I laughed, “How do you know? She’s a really good artist Sasori.”

He shrugged, “I realize that. But this painting is spell-bounding.”

My face reddened slightly, “Thanks.”

When my painting had finished drying I carried it over to Eya’s room. Sasori trailed behind me. Knocking on Eya’s door, I waited patiently until she answered. Two minutes later she emerged, saw I had an art piece with me and grinned.

“You’re done too I take it?” She questioned.

I nodded and she let me in her room. Deidara, was sitting on her bed and when Sasori and I came in, he looked up. Eya was standing in front of her art piece, hiding it from view.

“Okay,” Eya began, twirling a piece of her hair. “We’ll show you guys our art pieces at the same time.”

Deidara and Sasori nodded and I walked over next to Eya. “One, two,” Eya began.

“Three!” She shouted suddenly. She unveiled her art piece and I turned mine around. Both guys gasped.

“Eya,” Sasori started.

“Miyuki,” Deidara said shocked.

I glanced over and looked at Eya’s art piece. My mouth dropped open. Her art piece was amazing. I couldn’t compete with it. It was a Technicolor pastel drawing of Deidara and Sasori. Both of them were positioned in a fighting stance. Deidara had his hand thrust out, a clay bird about to leap from his hand. Sasori had his hand on his puppet, about to command it to attack. It was a stunning art piece. I hung my head sadly. Eya glanced over at my art piece. It looked feeble and pathetic compared to hers. Eya’s eyes widened.

“Miyuki, that’s a really good art piece…” She said trailing off.

I shook my head forlornly, “Yours is better.”

Eya gaped at me as if I were crazy. “No it isn’t. While mine is very detailed, it doesn’t utilize the colors as well as you utilized your blacks, whites and greys. Trust me I know. Your piece is so much better.”

I picked my head up, “Really?”

She nodded, smiling. “What do you guys think?” She asked turning to Deidara and Sasori.

“I think both pieces are great in their own ways,” Deidara responded.

Sasori nodded, “I agree with Dei, both pieces exude brilliance.”

Both Eya and I blushed. “You guys,” we both said.

Then both of us sighed, “Who won though?”

Deidara and Sasori glanced at each other. “I think it’s a tie,” both guys replied.

We groaned and Deidara and Sasori laughed. “Girls, girls that’s not a bad thing,” Deidara said.

“Yeah, in fact that just means that you finally grasped how hard each art style is. But in the end you executed your art style well. So both of you are winners,” Sasori said beaming.

Eya and I glanced at each other. “You know you guys are right,” I began.

Eya nodded, “They are. We both learned that certain art styles, while they might seem easy, aren’t always so…Black and white.”

I giggled, “True that.”

In the end Eya took my black and white painting and hung it up on her wall. I, put her pastel painting on my wall as well. We agreed that we really liked each other’s piece of art. I guess all art isn’t easy, but it sure is fun.