The Sexy Puppeteer Has Captured My Heart

No Mission

Sasori's P.O.V

I headed towards Pein’s office again this week for about the hundredth time. I let out a low sigh and knocked on his door.

“Come in,” he roared.

I opened the door and entered. “What is it this time, sir?” I asked wearily.

Pein looked a little annoyed at my tone. “I have a mission for you today.”

I sighed quietly but he seemed to hear it.

“You know Sasori I don’t need this attitude from you,” he replied suddenly.

“Well sir, I don’t need a hundred missions in one week either. Especially all of them on my own.”

Oh I see what this is about,” he said quickly.

I arched a red eye brow in his direction. “You want a partner, don’t you? Ever since Eya got paired up with Deidara you’ve been partner less.”

I opened my mouth and closed it. He was missing the point completely. Sure I wanted a partner but I also wanted a break every now and then!

“Who would you like to be paired with?”

“Miyuki,” I replied simply.

Pein nodded, “Sure no problem.

So about that misson..”

I groaned, “Look boss, I know you think I’m only being this way because I wanted a partner but you’re only half right.”

“Oh?” He inquired.

“I want a break from all these missions, sir.”

He stared at me quizzically.

“If you don’t mind,” I replied at his startled look.

Pein sighed and flipped through a book randomly lying on his desk. I saw him scan his eyes through the pages.

“Well since you asked so nicely I don’t see why I couldn’t give you a day or two off.”

I smiled at him.

“I’ll assign the mission to Hidan and Kakuzu.”

“Thanks boss,” I said and he nodded.

I left him and went off to find Miyuki.

Miyuki’s P.O.V.

I was flipping through Eya’s sketch book and I had to say I was impressed. She had told me a while ago that her definition of art was aesthetics and magic. While that was cool and all I had to disagree with her, see my definition of art was timeless and undying art. So I was basically with Sasori. I knew Deidara’s definition of art differed from mine and Eya’s. His definition of art was that art was fleeting, never staying there for a very long time, and it went out with a bang. I was intrigued by his definition of art but I had never agreed with it. As I continued to flip through her sketch book I heard Deidara whisper sweet nothings to Eya.

“This is amazing girl,” I said putting her sketch book down and looking at her.

She began to blush a light pink color.

“Thanks, that means a lot to me.” She replied.

I grinned at her. Then my heart started to ache a little when I thought of Sasori. He was probably not going to be back from his mission for a long time.

“Why does Sasori get so many missions from Pein?” I asked quizzically.

Deidara sighed, “It’s because he does everything so efficiently and with such flair that Pein has gotten impressed and so he gives Sasori all of the hard missions.”

I nodded, “That doesn’t seem fair though.”

Eya shrugged, “Yeah it sucks but what can he do? Pein isn’t exactly reasonable.”

I sighed, she had a point there, most of the time it was his way or the highway.

“So when did you realize you loved Eya, Deidara?”

I had asked this question before and I had gotten similar answers but never one that was the quite the same.

“For me it was love at first sight,” he said surprising me.

He had never told me that before. Usually he told me that her spunky personality or when he first kissed her made him realize that he was madly in love with her. But this, this was really different.

“You’ve never told me that before Deidara.”

Deidara chuckled, “I guess I haven’t Miyuki but it’s the truth.”

I nodded my pink hair moving with me.

“What made you fall for Sasori, Miyuki?” Deidara asked me.

I blushed a rosy color and said, “Well like I’ve said before I fell in love with his definition of art, the way he perseveres like no one I’ve ever met before, his kind heart, and the way he can make me feel so at ease with him.”

Deidara chuckled, “That’s a heck of a lot of things Miyuki.”

I blushed and this only caused the blonde haired man to laugh more.

Sasori's P.O.V.

I was walking to Deidara’s room to tell him that I had the next two days off. When I got to his room I knocked but after a full minute had passed no one came to the door. Sighing, I wondered if he was in Eya’s room. That could be very possible. So I headed in the direction of Eya’s room. When I came to her room I was about to knock when I heard Miyuki’s voice?
“Well like I’ve said before I fell in love with his definition of art, the way he perseveres like no one I’ve ever met before, his kind heart, and the way he can make me feel so at ease with him.” I heard her voice trickle through the slightly open door. Was she talking about me? I thought with a start. She had to be.

I got a deep blush on my face. She was so kind! I knocked on Eya’s door and from inside heard Eya say, “It’s open.”

I pushed open the door and made my way inside her room.

“Hey Sasori my man,” Deidara said smiling.

“Hey dude,” Eya replied from her place on the bed, next to Deidara.

“Hey angel,” Miyuki said blushing.

Her greeting was what caused my face to redden even further. I stood there dumbly for about 15 seconds then closed the door behind me. I made my way to where Miyuki was sitting on the edge of Eya’s bed.

“So I thought you had a mission today Sasori?” Deidara asked me.

I waved a hand absently in his direction, “No I don’t. I convinced Pein to let me get today and tomorrow off. Oh and I’m Miyuki’s partner now.”

The look on Miyuki’s face said it all, she was thrilled.

“Really, hmm?”

I nodded and Miyuki threw her arms around my neck. “Oh that’s so great dear!”

I laughed as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Looks like someone’s happy, yeah,” Deidara said at Miyuki’s sudden display of affection.

“Of course I am!” Miyuki said turning to Deidara but keeping her arms around me.

He just laughed and said, “Yeah I could tell.”

All of us talked for a while and I had so much fun. Miyuki cuddled against me and I loved it. She really was attached to me and I had to admit I was attached to her as well.
When it was time for bed Miyuki and I shuffled out of Eya’s room.

“See you guys later!” I waved bye.

Deidara nodded and Eya smiled at us. I closed the door behind us and I turned to Miyuki. “That was fun,” I replied simply. She nodded, her eyes twinkling with delight.

“It really was.”

We walked to her room, since it was closer and as I said goodbye to her she gave me a deep and warm kiss on the lips. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her in for a deeper and more passionate kiss. She seemed to be enjoying herself, her body meshed with mine. Too soon the kiss ended and I left her with that fond memory to remember me by. She waved goodbye and then went into her room.
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I made this chapter longer due to inspiration hitting me like crazy! Anyway I hope you enjoy!! I would really love comments on how I'm doing in this story!! :D